Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 80: God-like grandpa

   "Mike O'Donahue?"

   William opened his mouth slightly and repeated.

  The name...

   is very familiar, like I have heard it somewhere before, and it is the kind that has been heard many times.

   "Yes, the boss."

   was the correspondent on the headset. After hearing William's self-talk, he responded:

  "According to Article 25 of the Athabasca Agreement, when a city with a population of more than 500,000 is attacked by an anomaly, the army commander closest to the area will respond as soon as possible.

   And the highest rank near New York is Lieutenant General Mike O'Donahu who is stationed outside Princeton. "

   "Okay, I see." William nodded slightly.

   looked through the porthole towards the red-emitting Manha, squinted his eyes, and added another command:

   "Notify Minos, let Major Kent **** Cortana and the Spartan team to Long Island as soon as possible."

   "Yes, boss." The correspondent fell silent, as if relaying William's orders.

   A few seconds later, he said: "Boss, Major Kent has received the order."

   "Very good."

   William frowned, pinched his chin and wondered if there was anything he needed to add, and then whispered:

   "Troy is preparing to provide logistical support for Long Island, and there may be a tough battle to fight."


   "Hmm." After explaining all the matters, William cut off the contact with Troy.

   Then he leaned back on the seat, vaguely listening to the roar of the helicopter engine and the report from the pilot to the ground.

   Empty your mind a little bit.

   a tough fight?

   Where is the tough fight so simple.

   Elizabeth Green made 40,000 people her "children" in an instant, and let those infected aggressively attack and spread the virus.

  William remembers that when they just evacuated, they had already faced a ‘corpse tide’-like effect.

   Empire 25 film and the infection source area are two kilometers apart, which is relatively close, so the scene of corpse tide is normal.

   Coupled with the rapid response of the Marine Corps, Manhattan was sealed off in time to minimize the possibility of infected persons leaking to the surroundings.

   Carefully investigate Long Island, Union, and Bronx.

   Whether there are infected persons in these three areas surrounding Manhattan, even the manpower and material resources of the police can be controlled.

   But what about Manhattan?

How to do.

   Is it possible to send troops into the city to fight to kill every infected person and eliminate every strain of virus?

almost impossible.

   In the game, Elizabeth Green ends up being swallowed by the protagonist Alex Mercer.

   This does not mean she is weak.

   In fact, the Mercer controlled by the player is the virus itself, code-named "Black Light", and this virus comes from Elizabeth Green.

   As she said: "I am your mother."

   Elizabeth Green is far stronger than Mercer in theory, but...

  ‘A cowhide. ’

   This is the only sentence in William's mind.

  ‘I hope Halsey has a solution. ’

   William, who had this thought, turned his eyes to Halsey who was learning the movement of pinching his chin and fell into thinking.

   If she can't do anything...

   That can only be really done once.

  William believes that when it becomes uncontrollable, the U.S. government may launch a nuclear bomb before they wait for Umbrella’s Hector-class hydrogen ejection field.

   "Boss." The crew member sitting on the side reminded him with the headset in his left hand:

   "We will arrive at the temporary base on Long Island soon!"

"it is good."

   Hearing this, William shook his hand to show that he knew, then turned his head and looked under the porthole.

   I saw the Kennedy Airport, which was originally for civilian use. The runway is full of American military transport aircraft, and in front of the hangar are helicopters waiting to take off or land.

   There are also a large number of Marines in light gray military uniforms, either patrolling on Hummers, or carrying all kinds of materials into the hangar.

   seems to be turning this place into a temporary military fortress.

   From the moment the virus broke out, directly past the President and the Department of Defense to mobilize his own soldiers, and rushed to New York from the Princeton Military Base 30 kilometers away.

   At the same time as the blockade of Manhattan, there are also transport aircraft formations that can dispatch armed helicopters to **** him.

   It can be seen that the Lieutenant General Mike O'Donahue is not just a question of courage...

   is also very likely to be someone who loves the Russell family.

   After all, William learned from Andre that his grandfather named Sears Russell was a man who covered the sky with his hands in the 70s and 80s of the last century.

   At that time, Sears used the Russell family's money and influence to help many young people who were in desperate situation and had something to do with them.

   And according to those people's areas of expertise, the greatest funding was given, either sent to the army for training or sent to a prestigious school.

   is like Andre.

   As a high-powered and extremely loyal spy, Silstery stayed by his side, but a bodyguard can also be a detective.

  Thinking over here.

   William shivered all over.

   Because those young people have long become politicians and generals of various countries, and they hold the lifeblood of the country.

   The influence and financial resources of the Russell family are definitely not what his wonderful father can do.

It's just like…

   is like his grandfather did it on purpose.


   William couldn't help but lie down in his heart.

   If this is the case, then his grandpa is a god.

   Otherwise, the "Athabasca Agreement" will be drafted and signed so smoothly, UU reading even gladly agreed to Umbrella to build large military bases around the world.

   Before, he was thinking about how to deal with various countries after the start of the course dawn plan.

  Let’s see now...

  Think carefully and fear.

   Is it really your grandfather or your grandfather?


   At this time, the UH-60 Black Hawk fuselage was frustrated and buffered, and successfully landed in the Kennedy Airport.

   See here.

   William no longer entangled with his grandfather, instead he took off the earphones and got up from the waist of the cat, stretched out his hand and patted Halsey who was still in a daze.

   smiled and said, "Okay, it's time to go."

   After speaking, he opened the sliding door and walked out first, then turned around to help her down.

   "Huh? Um...oh."

   Halsey, who was successfully ‘restarted’, didn’t have the usual brilliance, but rather tired and powerless.

   Seeing my lover become like this.

   William quickly helped her take off the earphones, helped her leave the cabin, and walked quickly away from the area where the helicopter was swirling.

  When he came under a covered bridge, William worried about her: "Catherine, what's wrong with you...?"

   "I'm fine."

   Halsey closed her eyes and sighed: "It's just...

   Thinking of the peculiarities of the zero patient, my head aches. I am afraid... afraid that no containment measures can be found. "

   William was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and kneaded her face, cheeks encouraged:

  " I'm discouraged when I come up, but it doesn't fit your style.

   Alright, get your energy up, and there is another Lieutenant General who wants to see you next time. "

   Halsey smiled reluctantly, and shook William's hand touching her, and softly promised:
