Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 803: Plan the remaining infinite gems


Horus was confused by Arthur's remarks.

Slowly, Horus looked at Jane with disdain, and said, "That's different. My father has a very strong physique. That woman has no self-protection ability. I can take her with my little finger. Stabbed to death."

After speaking, Horus put the empty wine glass on the table, ready to reach for another glass.

"Tsk, you hapless kid!"

However, after Arthur heard that Horus always put the words ‘kill’ and ‘death’ on his lips, he directly punched Horus on the top of the head.

"Uncle..." Arthur's sudden punch interrupted Horus's movement of holding the glass, and asked Arthur with a look of confusion:

"Why are you hitting me?"

Horus is very temperamental to outsiders, but he is very gentle with his family, so he is not as unruly as he was when he faced Sol and Odin for the first time.

"If you don't hit you again, no one can control you."

Arthur was not as joking as before, and put the wine glass in his left hand on the long table, and then said to Horus earnestly:

"Boy, I understand your current state of mind. You also have the capital to be indifferent. You look down on any race and creature, but you can't kill with such a heavy heart, you understand?"

"Um... Did I have it?" Horus didn't seem to notice, his murderous intention was very serious.

"Boy, let me ask you, how did it feel like you murdered for the first time." Arthur asked in a deep voice.

"The first time to kill..." Horus recalled the hydra head Pierce, and then replied without thinking: "It doesn't feel much, it's like crushing a bug."

"I heard that you tore the cursed warrior by your hands? Didn't you." Arthur asked again: "What did you think at that time?"

"Well, it's, it should be not full of fun, that guy can't hurt me, he's not good at playing." Horus answered truthfully.

"..." After hearing Horus' words, Arthur's face became more solemn.

Through the conversation, Arthur found that his nephew did not feel the panic or restlessness of the first murder.

I think that when he and Karl together wiped out the exiles, they were not humans, but alien races such as Guru and Ghostface Beasts, but they were also high-level beings with wisdom, so it made him nauseous.

In fact, Arthur did not know that Ivan, who was only four years old, had killed dozens of reformed soldiers of the cult without a word in order to save Shia.

Afterwards, William asked Ivan if I had any discomfort, but Ivan said there was nothing, and thought it should be done...

And Horus is the son of Ivan, so it makes sense, why Horus is no longer guilty of killing.

There was a moment of silence.

Arthur prepared to persuade Horus in another way, saying: "Boy, I think my sister-in-law should always tell you the story of the Olympus gods."

"Hoo~! Cool!" Horus, who had already picked up the glass again, drank and yelled out again, and replied:

"Of course, otherwise I don't know how magnificent the Temple of Olympus is!"

" should also know the former Greek God of War, Ares." Arthur said.

"My uncle?" Horus was taken aback, and then revealed undisguised disgust and said: "My uncle is simply a fool. He is full of killing except for killing, hey!

Oh, there is another seizure of power. If it weren't for the **** uncle who wanted to seize power, it wouldn't lead my other bald uncle up the mountain, causing the Greek gods to go straight down the altar!

and many more…"

Speaking of this, even if Horus had no brain impulse, he also found that there was something in Arthur's words.

Horus turned his head and looked at his uncle, only to see Arthur, who often showed indifferent expression, was looking at him with a solemn expression and worry in his eyes.

Needless to say, Horus also understood Arthur's meaning.


Horus also became very serious, and assured Arthur: "Uncle, thank you for your wake-up, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"Hahaha~!" Seeing Horus listened to it, Arthur laughed heartily, put his arm on Horus' shoulder again, and took the wine glass and blew it all.

Then he yelled: "Ah~! Cool!"

Arthur was in a very happy mood. Not only did he save Sol's parents, or the reality gem he was about to obtain, but more importantly, he put the boy Horos on the right track.

Horus is still young and his temperament is not stable, but his heart is good. As long as Horus is aware of his shortcomings and weaknesses, Horus will never be the second Ares.

Seeing Arthur so happy, Horus also had a drink with his uncle.

Although according to the law, the two of them are not allowed to drink, they are not on the earth anymore, and their physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people. It doesn't matter if they have a carnival.


Arthur wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his left hand, looked around with a slightly red face, and tapped Horus on the shoulder with his right hand, showing a deep smile and said:

"Boy, don't you look down on mortals? The women who come here to meet are the daughters of Asgard officials or the descendants of about it, are you interested in making an Asgard girlfriend? "

"Not interested." Horus answered without hesitation.

"Not interested?" Arthur said in a daze: "Boy, although the people of Asgard look very useless, but the density of skin, bones and muscles is three times that of humans, they are still ordinary people, like this kind of nobleman. Women should be stronger...

Really not interested? "

"Yeah." Horus said softly: "No matter how strong it is, it won't reach the level of my mother."

"This..." Arthur said with a wry smile: "There are not many remaining Greek gods, and there are even fewer goddesses. Where can I find a goddess like my sister-in-law..."

"Anyway, my life span is approaching infinite. I don't care, I will find it sooner or later." Horus was not very concerned about men and women, and then asked Arthur:

"Uncle, now that we have got the reality gems, what's next?"

"Hmm..." After hearing this, Arthur thought about it for a moment, then said:

"At present, the time gem is in the hands of Gu Yi, and Gu Yi chose to cooperate with which is equivalent to our Umbrella's control of time, mind, and reality gems that we will get immediately.

The space gems should be placed in Asgard for now, with Father Odin guarding them, there shouldn't be any danger.

Only the last two gems are left, soul and destruction. The soul gem is still on Vomer, the gem of destruction... I think about it...

If there is no accident, the gem of destruction should still be on the abandoned planet Morag, and then stolen by the Star Lord, then it will be the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 1". "

Horus shrugged and failed to provide any effective advice. After all, he didn't know much about Marvel.

Then Arthur said to himself from time to time: "We don't have the coordinates of these planets, but Odin should have... We can discuss with Odin."


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