Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 804: End of Asgard trip

"it is good."

Horus had no objection to this, and then the young God of War picked up the glass again and drank the cold beer again.

Arthur put down the wine glass in his hand, got up and left Astarte and elites such as Horus, Gabriel, and Vadim, and walked towards the main seat of the conference hall, preparing to discuss the infinite gems with Odin. Attribution, and the coordinates of those two planets.

"Hahaha~! Vadim, you can't do anything like this!"

"Oh... this wine is a bit strong."

When Arthur left, this area was again filled with the noise of Gabriel and Vadim's wine fight, and Vadim, whose skin was light gray, actually began to turn purple because of the beer, and his speech became uncomfortable. Gradually, Towards a drunk posture.

Seeing that Vadim was dying, Gabriel, who was drinking righteously, turned to look at Horus sitting at the corner of the table, raised the oversized wine glass in his right hand, and said loudly to Horus:

"Come! To our God of War Horus of Umbrella! Drink!"

"Drink!" A gang of Blood Crows and elites also joined in the excitement, raising their glasses to face Horus.


Horus, who was drinking alone, was taken aback first, but also stood up very freely, raised his glass high, the wine was splashed everywhere because of the shaking, and loudly said: "Okay! Drink! Let you see the amount of alcohol of the **** of war!" "



Horus's personality was not restrained, and with Gabriel's booing, he began to drink with these blood crows and elites who were on average over two meters in height, which also made the atmosphere of the whole banquet more lively.

Even many young generals in Asgard began to gradually join the wine bureau of blood crows and elites such as Horus, and they also attracted the attention and attention of everyone present.

Like Vostag, who was wide and fat, he joined him with a wine glass in his hands, and laughed louder than Gabriel with his throat.

The other dignitaries and veterans who didn't like to drink so much just smiled at the crowd, and then resumed talking to each other as before.

However, Sieff, who was sitting in the other corner of the banquet hall, did not have any smile on his face. Instead, he was drinking sullen wine alone, looking at Saul and Jane who were already hugging each other outside the banquet hall.

In addition, Thor suddenly summoned Thor's Hammer, and with a throw of his hand, he flew off the platform outside the banquet hall with Jane, without thinking about what they were going to do next.

"Hey..." With a sad sigh, Sieff no longer looked at the empty platform, but turned to look at the crowd on the other side of the banquet hall.

Many dignitaries and generals in the banquet hall were toasting with Horus.

After all, during the battle with the dark elves yesterday, most Asgardians saw Horus who had become a giant, and shot down the dark elves' mothership with a single halberd. Their strength was undoubtedly powerful.

In addition, Odin was still speaking out loud at the beginning of the banquet, announcing that Asgard had reached a cooperation with Umbrella, so the generals and dignitaries were moved to make friends with Horus.

Moreover, Horus still looked like a brainless person, almost the same as the original Sol.

In contrast, the main position of the banquet hall.

Odin, with a kind smile, was talking in a low voice with Friga. After all, according to the prophecy, Friga should have died from the attack of the cursed warrior, but now Friga is still intact, so Odin is in a good mood. , Showing a rare smile.

At this moment, Arthur walked not far from the main seat and respectfully said to Odin: "God King Odin, I want to talk to you about something."

"Of course no problem." Odin still smiled and waved his left hand, motioning to the maids standing around to prepare a guest chair for Arthur.

After Arthur was seated, Odin asked, "What do you want to talk to me?"

"There are three things." Arthur quickly sorted out his thoughts and said: "First of all, in accordance with our Umbrella's practice, the two parties have to sign a series of contracts, articles of association and agreements. After all, we are a formal enterprise.

Therefore, in order to achieve true cooperation, after I return to Earth, an agreement will be drawn up, which will then need to be signed by you, King Odin. "

"Agreement?" Odin's one-eyed squinted slightly, and said, "There is indeed such a rule in the mortal world. Okay, this is fine."

"Thank you." Arthur continued: "The second one is the question of the ownership of the infinite gems."

"Oh? What kind of attribution." Odin said in a light tone.

"There are many forces in the entire universe who want to **** infinite gems. The space gems are guarded by you, the priest, and no one can take the opportunity to seize them.

The time and soul gems are currently guarded by the mysterious wizard organization and our Umbrella, and you have also seen the strength of our Umbrella, so the safest planet in the entire universe is the earth of the solar system.

So when we take out the reality gems from Miss Foster, we should be guarded by Umbrella. "Arthur said.

Hear the words.

Odin thought for a moment, then nodded and promised: "Okay, I promise you, I hope you don't do evil with infinite gems."

To be honest, Odin knew he had no means or strength to stop Umbrella from using infinite gems to do evil. Horus alone could make Asgard fall directly into the Twilight of the Gods, not to mention that Arthur knew Hela’s secret. .

"Haha." Arthur still said with a smile: "Then the third piece is the position and coordinates of Vomer and Morag, where there are the last two infinite gems, Soul and Destruction."

"Vomir and Morag?" Hearing the names of these two planets, Odin seemed to be lost in memory, and then his tone became extremely solemn, and he asked Arthur in a deep voice:

"If you got the last two infinity gems... what would you do?"

"Don't worry." Arthur still said with a harmless smile on his face: "Soul gems can only be obtained by sacrificing a loved one. With our Umbrella's style of acting, we will never do this. Like things.

What Umbrella needs to do is to take Vomir Star to ensure that others will never get the Soul Gem, and we will destroy Vomir if necessary.

As for the destruction gems, they will also be kept by Umbrella to avoid the destruction of civilizations in the universe. "

"..." Odin did not answer On the contrary, Arthur had no worries. After all, once Odin signed a non-disclosure agreement, he would completely obey Umbrella regardless of whether he had priest-level strength or not. Dispatch.

However, Odin glanced around the hall with one-eyed eyes, and finally turned his gaze to Sieff who was drinking alone, thinking for a moment and said:

"Okay, but I will send an Asgardian to lead you to Vomer and Morag, and I will supervise you."

"no problem."

Arthur didn't have any objections. After all, Umbrella's ability to crush everything lies here. There is no essential difference between one person and a thousand people to supervise.

In the early morning of the second day after the banquet, Arthur, Horus and others ended their trip to Asgard and returned to the earth to prepare for destruction and soul gems.

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