Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 814: Sunda Star

Shortly after.

Arthur and his team transferred to the smaller Roger Young-class frigate, and according to the coordinates given by Cortana, sailed to the vicinity of the Sundar Star low-Earth orbit space station.

Sundar, the capital of the New Star Empire, is not ‘backward’ like the Earth. Thousands of space ships, flying boats, merchant ships, and even mercenary warships travel to and from Sundar every day.

Involved in the civilization of the second level of technology, and it is still a multi-ethnic polity, naturally it will not exclude any unhostile businessmen, travelers, or mercenaries who **** bounty criminals to obtain rewards.

Therefore, when the Roger Yang class without obvious main guns suddenly sailed to a short distance from the space station, Sundar’s army did not take too much guard, but it still dispatched nearly 20 octagonal star fighters. The Jieyang class conducts interception, interrogation and questioning.

After all, the Roger Yang class is also 500 meters long, which is definitely a huge ship and battleship for the New Star Empire.

Soon, these fighters issued a green light model to the Roger Yang class, indicating that the Roger Yang class could descend to the ground starport of Sundar Star.

Thanks to Cortana's remote assistance, the Roger Yang class already has a very detailed false identity, that is, the mercenary group that has recently emerged in the galaxy, called the blue mercenary group.

In addition, Cortana created a fake reward criminal in the network of the New Star Empire. The task of the ‘Blue Mercenary Group’ is to hand the reward criminal to the reward publisher located on Sundar Star.

Even predators like Yongdu can come to Sundar Star, let alone the "Blue Mercenary Group" with excellent reputation under the operation of Cortana.

There are no obstacles.

The Roger Yang class soon entered the atmosphere of Sundar Star and flew towards a large star harbor built on the sea according to the coordinates given by Cortana.

After scanning, it is found that the air composition in Sonda is not much different from that of the earth, and the gravity is also 1.05g, which is very suitable for human breathing and survival.

Sailing on the sky above Sangda Star, you can overlook the unique scenery and scenery of Sangda Star.

It is not much different from the earth, with continents, oceans, forests and islands, but without the landforms of deserts and Gobi, the environment is much more beautiful than the earth.

It was not hot because of the three stars. After inspection, it was found that the average surface temperature of Sundar Star was 20 degrees, which is equivalent to spring in all seasons.

Soon, the target Starport appeared in Roger Yang's field of vision.

The Star Harbor is like a drilling platform built on the sea, but the size of the Star Harbor of Sangdaxing is a hundred times the size of those drilling platforms. It is like a steel city on the sea.

And above this starport, there are all kinds of spaceships and airships, most of which are placed in front of Roger Yang’s “Big Mac”, and they will look eclipsed. Only a few large merchant ships can barely reluctantly. Strong and similar to Roger Yang class.

At this moment, two octagonal star fighters came to the bow of the Roger Young class, leading the Roger Young class to the designated parking area.

Said it is a region, but it is actually above the sea near Xinggang.

No way, large ships like the Roger Yang class can only be anchored on the sea surface that does not affect the sky channel.

When they hovered 100 meters above the designated sea surface, the two octagonal fighters also left one after another.

Shortly after.

In the Roger Young-class hangar, a large number of DR-4 (small) transport boats are moored on designated deck slides, and only a few Pelican and other types of carrier-based aircraft.

The Roger Yang class was originally the most conventional warship in the "Starship Forces" universe. Although its internal structure has been improved by the Umbrella Shipyard, the most suitable carrier aircraft for this class of warship is still the DR-4 transport boat. .

At this time, Arthur and Horus, wearing uniforms without military ranks or collar badges, and agents in suits gathered in the center of the hangar. Pete and Wanda, still dressed in civilian clothes, were also standing in this group of people.

The agent lieutenant reported to Arthur’s Exchange: "Master Arthur, people from all forces have gathered on the Sundar Star, so I am going to disperse the agents to various areas and establish an intelligence network in a short period of time. Reorganize the earth and provide help when stepping into the entire universe."

"Yeah." Arthur nodded his head lightly without any objection, and asked, "Then lieutenant, how long will it take you?"

"It will take two days, and there are still a few agents left to hide." The lieutenant replied.

"Okay." Arthur solemnly thanked: "Then I beg you."

Arthur is very confident in the strength of the agents. Even if he stays here alone, there is no danger to his life, but doing so is equivalent to a semi-isolated state.

Sure enough, the phrase "agents are always on the front line" is not false, so Arthur admired these agents very much.

"Hehe, it's nothing. Compared to the abnormal phenomena in our universe, the alien races in this universe are much easier to deal with." The lieutenant smiled.

"The lieutenant is right."

"In fact, coming here is equivalent to a holiday."

"There are tyrants and nano serums, there is nothing to fear, Master, don't worry."

The other agents all answered with a smile, and after nearly two years of getting along, the agents' impressions and attitudes towards Arthur have changed. They believe that Arthur is most likely to control the Marvel Cinematic Universe on behalf of Umbrella.

Seeing this, the lieutenant waved his hand to signal the agents to be quiet, and said to Arthur: "It's not too late, Master Arthur, let's set off first."

"Okay." Arthur nodded.


This group of agents was divided into four groups, and then each boarded four Pelicans, and then the ground crew used the robotic arm to carry the Pelican and place it on the slide.

Immediately afterwards, the plasma hatch at the end of each slide opened, and the pilot of the Pelican started the engine, ejected out of the hangar, and flew towards the main city of Sundar Star.

Seeing the agents leave, Arthur said to Horus, Pete, and Wanda: "It's time to go to the most prosperous city on the planet, Sundar City. Let's go everyone."

When the voice fell, Arthur took the three of them to a small flying boat that looked like a vehicle.

There are enough agents to gather intelligence Arthur hopes to personally experience this multi-ethnic harmonious coexistence empire, and learn from the management methods of the new star empire, so that when Umbrella begins to set foot in the entire universe in the future, more Good management of residents of various ethnic groups.

At the same time, you can also bring Wanda and Pete along the way to get a good breath, and stay on the battleship is easy to get sick.

The flying boat has low-intelligence artificial intelligence, coupled with the coordinates of Sundar City given by Kotanali, it automatically starts the hydrogen engine and flies away from the hangar along one of the slide rails of the hangar.

At the moment of driving out, the blue sky, big clouds, sparkling sea, and the very prosperous Xinggang and other various scenery directly caught the eyes of everyone in the flying boat.

Coupled with the vision of the flying boat, it is much better than the cabin of the Pelican or other transport boats, and it just feels suddenly open, especially the brothers and sisters of Pete and Wanda who have been isolated from the outside world for a long time.

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