Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 874: Assassinated William?

small company?

Good guy, if Horus was on the scene, she might violently tear Madeline to her hands.

But everyone present did not know that Umbrella had control of the three universes.

"You mean..." When Madeleine's voice fell, the native of the country, who was gradually calming down, took the lead in reacting:

"Those weird creatures have something to do with Umbrella?"

"Yes." Madeleine took out her mobile phone and put it on the table, looked around at the crowd, and said in a deep voice:

"On the day of July 1, someone used my mobile phone number and voice to lead the natives of the country to the north of Canada, that is, on that day we were attacked and died tragically. The image of the Sevens and Walter plummeted.

But the demigod named Horus did not come out early or late. Why did he show up when the motherlander was away?

More importantly, we just learned that on June 16th, more than half a month ago, Umbrella and the Ministry of Defense displayed their individual equipment.

On the same day, the three officials who maintained a close relationship with Walter died in various accidents one after another, which made it impossible for us to obtain information about Umbrella in time.

After that, hackers and monsters raged, and the other side only targeted us, Walter, and your superheroes.

When our credibility and image were damaged, Umbrella stepped on our heads and succeeded in gaining orders from the Ministry of Defense for ten consecutive years.

The ghost believes that Umbrella has nothing to do with the so-called "super villains" and hackers on the Internet. "

"..." After hearing Madeleine's analysis, there was another silence in the conference hall.

"But... what about that demigod?"

At this time, Maeve, who was on the line of IQ throughout the play, immediately discovered an unsolvable point, and that was Horus.

Hackers and monsters can understand. After all, these things can be artificial. Although the possibility of hacking into the network at will and creating monsters stronger than superheroes is very low, it is always possible.

But how does Horus explain?

A wave of hands can create an earthquake, and can also transform one's own colossus into a one hundred and seventy-meter giant, which is obviously impossible to achieve with human power.

Only God can explain it.

Besides, Maeve claimed to be a demigod, had subconsciously regarded Horus as a kind and companion, and began to disdain to get along with Water.

"This..." Madeleine didn't know how to explain it either.

"Hey." The native of the motherland spoke contemptuously: "No matter whether he is a **** or not, if you just use Madeleine's phone to lead me away from Umbrella, you will know that the guy is afraid that I will steal his limelight.

If I were there, that super villain and monster would have been solved by me alone, and would he still need him to play? "

"Well, indeed."

"That's right."

After hearing the words of the people of the motherland, the transparent man and the locomotive, the two followers directly echoed one sentence.

The most humble deep ocean still dared not look directly into the eyes of the people of the motherland, but did not forget to echo in a low voice:

"The people of the motherland are right."

Starlight, who did not speak during the whole process, asked Madeleine at this time: "What is the relationship between that demigod and Umbrella? And why would he help Umbrella?"

"This... we can't be sure" Madeleine shook her head first, but speculated after her tone changed:

"Some information is not available online. The company used some special methods to find some useful information from a CIA agent.

That is, Horus is currently studying finance at New York University as Matthews Hoyson.

At the same time, Horus has a girlfriend named Wanda Russell, and the owner of Umbrella is named William Russell.

I think... the demigod who doesn't care about the world may accidentally become Russell's brother-in-law or son-in-law, and this was controlled by Umbrella. "

Knowing that Horus has a girlfriend, Wanda said with a lonely expression: "So that's the way it is."

"Madeleine." On the contrary, Maeve said in a cold tone: "Let's pause the speculation about Horus. Didn't you just say that the company's top management has the latest decision?"

"That's it. In order to restore Water's image in the hearts of the public and the U.S. government, the company is ready to take the initiative to'cooperate' with Umbrella, trying to make your seven-man team a foreign aid to assist the mission of the U.S. military... "

"Impossible!" Before Madeleine finished speaking, the native of the motherland waved his hand and loudly refused:

"It's impossible! With me, those monsters that look like tigers, and that ugly super villain are not opponents. Why should we surrender our status and cooperate with that guy named Horus?"

Of course, Madeleine knew that the people of the motherland would be so resistant, and immediately changed her previous hypocritical face, and warned the people of the motherland with a heavy tone:

"This is Mr. Edgar's decision, and you can't represent the company."

Seeing Madeleine showing this look, the people of the motherland knew that he could no longer speak casually, so they had to lie down in his seat angrily and stop speaking.

Madeleine, who looked on the surface as usual, was very panicked, but after seeing her temporarily stabilizing the people of the motherland, she continued to say to everyone:

"In order to maximize the benefits, the company decided to continue to adhere to the policy of entering the national defense system. However, for the time being, it has shifted from a comprehensive replacement of the US military to a foreign aid for the US military through employment.

Next, the company will try to acquire Umbrella, after all, no one will have trouble with money. "

Having said that, Madeleine looked at the starlight, and finally set her gaze on Maeve and said:

"You two ladies have had an intersection with the demigod. You are ready to find time to contact each other privately and ask about each other's hobbies. If you can pull that demigod into the Sevens, then Umbrella will be nothing to worry about. ."

"This..." Maeve hesitated a little, but nodded and said, "Okay."

Xingguang nodded and said, "Yes."

In fact, the two women have their own minds.

Starlight's starting point is very straightforward, everyone can see that she seems to have a good impression of Horus.

As for Maeve, the mood is quite complicated, she has too many questions to ask Horus.

"Well, today's meeting will be here for the time being, so let's take care of ourselves."

Madeleine clapped her hands to indicate, and ended the meeting in a tone that seemed to coax a child.

Immediately, Locomotive, Transparent Man, Deep Sea, Maeve, and Starlight left the conference hall with different thoughts. In the end, Madeleine only left the motherland people who were sulking like children.

See no one around.

The people of the motherland got up emotionally, came to the floor-to-ceiling window, and complained to Madeleine:

"Why should we cooperate with that Horus? I am very upset when I see that guy!"

" Don't be angry." Madeleine approached the motherland with a motherly smile, and her body deliberately came into contact with the motherland, her eyes became blurred and said:

"You are the only god, and... there are things that only you can do."

The people of the motherland enjoyed Madeleine’s ‘caress’ very much, and immediately shook his body and asked:

"what's up?"

"Help me assassinate the boss of Umbrella, William Russell and his family, so... we can successfully acquire Umbrella."


On the mural on the top of this conference hall, there is a ‘black spot’ that is quietly adjusting the angle, aiming at the men and women who act more intimately.

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