Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 891: Parasites

Half of the people in the car seemed to be ‘silly’, which made the rest of the people not interested in continuing to play around, so they had to chat in a low voice or use their phones to use social software.

However, the expressions of Nasha and Lipa became more solemn.

The two of them were still discussing whether there might be any abnormalities, but as soon as they got on the school bus today, the students behaved abnormally.

Fortunately, half of the people were not affected.

But the two of them are still not sure about the way of'infection'.

virus? bacterial? Or is it some kind of spiritual body that can be brainwashed?

Moreover, these students who have been affected by the abnormality only have their expressions become gloomy and sluggish, and they have not yet shown any aggressive tendency.

Nasha immediately used his mobile phone to send another message with the hidden agents, reminding that the X51R-B was being corroded by some abnormal phenomenon.

The hidden agents also replied that they were about to send personnel to the second university to assist them in investigating the anomaly. At the same time, they would also report this information to the company.

Determined to receive support in the near future, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, but still with a sense of anxiety, they followed the school bus to the school in the city.

When the driver picked up all the students on the school bus, he drove the school bus into the air, then turned into the airway, and quickly went to the second university in the city.

The school bus-class flying boat is very fast, and within a short time, it came to the sky over the capital.

The students who were not affected by the anomaly looked at the city scenery outside the window, and they all couldn't help being amazed.

Even if you see this kind of scenery every day, the students will never feel bored.

As for the other half of the students, their expressions were still gloomy and sluggish, indifferent to the scenery outside.

In this situation, normal students finally noticed the difference and began to deliberately avoid those students who seemed to be stupid.

With the weird atmosphere, the school bus finally arrived at the school parking lot.

At the moment the driver opened the door, the normal students left their seats quickly and walked out of the school bus in a panic expression.

Nasha and Lipa also followed the normal students to leave.

When everyone came out of the car...

But they found that they were surrounded by the teachers and students of the whole school, and everyone showed the same smile.

And the gray-haired, half-year-old female principal stepped forward and smiled stiffly:

"Join us."

As the principal's voice fell, all the other teachers and students also said in unison: "Join us."

"This...what's the situation?"

"Mike! Mike! Are you stupid? What are you doing with the bluff?!"

"Fuck! Are these wicked pens rusty (standard Mandarin)?!"

Dozens of normal-minded students gathered together, completely confused about what they were experiencing, and even wanted to run back into the school bus.


"join us."

But the group of sluggish students on the school bus blocked the door of the school bus and blocked the exit of the normal-minded students.

"Ah! Ah~!"

The driver's screams were also heard from the school bus.

Through the gap, Nasha and Lipa saw that two football school team students were controlling the driver, while a female student was close to the driver's ears.

Open your mouth.

A worm covered with needles crawled out of the young and beautiful female student's mouth, and then got into the driver's ears.

"Ah!!!" As the bug entered the brain through the ears, the scream of the driver reached its peak.

"Ward Fat?!"

"What's the situation!"

Not only Nasha and Lipa saw this scene, but also many sane students, but this group of students can't keep calm.


At this time, Lipa let out the unique howling of the elite, and said loudly: "Fight with this group of guys!"

After Lipa roared, he rushed forward, kicked the Mediterranean teacher, and used the physical skills he learned at the military school to fight with the teachers and students who did not look like humans.


Seeing this, the elite rugby players also screamed because of Lipa’s actions, which inspired the talent of the fighting race, and then began to assist Lipa.

at the same time.

As a human, Nasha would naturally not be able to fight with bare hands like elites, but immediately took off her backpack.

Take out the black tyrant disguised as an asthma spray, break it apart, exposing the silver needle, and stick it directly on her arm for injection.

Throw the empty potion bottle, take out a lipstick from the bag, aim at the ‘person’ at the front, and twist...

"Bha~!" The sound of a gunshot spread throughout the school.

"Boom...boom!" Then, there was the **** sound of a head exploding.

Just look at a shellless blasting bomb, shot out of Nasha's lipstick, shot straight into the head of the ‘person’ and exploded.

But the ‘person’ didn’t stop, and rushed towards Nasha and the students who remained normal in their minds.

"What's the situation?!"

Nasha couldn't help but screamed, and had to instinctively make a defensive counterattack with a straight kick, kicking the headless man several meters away.


Accompanied by insect-like screams, dense tentacles stretched out from the neck of the headless man, and then gradually formed the appearance of a human head.

Within a few seconds, the skin, hair, and eyes would re-grow, and the ‘person’ would recover as well as before.

Seeing this scene, and contacting the school bus driver before, Nasha can be 100% sure that this abnormal phenomenon is definitely caused by some kind of parasite.

"Fuck! What should I do! What should I do!"

"Help! I don't want to die... Mom, help me!"

Nasha, and the elites who fought with Lipa, can still maintain a certain degree of sanity, but humans and students of other races are already on the verge of mental breakdown.

Nearly a thousand unkillable monster teachers and students besieged the dozens of them, and they feel desperate when they think about it.

After the serum takes effect, Nasha will try to protect normal students as much as possible, but also need to solve the problems of teachers and students infected by parasites.

Even with the physical fitness of the human limit, it is hard to beat four hands in the end.

There were dozens of people at the beginning, but within two minutes, they dropped sharply to fifteen.

Among them are Nasha and Lipa, six elite olive team members, and seven relatively strong male human students.

Lipa and the elites have outstanding melee combat abilities, but melee can't kill these anomalies at all.

Moreover, Nasha only carried a small amount of camouflage impulse firearms, and the firepower was obviously insufficient.

After all, no one expected that the classmates and teachers who were still chatting and laughing yesterday were parasitized by some kind of bug today.



At this moment, there was the noise of the hydrogen engine of the flying boat in the sky, and the pleasant fire of the rotating Gauss machine gun.

The remaining people looked up and found a black business van hovering over the school.

The sliding doors on both sides were open, and two rotating Gauss machine guns were shooting frantically at the teachers and students who were like walking dead.

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