Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 894: Arthur Returning

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The main universe.

June 1, 2050.


Russell Palace on the outskirts of Hafa.

In the master's study room on the first floor.

Like other rooms in the palace, the study room is very spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows on the east side, allowing you to view the sea in early summer.

Leather sofas and office chairs, mahogany desks, diamond chandeliers, holographic projections and more.

at this time.

William, wearing a gray pajamas, is sitting on an office chair, reading the archives of anomalous phenomena over the years from a screen like thin glass.

After reading Keter's "Teacher is not a human", William manipulated the mouse to close the file.

The mouse and keyboard have not been eliminated by mankind until the middle of the 21st century.

Because this is the most suitable device for the human body to operate a computer, it is much more convenient than the so-called touch screen or gesture sensing.

William, who closed the file, lay down on a comfortable office chair, and then looked at the sea outside the French windows to let go of his mood.

The teacher is not human...

After several decades, William's memory of his previous life is somewhat vague, but his impression of this childhood shadow of "The Teacher Is Not Human" is not much worse than that of "Strange Form".

The same intensive phobia, the same disgusting person.

However, he seems to remember that at the end of the movie, it seems that after the protagonist killed the mother, all the parasitized humans returned to normal.

However, the X51R-B capital in the archives lost a million people in one day.

It seems that movies are movies after all. After all, those parasitic humans, as Dr. Yang said, their bodies have been completely transformed by parasites, and they no longer belong to humans at the species level.

Once the parasite dies, the human being as the host will also disappear.

The current anomalies still emerge in the number of 70 to 80 cases per year. The vast majority are of the Safe level, a very few are of the Euclid level, and the Keter level is one case per year.

The keter of ‘teacher is not a person’ should be the anomaly that has caused the most deaths in recent years.

However, even the anomalous phenomena of Keter's level are more than enough to be dealt with by hidden agents.

In the later stage of the archive, the agents who rely on the complete equipment entered the sewer network without injury at all, and locked the position of the mother body within a short period of time.

The energy shield is not a display, and none of the technicians in the sub-divisions eat anything.

The integration of the Sangheli into human society has also facilitated the containment and control of abnormal phenomena.

It must be mentioned that the establishment of the military academy is one of the most correct decisions William has ever made.

The quality of the hidden agents has been greatly improved, and they are no longer as uneven as they were at the beginning. Coupled with the [calm] bonus, it is enough to deal with the anomalies in each colony.

The rate of population growth must be much faster than the rate of death, and Keter such as "teacher is not a human" will only appear once in a few years.

"Tuk Tuk."

At this moment, a knock on the door interrupted William's thoughts.

William, who pulled back to reality, turned to look at the door and whispered, "Come in."

With William's sign, the knocker unscrewed the doorknob to open the door.

I saw Serena, who was wearing the same pajamas with William, but the color was blue, walking slowly into the study with a smile.


Seeing that it was Serena, William asked with a hint of confusion: "Is there any problem with the company?"

"No." Serena shook her head with a chuckle, and came to the mahogany desk.

She sat on the table with her **** cocked and reported to William Hui: "The Arthurian kid wants to come back. He said that the Milky Way galaxy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has allowed him to complete the unity."

"So fast?" William was slightly surprised: "The expeditionary force led by Mike and Andre has only occupied half of the galaxy until now...

Unexpectedly, that kid has already ruled the galaxy in another universe, and he is really better than blue. He deserves to be my son, William. "

"Yeah." Serena also nodded in agreement: "Arthur said that the Milky Way galaxy of the Marvel Cinematic Universe already has a mature civilization system, so the process of control is smoother than that of the main universe.

Besides, the child wanted Catherine to check Carl's body, after all, Carl was still infertile until now.

He also said that he had handed over the work at hand to Steve Rogers. The captain's loyalty was sufficiently guaranteed and his personality charm was sufficient to dominate all forces in the Marvel universe. "

"Good." William, of course, refused Arthur's return application without any reason, and then said:

"Let the child come back, just in time to see his nephew."

"Yes." Serena promised, and her pupils flashed blue light and notified Arthur.


William also stretched out, got up and left the office chair, raised his hand and patted Serena on the top of the head, and walked towards the hall of the palace.

Serena also left the table and walked by William's side obediently.

Leave the study.

Walking in the spacious corridor, the maids would bow and say hello when they saw William and Serena, calling them "Chairman and Mrs. Chairman" or "Patriarch and Patriarch's wife".

Although in the low position, Serena is the second lady next to Halsey, but no maid will be so stupid to call Serena the second lady.

As for the Patriarch, he belongs to Ivan on the surface, but in fact he has always been in the hands of William.

Come to the hall.

William saw Yelena, with long hair scattered, wearing red dress-like pajamas, sitting on the spacious sofa in the hall, teasing a black-haired little boy.

The black-haired boy was the child of Yelena and Li Lie, and the first grandson of William and Halsey, Li Jing.

The name Li Jing was taken by Li Mu, which means that he hopes that this child can continue to expand the territory for Umbrella and mankind like the famous Chinese general Li Jing, and to ensure the absolute status of mankind in the universe.

Li Jingxu is only three years old now, even if he has unlimited potential, he is still the child in Yelena's arms.

Sitting on the left hand side of Yelena, the girl in a cheongsam-style pajamas is particularly eye-catching.

Scattered with blond hair longer than the waist, graceful and luxurious, like a palace mistress, just like the long-lost Halsey.

At this time, Halsey's true age was 68, but his biological age remained at 25, exuding the charm of an absolutely mature young woman.

Fortunately, William has a [self-healing] function, otherwise he would have looked like a ‘twenty-year-old programmer’.

William walked towards his daughter, grandson and wife and asked Serena beside him: "When will Arthur get home?"

"It's possible this afternoon at the earliest." Serena replied.

Upon hearing this, William reminded Serena: "Notify Ivan's family, as well as the child of Horus, to come here tonight for the family dinner."


"Father?" At this moment, Yelena also found William approaching her, and asked with a smile:

"Have you dealt with the company's affairs?"

"Just read the file, come! Let me hug our grandson!"

"it is good."

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