Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 920: Arthur teaches you how to PUA

Jingnan didn't know why she talked so much to Arthur.

In fact, her subconscious was induced by Arthur and unknowingly regarded Arthur as a friend and acquaintance for many years.

In fact, Arthur used the typical five-step trap technique in the "Push Up the Talk Artist (PUA.

The sequence of the five-step trap is as follows:

Curiosity → exploration → obsession → destruction → emotional abuse.

Arthur comes from other universes, which has a unique and mysterious background. In addition, Jingnan can't understand what Arthur will do next, and the confrontation of language has always been at a disadvantage, so he began to be curious about Arthur.

After curiosity is exploration.

So when Arthur asked Jingnan to be the "guide" of the lighthouse, Jingnan willingly agreed to visit the lighthouse today in order to understand Arthur.

In the morning, Arthur deliberately performed handstand push-ups and let Jingnan "coincidentally" see his muscle lines, which made Jingnan enter the third step, fascinated.

Coupled with the environment of the lighthouse, the current Jingnan has almost stepped into the routine of Arthur PUA.

Of course, Arthur would definitely not carry out the following ‘destroy’ and ‘emotional abuse’, he didn’t want to destroy a girl.

Proceeding to the third step, it was enough for Arthur to obtain information from Jingnan. Even in a few days, Arthur was confident that Jingnan could do all kinds of things for him.

Back to the present.

After hearing Jing Nan's answer, Arthur showed a surprised expression and said, "Oh? That's it."

"Why..." Jingnan turned to look at Arthur's profile, with a vigilant tone in his tone:

"Could it be that you want to be the lord of the city?"

"Me?" Arthur replied without even thinking about it: "I'm not interested in that position."

"Huh... that's good."

Seeing that Arthur had no intention of being the lord of the city, Jing Nan unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, as if he didn't want to be hostile to Arthur.

Then she was curious again: "Are you really not interested in the position of the city lord?"

"Ho, Miss Jing." Arthur first smiled contemptuously, then turned to lean on the wall, lowered his head and said to Jingnan:

"My eldest brother married the goddess Athena, and the super warriors named Astarte obeyed my instructions...

Don’t you wonder what my identity is? "

"This...Yes...You keep talking about your Russell family, so you belong to the Russell family...?"

"It's better to call the Patriarch and Second Son, or to put it more popularly, the Second Young Master."

After Arthur finished speaking, he raised his left hand to cover his mouth, observing the surrounding counterpart Jingnan with his eyes and whispered: "Only you know this at the lighthouse. Please help me keep it secret."

"You...haha~, well, I'll keep it secret for you." Seeing Arthur deliberately showing a look of thieves, Jingnan couldn't help but laughed again.

"So." Arthur shrugged, looked up at the top of the lighthouse, and continued to Jingnan Road:

"Our family has secretly controlled the government, and the government's jurisdiction is already close to two-thirds of the galaxy.

Think about it, as the second young master who rules a family of tens of billions of people, would he care about this small lighthouse with 10,000 people? "

"You... are not bragging." Jing Nan said in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter if you look at you or not." Arthur spread his hands and said it didn't matter.

"All right..." Jingnan nodded suspiciously, then frowned:

"Since you are not interested in the position of the city lord, why do you still ask me this? Wait...Do you want to help Mark become the lord of the city?!"

Jingnan's IQ is not low, and while speaking, he vaguely perceives the deep purpose of Arthur's previous question.

"Yes." Arthur said with a serious expression:

"Although I have not known Captain Mark for a long time, the person Mark... can tell at a glance that he is a scheming guy, he only knows the polar-chewer beast in his eyes."

"Yeah, indeed." Jing Nan nodded in agreement with deep feeling.

"And at the court meeting yesterday, I think the relationship between you and Mark is pretty good, so..."

"Wait!" Before Arthur could finish speaking, Jing Nan immediately interrupted:

"The relationship between me and Mark is just friends, not as close as you think, don't get me wrong."

"Um..." Arthur pretended to be surprised and said, "I know, but I'm not a friend of Captain Mark, and Jingnan, why are you so excited?"

"It's nothing..." Jingnan's cheeks flushed uncontrollably and said, "Go on."

"Yeah." Arthur ignored Jing Nan's gaffe and continued:

"So I need to get some information from you, such as the information about the members of the Wild Hunter Squad, the yellow hair...that is, Charles's Light and Shadow Society, and the city defense army, etc., I hope you can tell me what you know."

"Hum..." Jingnan didn't reply immediately after hearing this, but frowned for a moment.

Then he raised his head and asked, "Do you really want to help Mark become the lord of the city?"

"Of course." Arthur bent slightly closer to Jingnan, and solemnly said:

"The yellow-haired Charles has been making trouble for us since we first arrived at the lighthouse, and I will first eliminate that guy.

Besides, I cannot say that I have seen countless people, but at least I have dealt with thousands of politicians. I can see what Charles is like at a glance, plus I believe you will help me. "

"You are really confident..." Jingnan glanced at Arthur, then she looked down the lighthouse, slowly, and said:

"Well, I believe you too, I will tell you all the information I know, first of all..."


Jingnan told Arthur the information about the main members of the hunter squad, such as Ran Bing, Mocheng, Feixue, Erica, and Jeff.

Then came Charles' Light and Shadow Society, Victor's city defense army.

When mentioning Charles, Arthur took the initiative to say that he had guessed the relationship between Morgan and his son, and hoped that Jingnan would tell him more information.

Although Jingnan was hesitating, after PUA's routine and Arthur's seemingly sincere assurance, she finally told Arthur some secret information.

Among them, she was the adopted daughter adopted by Morgan, and Morgan suffered from heart disease. She is now responsible for Morgan's health.

Then Arthur learned that part of the medicine lost when the lighthouse passed the turbulent layer before happened to have Morgan's special medicine...

Arthur immediately had a plan.

"You mean... Morgan's medicine is only enough for him to use for a few days?" Arthur confirmed to Jingnan.

"I've told you several times, it's City Lord Morgan." Jing Nan said in a sullen expression.

"City Lord Morgan, is this the head office? Tell me quickly, right?"

"Yeah." Jing Nan nodded without denying.

"In this case, then I have a good idea for calculating Charles. If handled properly, Charles's reputation can plummet. Let us have a reasonable excuse to let Charles resign from the Light and Shadow Club, either actively or passively.

In this way, Mark can not only sit firmly on the city lord, but also control your broken light and shadow society. "

After Arthur finished speaking, he also forcibly resisted his smile from the villain, after all, Jingnan was standing beside him.