Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 94: the truth?



   These two things are supposed to be unrelated, but they look very beautiful in front of the people participating in this containment operation...

  Poor and beautiful.

   The crowd stood scattered on the surrounding towering ruins, their guns pointed downwards, and aimed at a cave that had collapsed due to the bombing.

   I saw the corpses of countless infected people and pink hunters in the center of the hole, and at the top of the corpse pile was a girl who remained sluggish, sitting on her knees.

   The girl with an orange ponytail wrapped her hands around her knees and buried her face between her legs. The white dress without stains formed a strong visual impact with the thousands of corpses under her.

   After seeing the scene in front of him through the helmet display, William's expression was incredulous, and he asked himself:

  ‘Is this really Elizabeth Green? ’

   The Green in his impression is slightly killing Matt, wearing a black leather tights, and blood stains that seem to be never washed away.

   resembles but is different from the human-shaped anomaly that the muzzle is aimed at.

   And Green didn't use the corpse under her to make himself a giant, worm-like creature armor like the one in the game.

   But William didn't care. He just thought about how to contain her, and then whispered to Cortana:

   "Cortana, scan the corpse to see if there are living creatures left, I don't want to be attacked."

   Within a few seconds, Cortana responded: "Boss, apart from Green, who has driven the virus to its peak, there is no other living thing."

   "Very good."

   William nodded, walked towards Myron wearing Herendin not far away, and said:

   "Everyone, we are the containment force, not the shooting force, so don't attack until Green has changed."


   Myron is honest, doesn't mean he is stupid.

   Seeing the boss approaching gradually, Mellen turned around and revealed the containment box hanging on Herendin's back.

   Containment box.

  , as the name suggests, is an authoritarian containment device developed by Umbrella to deal with humanoid anomalies of Keter level or above.

Unit: m.

   Length: 2

  Width: 0.8

  High: 0.6

   is composed of 15 cm thick titanium alloy armor on the hull.

  Rectangular, sturdy, and airtight are the characteristics of this containment box.

  William first hung the Gauss rifle on the back suction cup of the biochemical armor, and then lifted his hands with ease, and put the containment box against his left shoulder.

   Immediately afterwards, William jumped into the pit and stepped firmly on the bottom corner of the corpse.

   He looked at Green, who was still motionless, and ordered: "Everyone, if Green riots, you only need to cover and shoot outside."


   Everyone promised, even Hank and Alpha, who were most concerned about William's safety, had no objection.

   One is the reason for completely obeying William's orders.

  Second, when he was at Fort Long Island yesterday, in order to convince everyone that he could really participate in the containment operation, William easily abused all Alpha and Spartans alone.

   After all, most people didn't even look at William's afterimage, and they fell to the ground and out.

   At this point, William not only showed his strength, but also made his prestige to the next level.

   Therefore, when everyone saw that William was taking Green alone, they increased their vigilance, but they also had confidence in the boss approaching infinity.

   And William.

   If he said that his heart is like still water without any waves, then he is a bit exaggerated and pretending to be 13, but he is more cautious and careful.

   He walked slowly on the **** of the smooth, soft corpse, stopped a few meters away from Green, and placed the containment box horizontally in front of him.

   "Qi~", the heavy sealing cover was opened by William.

   looked up.

   found that Green was still motionless.

   Seeing this, William narrowed his eyes behind the helmet and tried to ask the system:

  ‘System, Green’s seems to be stuck in a static state. It feels a bit wrong. Can you help me monitor her details? ’

  【Back to the host, yes.

   The system detected that Elizabeth Green had been hit hard, and the combat power dropped from the original 727 to 294. 】

   "The function of your system really needs to be explored..." William couldn't help but teased.


   This combat power can be subdued by the John trio. It seems that the wave of "Mary Mary" just now really works.

  Even the estimated rating has to drop.

   Now that there is a vaccine specifically designed to deal with it, and the characteristics that it can be contained and controlled, Elizabeth Green no longer belongs to the Exafanistei class and should be classified as the Keter class.


   Suddenly, Green slowly raised her head in an echoing tone, exposing her face, and stared at William with her pale green pupils and said:

   "Similar blood flows in my body, why do you...slaughter my children—"


  The sudden situation caused all the people including William to be on the alert, and one after another they took out Gauss guns and aimed at Green who was getting up.


  William does not know why. He can perceive sadness, fear, anger, and confusion. It is a real experience, not a fantasy.

   Looking at Green, who was stepping closer, he couldn't help asking himself: ‘Is she talking to me...? ’

   "Spartan IV is ready to shoot through Green's legs at any time."

   "Boss! Do you want to fire!"


   Hearing the noise from the earphones, William calmly said: "Not for the time being, besides, the defensive power of biochemical armor is not vegetarian."

   Green also seemed to notice the restlessness of the soldiers consciously stood two meters above William, slowly raised his left hand and said:

   "Look at—"

   The voice just fell.

   William seemed to have entered Green’s memory, and the blurry, **** ‘slide’ quickly passed in front of his eyes.

   finally freezes one night.

  William watching from the side, found that Green was lying in the damp, silent Manhattan alley.

   Wearing a white dress, she opened her eyes and stood up, with a dull look and gaze, indicating that she had no knowledge of the world, nor could she feel the sub-zero temperature at the end of December.

   She walked out of the alley barefoot.

  When I came to the street, I saw the traffic, the neon and luxurious Manhattan.

   However, William, who looked like a visitor, knew that this was just the surface of New York's prosperity. In the middle of the night, especially the "woman" dressed like Green would be easily harassed.

   As expected.

   A few seconds before William's thoughts came to light, he saw three financial men in suits coming up across from him. Judging from the gesture of shaking his shoulders and shoulders, he was undoubtedly drunk.

   The financial men stopped when they passed Green, gathered around her and began to molested them. The words that came out of their mouths were very embarrassing.

   William felt her humiliation and anger.

   When financial men try to make physical contact...

  The killing intent came, followed by scenes of various red mosaics, and then Green got the wretched thinking of these financial men in an instant.

   There are also the previous gatherings and revelry, which celebrated that they successfully deceived ignorant investors into the pit through their knowledge and made a lot of money.

   Selfishness, greed, lies, and all kinds of disgusting factions flooded Green's mind.

   Finally, she chose to approach the Plaza Hotel across the street.