Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

~: Develop strategies


   Halsey, who was originally sleepy-eyed, immediately came to his senses.

   Of course she knows how much'wealth' this decision will bring to Umbrella.

   It seems that European countries such as Portugal and Spain in the fifteenth century established colonies in North, South, Africa, and Oceania, and became the hegemon of the great powers.

   brings unimaginable wealth and status.

   However, the above kind of colonization is the ‘evil’ capital that raises the aboriginal inhabitants of the conquered area like livestock and squanders the labor and wealth.

   Umbrella’s colonization is more like immigration and pioneering, which is quite different from the above.

   "Everyone." William continued to explain while everyone present was still in shock:

  "For example, to go to Mars, at the level of NASA, it takes 400 to 450 days, and it is not possible to carry people.

   However, six warships with jump engines can reach Mars in low-Earth orbit in a flash.

   What is this concept?

   is almost thousands of times easier than the journey of an international flight. "

   Talking, William looked at Cortana and asked:

   "Cortana, how much money and time will it take to build a colonial spacecraft that can accommodate ten thousand people without considering the arms and defenses?"


  Cortana's body exudes a faint light, which means that she is simulating and calculating at an extremely fast speed, and within tens of seconds, she replied:

   "Boss, with the current number of engineering teams, it will take about eight months, and the cost of a single ship is about 7.2 billion US dollars."

   "Thanks." William smiled at Cortana to express his gratitude, then looked around at the three people in front of him and said:

   "Some people, want to realize the so-called American dream, they would rather spend 100,000, hundreds of thousands or even millions to immigrate to the United States.

   But what if you only need to pay 10,000 to 20,000, join our Umbrella engineering team, and go to Mars to build houses and cities for yourself for interstellar migration?

   is the kind that can be round-trip, not the one-way ticket. If you are not satisfied, you can return to the earth. What do you think? "

   William’s doing this can be described as a two-way benefit...

  Because he knows that if he becomes a member of the Umbrella engineering team, he will have the'quick build' stunt.

   pay the money.

   still working.

   Open up wasteland. In the early stage, let the original engineering team send out some people to build base stations on the surface of Mars, and then buy advertisements.

   Someone will always be hooked.

   Besides, it's not the one-way ticket planned by NASA, and it's gone forever.

   It’s worth 10,000 to 20,000 trips to the "Ball" to enjoy the scenery of Mars, right?

   And William's vision is not limited to immigration, the most important thing is resources.

   is like the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The gold, iron, nickel, iron and other ores contained in it are conservatively estimated at 7 trillion US dollars.

   Of course, the resources should be used for Umbrella’s scientific research and development and army expansion, and to drive human progress.

   Indeed, as reported by Fortune, William wants his Umbrella to become the leader of mankind in the 21st century.

  Quoting a famous line from a certain foundation: "Humans can no longer live in fear. Nothing can protect us. We must protect ourselves."

   As Hawking once reminded, to ensure the continuation of the human race, interstellar migration is inevitable and necessary.

   "Boss, I support you~"

   Sure enough, soon after William's voice fell, Halsey first expressed his position and smiled: "As long as the money is enough, I agree to the implementation of the colonial plan."

   "I have no objection." Andre replied.

   "Yes." Mike also nodded in agreement.

   Seeing that all the senior leaders of Umbrella agreed with the colonial project, William did not procrastinate, turned his head and looked at Halsey and asked:

   "Catherine, if you establish colonies on planets like Mars and Titan, can you develop a device to modify the atmosphere?"

   "Reforming the atmosphere?" Halsey was taken aback.

   But she immediately shook her head and smiled: "Even if I can build a device that transforms the atmosphere, humans cannot live directly on Mars and Titan.

   First of all, it is geomagnetism. The magnetic field of Mars is very weak, which leads to the thinning of the atmosphere and the loss of water.

   The most important thing is that without the protection of the magnetic field, the human body will be directly exposed to cosmic rays, and disease and death will follow one after another.

   I have no ability to transform the internal geological activities of a planet.

   Titan’s atmosphere is thick, but it is also not protected by a magnetic field.


   Halsey overthrew William’s plan to transform the atmosphere and stated her hypothesis: “It is still possible to create a huge transparent dome that is high-strength, resistant to harmful cosmic rays, and sealed.

   Then expand the gravity generator on the battleship to keep the gravity in the dome similar to that of the earth. I think such a colony is feasible.

   And some of the corresponding facilities and technologies are already very mature, which is much more realistic and cheaper than the plan to transform the atmosphere and address activities. "

   "Yeah." William nodded.

   As long as Halsey says it is possible, then it is for sure, the remaining is only a matter of time.

   Then he said to her: "Katherine, what do you need? The company will fully support you."

   "What do I need..."

   Halsey raised his left hand and kneaded his chin. After a little thought, he said, "There is nothing special. It will be Spartan's remodeling operation in two months.

   Let me go back to Minos and study first, By the way, I need Cortana's full assistance. "

   "If Cortana focuses on immigration planning, what about the control of public opinion?" Mike looked worried.

   "It's okay, Lieutenant General." Cortana responded actively:

   "Hive also has a smart artificial intelligence similar to mine. She can perfectly replace my duties and assist Umbrella in controlling the network."

   "Well, it is true." William echoed.

   "Then I have no other questions." Mike said suddenly.

   "Very good."

   Seeing that no one raised any more doubts, William got up to tidy up his clothes and ordered: "Then Dr. Halsey will lead and prepare for the implementation of the colonial project, and Cortana will assist.

   Lieutenant General, your mission is to train 20,000 Marines to protect Umbrella’s property and employees during the dawn of the course and the implementation of the colonial plan.

   General, the discovery and containment of global anomalies are still left to you to handle, but I hope you and the lieutenant general will handle the Manhattan incident first. "

   "Yes." (x4)


  After William explained the company's policy, Halsey took Cortana and all Spartans back to Minos under the **** of Major Kent.

   Andre and Mike need to stay in New York State to continue the disinfection procedures and amnestics program.

   And William returned to the city of Hafa with Hank and other Alpha, and used Serena as his secretary to handle public opinion and various company arrangements.

   William still needs to deal with a plan...

   That is to select Umbrella’s UBCS, USS, Marine Corps and special agents to form the most elite task force to deal with various anomalies.

   Mobile Task Force.