Contract Wife Runs away from the CEO

v1000 Chapter 1247: Fanwai: Hijack Mi Xiaoying

Back at Luoxia Mountain Villa in the evening, the bodyguard who was in charge of inquiring about the news came back before entering the door of the villa.

"Is there a situation?" Mi Xiaoying paused, and she keenly sensed that the bouncer and gloating on the bodyguard's face stopped.

"Yes." The bodyguard replied; "According to your instructions, I went to investigate Casey Coffey's itinerary during this period and the people I met. During this period, she spent most of the time asking about you and the young master. Whereabouts. Then a small part of the time was walking very close to the ladies from the second-rate and third-rate families."

"Because Casey Coffey is very generous, and often invites these little sisters to eat, drink and play, so I also inquired about a lot of things and came into contact with some resources that should not be contacted." The bodyguard said.

"Resources that shouldn't be touched?" Mi Xiaoying turned the ring on her left hand, and said slowly: "Even the young ladies of the second-rate and third-rate families, they may not be worthy of foreigners. Presumably the so-called family ladies that Mi Xiaoying contacted, Isn't it a direct child?"

"You are really like a god." After a flattering sentence, the bodyguard went on to say: "It is true that none of the people who came into contact with the prostitutes were children born to women who were raised outside. Many of them were taught by the third class. There are a lot of dealings."

"Well, keep talking." Mi Xiaoying nodded.

The more wealthy aristocratic families are, the more important they are to blood lineage.

This is because such families are basically powerful alliances, and the natal family is also a wealthy family.

Therefore, those who are able to inherit the family business will only be a direct descendant.

As for the children raised outside, everyone has one eye closed.

Anyway, they don't share the resources of the prostitutes and prostitutes, so they give a living allowance of 20,000 to 30,000 a month to raise a kitten or puppy.

These kittens and puppies, don't they just walk the catwalk and the dogwalk?

"One of Zhao San's daughter had a relationship with the head of an organization for a while. Casey Coffey used Zhao San's daughter to get on that line. Her plan today is to be When you go to the appointment, let someone lie in ambush at the gate of Fuyuan, take advantage of your parking time, take you away, and...and..." The bodyguard didn't dare to say anything.

"Go on." Mi Xiaoying's face sank, she was able to guess what would happen next.

What kind of flowers can these uninfluenced concubines play besides playing this kind of garbage tricks?

Sure enough, the bodyguard said: "I intend to take turns to do those bad things to you. I want to completely ruin your reputation and prevent you from becoming the next hostess of the Yin family."

"Do those people know that the target is me?" Mi Xiaoying asked.

This question is very important.

If those people know that she is Mi Xiaoying and dare to do something to her, then they don't have to live in N City.

"They don't know. Casey Coffey didn't tell them who the arrest was." The bodyguard replied; "I only said it was a young girl, but I didn't say anything else. And I asked about it from the side. The organization is thorough. I took the job and received Casey Coffey's one million reward."

"One million? So I'm only worth so little money?" Mi Xiaoying laughed lightly, but her eyes were murderous.

She is the most annoyed of playing this method.

If you want to fight with her, then fight it upright. If you want to compare with her, compare it with integrity. If you want to fight her, then fight with a clear banner.

Using the means to insult a woman is really disgusting.

"It's really interesting." Mi Xiaoying said faintly: "It's been a long time since no one dared to use this method against me."

"Help Mitte, do you want me to send someone to arrest those people now?" the bodyguard asked.

"No." Mi Xiaoying sneered: "I told Casey a long time ago, what causes and results. Since she has made up her mind to ruin me, how can I fail her kindness? "

After speaking, Mi Xiaoying looked down for a moment and waved: "You bow your head, I will tell you..."

Mi Xiaoying talked to the bodyguard so and so, so and so.

After the bodyguard listened, he paused, and when he looked down at Mi Xiaoying, there was a hint of respect and...distance in his eyes.

After Mi Xiaoying gave her instructions, nothing happened in the lunch box, and went back to the house to rest.

Early the next morning, Casey called, as if she was afraid that Mi Xiaoying would not go to the appointment.

"Mi Xiaoying, don't you want to escape right away?" Casey asked nervously.

Mi Xiaoying was washing her face while driving the speakerphone and said, "Kathy, I want to tell you something."

"Let's talk about it."

"Before doing anything, think about the consequences."

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Really?" Mi Xiaoying chuckled lightly: "If you want to go your own way, you will only eat bad luck."

"I don't understand what you are talking about, so I will ask you, when will you come?"

"You made an appointment with me for lunch, and it's just breakfast time. So, Casey, what are you in a hurry?"

"I'm not in a hurry, I just want to ask you, won't you escape?"

Mi Xiaoying looked up at herself in the mirror. She had given Casey enough opportunities.

Casey, if you insist on ruining yourself, don't blame me for being ruthless.

"No." Mi Xiaoying smiled at herself in the mirror. The smile is as brilliant as she is, but the murderous intent in her eyes is not hidden.

"That's good, I'll be waiting for you in Fuyuan." Casey got a certain answer from Mi Xiaoying, and then hung up the phone with confidence.

Mi Xiaoying picked up the face towel, wiped off the moisture on her face, and smiled at herself in the mirror.

He's going to kill another person to stand up.

Casey, this is your own choice, the path of your own destruction.

At about ten in the morning, Mi Xiaoying drove up on the road.

Howson stared at Mi Xiaoying's car all the way, and saw that her was indeed heading towards Fuyuan, and only then called to inform Casey of Mi Xiaoying's itinerary.

"Okay, I'll go over immediately." Casey rushed out of the house impatiently.

She wants to personally witness the scene of Mi Xiaoying being humiliated, and record it and give it to Mi Xiaoying as a lifetime commemoration.

Ho **** ho ho.

Mi Xiaoying, who told you not to give me Yin Yu En enthalpy?

This is all you asked for.

After today, if you don't want to get out, you have to get out of Yin's house!

Casey drove in the direction of Fu Yuan.

Just after three intersections, a car suddenly slanted across and rammed Casey out of control.

Casey was taken aback, slammed the steering wheel frantically, was forced by the opponent's car, and had to turn in towards the fork in the road.

"Are you sick? Can you drive?" Casey yelled at the opponent.

In the next second, another car appeared opposite Casey and forced her to stop in place.

"Insane? What do you want to do?" Casey lowered the car window, just about to curse.

But the next sentence, she abruptly held it in her throat.

The person in the opposite car, holding a weapon in his hand, had already aimed at her.

"You, what are you going to do? If you want money, I have what I have, and I will give it to you!" Casey's face paled in shock.

She regretted why he asked Howson to stare at Mi Xiaoying.

If Howson was here, she would certainly not be treated this way.

"Get out of the car." The other party didn't mean to pity Xiangxiyu at all, grabbed Casey roughly and dragged it off.

"You..." Casey was stunned by someone before she could finish her words.

Before passing out of the coma, Casey didn't even have time to see what the opponent's face looked like.

After Kathy fainted completely, Mi Xiaoying drove over from another road.

After getting out of the car, those people took the unconscious Casey into Mi Xiaoying's car, but Mi Xiaoying got into Casey's car.

"According to the plan." Mi Xiaoying dropped these words and drove away from the place.

Casey got into Mi Xiaoying's car. Someone wearing a devil mask sat in the driver's seat and drove quickly to Fuyuan.

At this time, Howson didn't know that the Mi Xiaoying he was monitoring was actually just a stand-in for Mi Xiaoying.

The license plate numbers of the two cars are exactly the same.

When Kathy appeared at the entrance of Fuyuan, Mi Xiaoying's stand-in had also been hidden, eliminating all traces.

Those whom Casey had agreed upon only recognized the license plate but not the person.

Seeing a car parked at the entrance of Fuyuan Garden, the number plate was matched, and there was indeed a beautiful young woman in the car.

They didn't ask, took Casey directly, and quickly disappeared at the door of Fuyuan.

After doing all this, the bodyguard reported the news to Mi Xiaoying.

Mi Xiaoying replied calmly: "I see."

After hanging up the phone, Mi Xiaoying turned around and went to a high-end local salon.

Everyone here will testify for her. She has never been to Fuyuan, and has never had any contact with Casey.

As for that car...

As a rich person, is it not normal to be stolen from a car?

In the dizziness, Casey felt like her whole body was crushed, and she screamed in pain: "Ah..."

With eyes open, this is a strange place.

"Where is this? Why am I here? Howson, where are you, Howson?" Casey cried out, but the answer was an empty echo.

Casey was terrified, and subconsciously hugged her body tightly.

Suddenly, her gaze fell on her.

Those traces of bruises left Casey's brain blank.

Why, these traces will appear on her body?

What happened to her?

Casey endured the pain and stood up, just as there was a big mirror in the room.

Casey hobbled over. When she saw herself in the mirror clearly, she couldn't help screaming, her eyes went dark, and she fainted again.

When Casey woke up again, she was already in the hotel room.

"Kathy, you finally woke up!" Howson's voice made Casey regain her sanity.

Casey grabbed Howson's hand. Before he could say anything, tears fell first: "Howson, I...I..."

"Kathy, what the **** is going on? Who touched it? Was it Mi Xiaoying? She sent someone to do it? I'm going to find her!" Howson saw Casey's appearance, heartbroken.

The person he cares about is being bullied like this, how can he bear it?

At this moment, Casey's cell phone jingled, and a document was sent over.