Cosma Empire

v2 Chapter 618: guess

Mr. Roel was lying on the hospital bed, his face was pale and terrible, and several tubes were inserted into his mouth to help him maintain the minimum needs of life.

He had good luck, the bullet penetrated his chest and shot out. According to the doctor, it was only one centimeter away from his heart. It can be seen that the shooter is very professional, because many people don't know exactly where the human heart is, and it is impossible to hit such a rush in a hurry. Unfortunately, this professional gunman has lost his professional name this time, because he did not successfully kill Mr. Roel.

An injury like this is definitely not a short time to recover. It takes at least a week to improve slightly, and to recover to a slightly worse than normal state after three or five months. This is also a blessing in misfortune, at least he is still alive.

The ward was crowded with police officers, including several soldiers. Attacks outside the city hall's town hall have alarmed the Empire's hub. The Ministry of Defence dispatched a team here to prepare for possible recurrence of the attack at any time, and also to investigate what exactly caused the tragedy today.

In the hospital's director's office, Mennon sat grimly in the director's chair, and the city hall, including the state government and the military, was here. Today's attacks killed 19 innocent citizens and injured more than 100 people. This is also a blessing in misfortune. But everyone sitting here knows that this is definitely not a shooting for killing, as if it is to warn someone through this incident.

Those gunmen could shoot people's upper bodies in the crowd, but they aimed at people's legs. The nineteen unlucky eggs did not die by direct shooting, most of them died of jumping bombs.

Now public opinion points directly to Mennon, who thinks Mennon is the most likely behind-the-scenes man. He made the attack in order to pay less, or not pay more than two million yuan in compensation. This idea is also very common in the west. If the farmer paid the money, it meant that he had acknowledged it, and someone would immediately reproduce this method of Mr. Roel. If you create a mine disaster, you can earn one or two million. If the scale of the mine disaster is larger and the number of deaths is greater, can you make more money?

No one has ever overestimated the moral and ethical index of the mine owner. Those guys who dare to gamble for their lives for money and other people's lives do not lack the spirit of "adventure". Faced with bankruptcy and bankruptcy, why not try to fight? This is why people think that the farmer is the black hand behind the scenes. He wants to use this method to warn others that some money is not so easy to get, and it will be hot.

In the room, a military intelligence officer stood opposite the desk. He looked at Mennon with a serious expression. "Mr. Mennon, I need your help, please tell me who you think is most likely to make it. This attack? The Ministry of Defense and the Cabinet are very concerned about this matter, and we'd better be able to resolve it before the situation expands! "

This soldier is a member of the intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense. This department is called the National Security and Safeguards Committee. Its main responsibility is to detect and eliminate any attempt to create military operations within the empire, create separatist acts, and include, but are not limited to, armed riots and armed uprisings Behavioral Intelligence. Things like today are clearly included in the threat of national security. The Ministry of National Defense is very shocked, and Cabinet Minister His Excellency Magus is also very angry.

This is challenging the order of the empire, trying to create an atmosphere of terror to interfere with the normal operation of the empire. It is absolutely intolerable.

Mennon pursed his head and looked down at the hands on the table, and then slowly raised his head, "I only think of three possible forces with the power to make this attack ...", the soldiers point Nodding his head, the deputy next to him has begun to prepare records, motioned him to continue, "The first force, the West Mining Association. The West Mining Association gathered most of the western mine owners, they have been trying to compete with the government, I believe You and your assistants have also heard that each mining area is an independent kingdom. "

"They implement their own laws in their own mining areas, transform their sites according to their will, and they also have a large number of armed personnel. I once negotiated with the Western Mining Association to incorporate the protection team and cancel the private armed forces. But there was strong opposition, which may serve as a reference. "

"The second power, Tushenism. You may not know that in this part of the West, Tushinism is already equal to, or even past, the official forces. They have a large number of secret members, and it is very likely that we are here Among you are the priests of the native gods. My "three guarantees policy" and other benefits have hurt the interests of the native gods. I have let more people into the empire's camp, which has hurt the fundamental interests of this mysterious religion , And the indigenous gods have such strength. "

"You know, the gunman who shot Mr. Roel was one of my secretaries. It should be the person I trust most, but he betrayed me!"

"The third force ...", a glimmer of haze flashed in the eyes of Mennon, "I don't know if you have heard of a young man named Du Lin? He runs a huge smuggling network on the East Coast, some time ago Being the mayor of Otis, he was fired and then went to the west. I'm not sure if he has such motivation, but if we can say that the attack can be carried out, he may be a direction. He has enough people, there is Enough financial resources and influence, including everything from weapons, are what he has. "

"For the time being, I can only think of these three forces or individuals who have the potential and ability to make this tragedy. I also hope that you can restore the truth of the matter as soon as possible and give me a fair result for the City Hall and the Kadima!"

In Mennon's opinion, the person who is most likely to do this kind of thing is most likely Du Lin's bastard. He is as neuropathic as his old man, and his brain is definitely defective. The entire family inherits a kind from top to bottom. Crazy factor.

He also clearly remembered that they had just made a big sale many years ago-in a simple way, they killed a nobleman, plundered the nobleman's property, and incited the slave riots in that nobleman's territory. When they returned to the temporary camp and brought in a businessman who had worked with them for more than two years to sell their stolen goods, the businessman just made a joke, and this guy who had a close relationship with the organization was sent by Mr. Kesma Heaven.

At that time, when checking the property, I didn't know who asked, what was the most valuable thing in the camp, and the businessman smiled and said, of course, that Mr. Kesma's mask was the most valuable. Almost everyone wanted to see what kind of face was under the mask, and then there was a hole in his head.

Du Lin must have inherited the crazy blood of Mr. Kesma. It is very likely that he really did it. You must know that Mr. Kesma has always been unpleasant to him, and this emotion is likely to be transmitted to him. Doolin.

But ... this is really not what Du Lin did.

Du Lin was shocked after knowing that he really wanted to kill the farmer for two reasons. The first reason was that Mennon planned and implemented the kidnapping case of Alyssa and his son. Although he was finally defeated by Mr. Kesma, he did so after all! So Du Lin must be revenge. If this hatred is not revenge, Mr. Kesma will look down on him, and everyone who knows will look down on him.

The second reason is of course Mr. Kesma's. The old man hopes that Mennon will die. As a child of Mr. Kesma, Du Lin should of course take up this responsibility and help the old man to fulfill his wish.

But this is really not his hands. He also hopes that the farmer can live a longer period of time and continue to stand on the bright side to shield him from the wind and rain. Before he did not complete the layout of the west, Mennon was the most suitable target, and all the cannonball arrows would fly towards him ~ ~ Dulin can complete his plan in the west as soon as possible without worry. So you do n’t need to worry about who is going to spoil your pace.

Memnon is analyzing who is most likely to do this, and Du Lin is also thinking about who is the most powerful person to have such an attack. In those dream years, he also encountered many intricate and even bizarre things. The big man he has been following in the dream said that any initiative is purposeful. If you do n’t know a certain thing, Who does it, then think about the consequences of this matter for whom it is most beneficial and who is most hurt.

If the attack is completely placed in the sequence of events that occurred in the west during this time, there is no doubt that the effect of this incident is the most beneficial to the farmers. He was able to portray himself as an innocent, while restraining the urge of those greedy miners to use him as a cash machine. People are saying that this incident was directed by Mennon, but soon everyone will change their minds, because the murderer will not show his innocence to everyone with the **** knife, and the **** knife is someone It was stuffed into Memnon after the killing.

Those who think they are smart will always over-interpret some obvious things, and then look for some arguments that they think are correct to show others.

So who did this attack hurt the most?

Undoubtedly, it is also Mr. Mennon. This puts the previous guess into a conflicting situation. Will there be another biggest beneficiary besides this?

Suddenly, Du Lin thought of something. He rolled his eyes and began to consider whether this matter could bring some benefits to himself.

Maybe his original plan can be changed slightly!

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