Count of Wizards

Chapter 1076: Trapped beast fights

"The Earl of Wizard(

Just when Philo could not figure out Connor’s purpose and a sense of vigilance was in his heart, Connor, who was in his field of vision, shook his head at him, and then ignored Philo and went straight to the depths of the palace. go with.

Seeing Connor’s extremely weird action, I really don’t know Connor’s intentions. Philo, feeling the powerful strength brought to him by the secret technique, has begun to dissipate, but at the thought of the secret technique’s effect. After it is over, he will enter a period of weakness. At that time, when he meets Connor Ferguson, it is the end of man-made swords that I am a fish and let the other party slaughter. So although he is afraid of Connor, Philo gritted his teeth. , Chose to take the risk, turned into a **** shadow, and rushed towards Connor.

The speed of Philo, turned into a blood shadow, can be said to be very fast. This is just a blink of an eye. It is more than ten meters away. Seeing that in a few seconds, Philo will kill Kang. Behind Na, but at this time, Connor was still walking towards the depths of the palace idly, ignoring the meaning of killing Philo behind him.

Seeing that Connor was great, Philo was irritated, and he also had a touch of anticipation in his heart. Although he didn’t know what gave Connor so much courage and let him face him so much, but if things happen According to the current situation, if we continue to develop, then Connor Ferguson will inevitably pay for his arrogance, extremely painful, and even the price of life! ,

However, just when Philo was holding a beautiful fantasy, something he never thought of appeared............................

When Philo flew less than ten meters away from Connor, suddenly a dark green enchantment was condensed on the floor tiles of the palace, and Philo's whole person was locked in it!


Philo, who turned into a blood shadow, slammed heavily on the barrier, making a heavy muffled sound, and fell to the ground. At the same time, Philo only felt tingling pains in his ribs. Obviously he was The dark green barrier that appeared suddenly broke several ribs, but the dark green barrier that trapped him was intact.

Just when Philo hadn't figured out what was going on, Connor's calm voice outside the barrier came from his ears.

"The name of this enchantment, Esakun enchantment, is a means used by ancient alchemists to deal with demons crawling out of the abyss. This enchantment is extremely strong and has its own corrosive effect. In one minute, the physical body and mana will be corroded by one point. Now this enchantment is used to deal with Philo, you blood wizard, you can be said to be the best!"

"Filo, you will stay in this Osakun enchantment for a long time now, and I will come back to see you in a while!" Connor finished speaking, flicking the enchantment with his finger, which counts as a follower Philo greeted this old friend.

Knowing that all these are Connor’s traps, Philo immediately became extremely excited. While he desperately attacked and used blood witchcraft to attack the dark green enchantment that trapped him, he tried to break out of the trap. In the enchantment, like a mad dog, he yelled at Connor.

"Connor Ferguson, you bastard, I'm going to kill you. I'll take your heart out and feed the jackal a little bit. Connor, I will kill you first. I'm trying to kill you from the Ferguson family. Kill all of them..."

Although Philo’s attack on the Esakun’s enchantment was crazy and did not hesitate to consume mana, it is a pity that the Essakuen’s enchantment is too strong. No matter how far Philo fights, it is as solid as a rock. No reaction at all.

Listening to Philo’s unbearable abuse of himself and his family, instead of a trace of anger in Connor’s heart, on the contrary, there was a smile on his face, because he knew that Philo now was before his death, the last The trapped beast is still fighting.

After discovering the metal card, Connor found that the ruins were nearby. He also realized that there must be some defensive restrictions in the ruins, so he quickly figured out to use his advantage as an alchemist. Manipulate this plan to ban Philo in the ruins.

The reason why Connor dared to face Philo's arrogance was entirely due to the fact that after he entered the palace before Philo, he quickly checked the restrictions in the palace and found that these restrictions that did not know how many years existed. . Otherwise, how could Connor Ferguson, who is cautious and suspicious by nature, behave so despising Philo, a powerful enemy?

During Connor's inspection, he found that the prohibitions here, although they can be used, are passive prohibitions.

In the wizarding world, the prohibition can be divided into many types according to various conditions, but if it is distinguished from the conditions of use, then the prohibition is generally divided into two types, one is called active prohibition~www.mtlnovel .com~ A kind of passive prohibition, as the name implies, is to use, without any restrictions, can be driven by wizards to actively attack the enemy

As for this passive ban, it means that the ban will be activated to attack the enemy after reaching a certain trigger condition. At this time, the trigger condition of the ban is "attack".

That is to say, in this area, whoever actively attacks will trigger the ban. Connor, who understands this, has taken full advantage of this advantage and deliberately stimulated Philo to let him take the initiative to take the initiative. He was targeted by the ban.

Judging from the fact that Philo is trapped in the Ethakun enchantment, there is no escape, and the physical mana will be corroded, Connor's plan is undoubtedly very successful.

Taking out the pocket watch from his arms and looking at the time, Connor put the pocket watch in his arms again, then turned and walked towards the depths of the palace.

When I introduced the Essacun barrier to Philo just now, although Connor said a lot about the origins and functions of the Essacun barrier, there is one more point that Connor did not tell Phil. That is the Esakun enchantment. It can exist for up to half an hour from the beginning of the condensation. After half an hour, regardless of whether Philo can break the enchantment, the Essakun enchantment will automatically disappear.

Connor doesn’t know if Philo can survive the erosion of the Erzaquin enchantment for half an hour, but he is willing to believe that Philo has this service, so Connor will return here after waiting twenty-five minutes. If It's best if Philo is dead. Connor can use his spiritism to take out the "Blood Moon Code" that Margaret entrusted him to get from his sea of ​​gods.

If Philo’s vitality is really exploding, and he comes out of the Erzakun enchantment, then Connor can naturally stand on the sidelines, make up for him, and send him on the road.········