Count of Wizards

Chapter 1108: untitled

"The Earl of Wizard(

"And among the thirteen big cities that have established the space teleportation circle, one of them includes Fort Godlas, which is a hundred kilometers away from Frosinone!"

"This incident is related to the reputation of the church, and it is also related to the thorn in the eyes and flesh of the church Reyes, and the comfort of all the storm church wizards in Frosinone, so I believe that regardless of the cost of using space to transmit the circle No matter how high it hurts, the church will use it too!"

"So if the space teleportation circle is used, it can also explain why Hummels, who was supposed to be in the Cathedral of St. Antis, can reach Frosinone in a few hours." Margaret told Connor the thoughts in her heart.

Regarding Margaret’s statement, Connor could hardly believe that this space teleportation circle that connected thirteen major cities did exist, but he did not find any contradictions in Margaret’s statement. , Can only nod his head, expressing approval.

After groaning for a few more seconds, Connor asked Margaret: "In that case, Margaret, you plan to go to the fourth safe house of your Storm Church in Frosinone, which is the foundation. Misch Cannery?"

"Of course not!" Margaret did not hesitate and shook her head with certainty.

"If Hummels came to Frosinone as I thought, and gathered people in Safe House No. 4, I would be crazy to go round with them. Everyone in the Storm Church knows that I am Jelena’s men, now Jelena and Humels are in the same situation. If I go to the Kimmich Cannery and play with them, with Humels’s personality, he will definitely take this opportunity to fix me. At that time, maybe he will use a trick to kill someone with a knife, and use the secret society to solve me!" Marguerite said with concern:

Seeing that Margaret was not confused, Connor nodded in relief. As Margaret said, if she goes to the Kimmich Cannery and the Storm Church round now, she is really self-inflicted. Up.

"Connor, what do you plan to do next?" Looking at Connor, Margaret seemed to think of something, and immediately asked:

"I haven't figured it out yet. Such a big event has disrupted all my plans. To be honest, I am in a mess now. I need to think carefully before I can make a decision..." Connor He also shook his head, and said helplessly:

Feeling the confusion in Connor’s words, Margaret said with a bit of self-deprecating: “I planned to arrange you and Elena to meet her before, but I never expected that you two have not seen each other, we storm The church is already a complete failure...Alas, what a shame! ’

"Margaret, you don’t have to blame yourself too much. Jovic, the punisher, turned out to be Reyes’ inner ghost. This is something that no one can think of. Don’t be too sad. You are the most important thing now. Your mission is to take care of your injuries, and the rest are secondary!" Connor stroked Margaret's back, comforting her and said:



Frosinone late at night, on the Antones Tower, Reyes dressed in a white robe was gently shaking the red wine glass in his hand, looking at Frosinone under the tower blankly. Of all beings.

Behind Reyes, Bisping said with excitement: "Professor, more than a dozen apprentices from the Storm Church, including Andrew, Giovanni, have been injected with potions, and they are all under control and sent there. Watched in the secret room of Perugia Manor."

"Very good! Take care of them, it's useful to them!" Reyes took a sip of the wine glass in his hand, and then said lightly:

"I understand. I have arranged two confidantes to take care of them. As long as they make any movements, I will know for the first time!" Bisping nodded and said confidently;

Reyes didn’t seem to be very satisfied with Bisping’s self-confidence. He frowned slightly, then turned to look at Bisping and said, “In addition to injecting potions and arranging for his staff to take care of him, what else have you done Bisping? deploy?"

Bisping was obviously a little surprised at Reyes' question. He was a little suspicious. Isn't it enough?

Of course, despite the suspicion in his heart, Bisping could still hear the dissatisfaction hidden in Reyes's words. He hesitated for a moment, and apologized to Reyes very simply: "Sorry, professor!"

For Bisping’s apology, Reyes shook his head in disappointment. Compared with Bisping’s apology, he wanted Reyes more to make up for this problem.

"You installed alchemy bombs on the Perugia Manor and the Storm Church gang, as long as they do anything, don't hesitate to send them back to the embrace of the Storm Goddess." The expressionless Reyes said very calmly. Although his tone did not contain the slightest emotion, but in his words, he could feel the smell of blood coming over his face.

Hearing Reyes’ arrangement, Biss couldn’t bear his curiosity and asked Reyes: “Professor, is this necessary? Christant is dead, and Elena is seriously injured and defeated. I don’t know about life or death. The remaining members of the Storm Church in Frosinone have no threat to us at all. As long as they dare to show their heads, we can completely destroy them..."

Before Bisping finished speaking, he only felt that Reyes was watching him with a very cold look. This immediately caused Bisping to tremble all over, lowered his head and dared not speak any more.

And Reyes did not want to explain to Bisping why he did this. He immediately waved his hand to indicate Bisping to do things according to his instructions. Bisping, who was nervous in his heart, received this instruction. Immediately, it was like being amnesty, and immediately took the order and left.

A minute after Bisping left, a faint voice suddenly came from the tower.

"Reyes, do you suspect that Hummels is coming?"

Reyes did not seem surprised at the appearance of this voice. He drank the remaining wine in the glass in his hand, and then said with a sneer: "I don't doubt, I can be sure, Humels. It will definitely come, just when it will come."

After Reyes finished speaking, the owner of that voice was silent for two minutes, and then continued to ask: "Is the rumored Magic Mirror plan true?"