Count of Wizards

Chapter 167: Slight punishment!

After doing all this, Connor didn't hesitate at all. Turning around, the walking puppet and the little fandom were undoubtedly explained. The Emery Manor was fully prepared for the wizard's visit, and he might have been exposed now.

However, just a few steps out of the warehouse, Connor sighed in his heart. Knowing that the one should be coming, he touched his space ring concealedly with one hand!

"Mr. Apprentice, I now give you a piece of advice. Raise your hand. Our gun is filled with smashing bullets!" Although Connor's movements were hidden, seven or eight people came out silently beside him. Connor was surrounded by knights of abundance, and each of these knights pointed at Connor with their revolvers. The head of a brawny bald man, the cold voice warned Connor:

Although he was surrounded by people, Connor didn't show any panic. He looked around for a while and preached indifferently: "Parales Circle?"

"Warning one last time, raise your hand, otherwise we will shoot!" There is no meaning to talk nonsense with Connor, the bald man, a fierce light flashes in his eyes, and his finger is to lift the revolver in his hand. Bore!

"It should be the Paredes circle, otherwise you shouldn't have discovered me!" As if not caring about the threats of these people, Connor preached to himself, and then he raised his head and faced the leader. The middle-aged strong man preached lightly:

"I hate people pointing a gun to my head..."

Connor hadn't finished speaking yet, the knights who surrounded him, led by the leading bald man, just broke the spear!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

A series of explosions saw only seven or eight silver demon-breaking bullets tearing the air, telling Connor's chest, heart, throat, and eyebrows.

The mental power felt all this, and Connor showed a mocking smile on his face, and with this mocking smile appeared, a purple shield of light immediately appeared in front of Connor, which would shoot at Connor’s broken face. All the magic bullets were blocked.

Although the devil-breaking bullet is strong, you must know that Connor's Saint Laurent ring is a second-level defensive magic item! If this time it was not Connor but an ordinary wizard, it might really have followed their way, but this group of people is facing a wealthy alchemist, then it's another matter!

Their only chance is to shoot directly as soon as they meet. Connor should not have the opportunity to use the violet ring, but these greedy knights stupidly want to capture Connor alive...

Seeing that the purple light shield blocked their proud devil-breaking bullets one by one, a panic flashed in the eyes of the brawny bald man, but this person also instantly stepped out of the reaction, and immediately pulled out what he was holding on his waist. A short knife, this short knife is permeated with faint fluctuations of magic power, and at a glance, it is known that it is a first-level enchanted item, and the quality is not bad!

The bald-headed brawny headed by the wave of life emanating from his body can obviously make people discover that this person is a great knight. A great knight plus this short knife enchanted item, the combat power shown by it is still very impressive. Remarkable, but this brawny bald man, his fault was that the Connor he provoked was not only a wealthy alchemist, but also a spiritual wizard who was extremely rare in the wizarding world.

As soon as the bald man drew his sword, Connor had already struck him with a mental shock. The great knight had a distorted face and bleeding from his seven orifices, but he didn't know what method he used. He actually resisted the spirit. The stun effect of impact.


The brawny bald man is still very brave. He knocked the shadow dagger that Connor sneaked into with a single knife, and then he shouted at his hands: "I'll entangle this man, you hurry up and protect the lady and master!"

Hearing the roar of the brawny bald man, Connor suddenly laughed. When he arrived in this field, the bald man had the plan to sacrifice himself and protect everyone. He was really loyal to Mr. Emery.

Smiling and shook his head, Connor chanted in a low voice, "Eri fumbled..."

"Kang Dang!!··········"

As the spell sounded, invisible spiritual ripples radiated from Connor. The bald brawny knights, before they had time to follow the bald brawny's instructions, fell to the ground one by one and fainted. In this scene, the brawny bald man was full of anger. He raised his short knife and rushed towards Connor. However, halfway through the rush, he slammed on the brakes, and kept his knife in a state of eagerness to slash in a very embarrassing manner.

And the reason why he is so embarrassed now is because Connor’s shadow dagger is floating in his throat at this time. As long as the shadow dagger is lightly stroked, there is one less person in this world who has worked hard for decades to achieve it. The brawny bald man of the great knight Seeing the brawny bald man stopped, Connor chuckled lightly and said faintly: "The death penalty is inevitable, the living sin is inevitable, but you shoot me and cut one yourself. Arm down, count as an apologize!"

"Who is your excellency? What do you want to do?" the bald-headed man said in a deep voice:

"I'm not hostile. I just came to borrow something. It's up to you now!" Connor said after hesitated. After finishing Connor's eyes, he glanced at a nearby building intentionally or unintentionally.

Noting the look in Connor's eyes, this brawny bald man who was loyal to Mr. Emery flashed a humiliating look in his eyes, but in the end he dropped the knife and hit his other arm!

"Since I have offended your Excellency, I hope this arm can calm your anger!" The pale bald brawny man clutching his **** severed arm said every word:

Glancing at the sturdy arm that fell on the ground, and then there was only one arm left, but he was still carefully guarding his bald man. Connor nodded and said, "This is the end, you help me Bring a word to Mr. Emery, I will borrow the alchemy furnace for a while, and it will return it to him every day!"

"Your Excellency, I will definitely bring it!" The bald-headed man seemed to have lost too much blood, gritting his teeth to keep himself as awake as possible.

Connor frowned slightly and slapped a magic decisive. When the bald man was on his body, the wound on the bald man's broken arm was slowly stopped.

Seeing all this, Connor was not talking nonsense, and left. Mr. Emery has a relationship with the secret agency. His subordinates offended him, so he can give him some punishment. It is a bit too much to play people to death. Connor still admired him for the bald man's behavior.