Count of Wizards

Chapter 30: The police come!

   "Start!" With joy in his heart, Connor silently commanded in his heart:

   "Dip! The task is established, it is estimated to take time, 61 hours and 38 minutes!"

   "Three days?" Connor stroked his chin. Although this time is a bit long, it is still acceptable.

   "After the analysis is complete, transfer it to my memory area!" Connor ordered:

   "Dip! Follow your will!" A cold female voice rang in Connor's mind.

   In the early morning of the next day, Connor, who had finished the deep night meditation practice, slowly opened his eyes. He frowned slightly, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

   "Push! Push! Push!····"

His mental power felt that two people were walking towards his apartment on the street. He became a junior apprentice. After his mental power was greatly improved, Connor discovered many magical uses of mental power, such as Mental power exploration. However, restricted by Connor's realm, Connor can only detect someone coming to him, but he doesn't know who the two are.

   "Boom! Boom!······" Before Conrad thought, the door of his apartment was knocked softly, and the soft sound showed the guest's good education and respect for the owner.

  ‘Mr. Ferguson, are you there? After knocking on the door of Conner’s apartment politely, a magnetic baritone heard outside the door.

Although I don’t know who came to look for me early in the morning, but since the other party knows his name, I think he has something to come to the door. After tidying up his robes, Connor immediately opened the door "I am Conor Ferguson..."

   was only halfway through the words. Although Connor had no expression on his face, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole. At this time, the two people standing in front of him were wearing the black uniforms of the Kaman Empire police standard, and judging from the star on their shoulders, they are not ordinary policemen, but from middle-level police officers. Supervise!

   There was a bit of bitterness in his heart, but Connor quickly concealed the abnormality in his eyes, "I don't know if the two police officers are...?"

"I am Inspector Rodri of the Ruen Police Agency, and this is my partner Intern Inspector Keane. We have something today. Come here to find out about the situation with Mr. Ferguson!" A person in his forties, slightly slightly The middle-aged police officer in the Mediterranean took out his ID, and said politely: At the same time, the young policeman in his early twenties who was standing next to him also showed his ID at the same time.

   Glancing at the two people’s documents, Connor added a smile on his face: "Two police officers, please come in. The door is not a place to talk."

   "Would you like something to drink? I have tequila, vodka...?" Calling the two policemen to get on the sofa, Connor asked:

   "Mr. Connor, don't bother, we are not allowed to drink during working hours!" Officer Rodri responded with a smile:

   "That's a shame." Connor shrugged. "Because I just got up and haven't had time to eat breakfast, the two police officers don't mind me. They will answer your questions while having breakfast, right?"

   "Mr. Connor, this is your home, please!" Officer Rodri laughed:

"thank you very much!"

   Ten minutes later, Connor was sitting on the table with a plate of fried eggs and milk, and bread.

"Unexpectedly, as a nobleman, Mr. Connor would cook his own food?" Officer Rodri said in a little surprise. Even the young officer Keane beside him hadn't spoken since he came in, and his eyes were revealed. A touch of surprise.

   "Breakfast? I live alone and can't go to the restaurant all at once, so I had to make some simple things to fill my stomach and make the two police officers laugh!" Connor said mockingly:

"No, no, Mr. Connor, you have done a good job. I'm just wondering why you didn't hire a maid to help you cook. Honestly speaking, Mr. Connor, you are the only one I have ever seen and cooks by myself. Noble!" After hesitating, Officer Rodri said frankly;

"As you can see from the police officer, I am in a state of being single, and hiring a maid is easy to misunderstand..." Connor explained: But obviously his explanation is not enough to convince the two police officers. He has rich experience. Police Officer Rodri of New Zealand is better, but the younger Police Officer Keane almost writes "Believe you, a ghost!"

   smiled awkwardly, Connor continued: "Of course the most important reason is that my finances have some problems..."

"Mr. Connor, as far as I know, the rent for the apartment you are now living in is at least 5 gold pounds a month!" Officer Rodri's gray pupils stared at Connor's face, meaningfully. Said:

With a faint smile, Connor took a sip of milk calmly, and said lightly: "If Officer Rodri has done an investigation, you will know When I came to Roon two years ago, I paid a lump sum. Cleared the rent for this apartment for four years! If you can, now Officer Rodri, you might as well tell me your intentions. As a nobleman of the Kaman Empire, I have an obligation to assist the police in handling the case."

"Haha, it's actually nothing. It's your classmate at Green University. Miss Rebecca recently disappeared. Her mother, Ms. Naya, reported to our police department. We understand Mr. Dow Connor's relationship with Miss Rebecca. It’s more intimate, so we found you Mr. Connor. I don’t know if you have any clues, Mr. Connor...?" He touched his somewhat Mediterranean head and smiled gently;

"Rebecca is missing?" Connor's eyes widened, and he stood up from the dining table all of a sudden, and shouted in a low voice in disbelief: "I said she didn't come to school these days, it turned out to be missing. Now, Mr. Officer, you must find her."

   "Mr. Connor, please calm down first. Regarding Miss Rebecca, our police are working hard to find!" Rodri and Keane looked at each other, and the police officer Keane who had not spoken said in a deep voice:

After a few seconds, Connor sat back on the bed slowly, and groaned for a while and said, "Since the two police officers have found me, they seem to have known it. Yes, I admit that I have pursued Rebecca and sought a detective. Investigated Rebecca!"

   "Mr. Connor, I don't know what you are looking for to investigate Rebecca with a detective?" Young police officer Keane asked:

Like an idiot, he glanced at Keane, and Connor said impatiently: "I said that I had pursued Rebecca. Why did you say I was looking for a detective to investigate Rebecca? Of course I was investigating Rebecca. What do you like to eat, what clothes to wear, what kind of jewellery do you want to wear, do you understand?"