Count of Wizards

Chapter 337: The storm takes shape

   Looking down at the paper bag in his hand, Connor's face became dumbfounded, and Connor's eyes were faintly expectant behind the dumbfounded.

This paper bag contained a set of exquisite and bold women's underwear, which was forced to him by Leonie, the owner of this women's underwear store, saying that it was a man who came to her shop and did not bring anything back. It is easy to be suspicious Yes, so in order not to make people suspicious, Connor had to accept the gift reluctantly, and changed it to Varga's size. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   squeeze the paper bag in his hand, Connor is undoubtedly looking forward to it more, a week later Varga will arrive...

Just as Connor was immersed in a wonderful fantasy, what he never expected was that at this time, he was only five streets away from him in an extremely luxurious conference room in the Origi Building in the East Side. The storm is gradually taking shape.

"Barack, the new Storm Cathedral, how much progress has been made?" In the conference room, the current Bishop of the Storm Church, Edel, who is dressed in the dignified bishop's costume, takes the presidency. He is scanning his left and right sides with sharp eyes. The eight high-ranking church officials in, his eyes drifted away from the eight people for a while, and finally concentrated on the one at the end of his right hand with gold-rimmed glasses. The gentle middle-aged man asked:

Under Edel's sharp gaze like a falcon, this man named Mr. Barak seemed very nervous. He quickly stood up, without speaking, he was sitting on the main seat and directly facing Edel, who was very respectful nine. Bow ten degrees, and then said:

"Return to the esteemed bishop, the construction of the New Storm Cathedral is being built by the Origi Construction Company under the name of Sir Origi. I checked it three days ago. Origi Construction is working overtime and following your important instructions from the Bishop. Work hard and strive to complete the construction of the New Storm Cathedral within two years, as you said, the Bishop! At present, two-thirds of the thematic work for the construction of the New Storm Cathedral has been completed. We I am very confident to complete all the construction work according to the schedule given by your Master Bishop!"

Mr. Barack’s words and respectful attitude, Edel seemed to sound very useful. His original cold face became a little softer, he nodded in satisfaction, and then exhorted in an affirmative tone. Said: "Sir Origi is a loyal believer of the goddess and a reliable supporter of the church. When the church needs it, he can lend his private property to the church as a temporary headquarters free of charge. For such a loyal person, the church must respond to it. The reward!"

"Yes, I understand! All the project funds in the early stage of the New Storm Cathedral totaled 30,000 gold list, which has been paid to Sir Origi as scheduled in the contract. I am also trying my best to collect the remaining 70,000 gold list. Please rest assured, the bishop, that I will pay all the money to Sir Origgi before the payment date in the contract!" Mr. Barack pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath of affirmation. Said:

"Very good! Barak, I believe in your abilities!" Hearing what he wanted, Edel's old face finally showed a smile, and he reached out to Barak and pressed it, indicating that he could do it. Sat down.

Seeing a smile appeared on Edel’s face, Barack completely let go of the worry in his heart, and bowed to Edel again with a deep ninety degrees before sitting in his position and finishing all this. Barak quietly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead...

After listening to some reports from his subordinates that determined some of the daily affairs of the church, Edel gave a light cough, looked around all the people in the conference room, and said coldly: "Except for the arbitrator and the people in the intelligence department, The rest can leave!"

Hearing Edel’s order, except for the first man and woman sitting on the left and right sides of Edel, the other six senior leaders of the Ruen Church, including Mr. Barak’s, all stood up one after another and pointed at Edel. After a salute, Del was about to turn around and leave.

   And in front of a beautiful red-haired beauty among the six, when he was about to leave the room, Edel, who was sitting in the chair of the conference room, suddenly said indifferently again: "Margaret, you stay!"

Hearing Edel’s call, this red-haired beauty, that is, Margaret’s eyes suddenly flashed with an unnoticeable cold light. The next moment Margaret said that the cold light in her eyes condensed and did not move. The sensual re-doing returned to his previous position.

   In this meeting room at this time, there are only four people left, Edel, Margaret, a middle-aged woman who is very well maintained, and a taciturn man in a gray robe wearing a black iron mask.

   "Ms., tell everyone about the information currently held by your intelligence department!" Edel said in a deep voice to the first middle-aged lady on his left:

"Good Mr. Bishop!" Ms. Lena stood up with a smile and patted her hands gently. At this moment, a light curtain appeared in the sight of the four people in the conference room, and above the light curtain, Several pictures of ruined walls at the explosion site.

"These pictures were taken from the explosion scene of a suspected dark wizard residence in Ruen City some time ago and the explosion scene of the secret warehouse of the Mallorca Church several days ago. After the on-site collection, comparison, and analysis by our intelligence department, we basically It can be determined from the above that the cause of the explosion in the two places is the same, and both are because of some kind of alchemical product that can cause an explosion!"

"Furthermore, we compared the power of the traces left by the explosion. Our intelligence department believes that although the two explosions used an alchemical product, the explosion power of the secret warehouse in Mallorca is obviously stronger than the explosion power of the Ruen city. It’s a bit bigger, so based on the above analysis, our intelligence department can basically conclude that the two explosions were not long apart by the same person, and this person is likely to be an alchemist!" Pointing to the light curtain Ms. Lena whispered to the scene.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "In addition to these, what can Ms. Lena, your intelligence department, tell us?" When Ms. Lena finished speaking, Bishop Edel didn't seem to be very satisfied, frowning and continuing to ask:

   Following Edel's questioning, the eyes of the dumb gray-robed masked man and Margaret focused on Lena.