Count of Wizards

Chapter 445: Dig out Paredes (2)

"So you are here..."

Under the perception of the silver pendant, Connor successfully locked onto a large leafy tree about 300 meters to his right.

From the corner of his eye, he quietly looked at the big tree that seemed to be no one to hide at a glance. A sneer appeared in Connor's heart. If he didn't guess wrong, it would be nothing more than a blind trick, the mysterious Parr. Mr. Redes, it's probably hiding somewhere.

Now Connor can basically determine that Mr. Paredes, although the methods are very magical, but the hard power should not be strong, otherwise Paredes would not be hiding, three hundred meters away from him. Position On the big tree, such a far position, for the wizard apprentice, it can be said to be a relatively safe distance. At this distance, whether he wants to do it on himself or he does it on his own, both of them have enough. The response time.

There are advantages and disadvantages. It is safe to hide from three hundred meters away. As long as Connor finds him, he can run right away, but such a long distance will inevitably have an adverse effect on his prying. In addition, As long as Connor wants to get rid of him, it won't be very difficult.

This Mr. Paredes voluntarily chose to peek at himself from such a distance, which clearly shows his lack of confidence in his own strength. With the honorific words in the letter, Connor has reason to think that this person calls himself " The guy from "Paredes", maybe not even a senior wizard apprentice!

Thinking of this, Connor suddenly remembered something. Varga had told him before that the old Victor had two assistants in Loen. One of them was Martina, whom he knew very well, and the other was according to Varga. The identity of this person is very mysterious, but it seems that there is only an apprenticeship as an intermediate wizard apprentice. Could it be that this person is Paredes?

With this idea in his mind, Connor’s eyes gradually brightened. He pondered it over carefully. It is really impossible to say that Paredes is another assistant to the old Victor besides Martina. Low, first of all, from the content of the letter Paredes gave him, and let Connor pay attention to the letter left by the old Victor in the mailbox of his apartment, it can be seen that Pareds must be in contact with the secret agency. related!

Secondly, everything that Paredes realized gave Connor the feeling that Pareds knew that he could not beat himself, so he hid in a very safe distance. This is what Varga said, another assistant, The strength of the apprentice of the intermediate wizard seems to be consistent. In addition, when Varga told Connor about the two assistants of the old Victor, Connor was also curious about why he would find an intermediate wizard with the strength of the old Victor. The apprentice came to serve as his assistant.

But if the apprentice of the intermediate wizard is Paredes, Connor can understand very well. Pareds’s mental power peeping method is really very strange, so that he is known for his spiritual power. The wizards were not aware of anything. If it weren't for Connor's silver pendant, Connor would have developed a new role. Connor might have been unable to find Paredes until now.

There was a icy chill in his eyes, and Connor decided to take action against Paredes. Even if he can't kill the Paredes today, he must at least let Paredes lie in bed for a few months, otherwise Maybe where Connor goes, this guy will follow wherever Connor goes. In that case, Connor can do nothing!

Deciding to start Connor must first face the problem of the distance of 300 meters between the two. Connor’s best at Castilla circle and mental impact, or the chain of the abyss of talent spells, are both. It is impossible to quickly attack the tree where Paredes is located at this distance, and if a rapid attack is not possible, I believe that Paredes, who realizes that he has been exposed, will definitely run away.

His eyes flickered twice, and Connor came to his heart. He did not hesitate to take out three white pills from the space ring, his fingers were hidden in the black robe, and the white pills hit the ground with a flick, and then he saw With a sound of "teng", white smoke immediately rose from the ground. The white smoke was so rich that it was impossible to see the roots with the naked eye.

"What's the matter? Where did the white smoke come from?"

Hidden on the big tree, Paredes, looking at the thick white smoke three hundred meters away, immediately frowned, and a deep doubt appeared in his eyes. Paredes was small at this time. , The bread is unnecessary, plus a pair of triangular eyes, people will look very impressive, no matter how they compare with the medium-sized, ordinary-looking person who was sitting next to Conner at the Tottenham Hotel~www. They all seem to be two people. Fortunately, Connor didn't search for Paredes according to that face, otherwise I might not find it for a lifetime!

Connor’s guess is correct. Paredes is the middle-level wizard apprentice assistant of the old Victor. Because he has the talented spells that belong to his own clan, he has always been invincible in spying on the enemy. It belongs to the old Victor. Li's assistant! Just like Connor thought, Paredes, an intermediate wizard apprentice, knew that he could not beat Connor, who was a little higher than himself, so he could peek at Connor at a distance of three hundred meters. Although it made him safe, it also made him fail to see exactly how the white smoke that appeared suddenly came out of it. Paredes only saw the white smoke as soon as it came out. It was just a few breaths that expanded and spread. Coming out, he concealed his target Connor.

And this white smoke seemed to have a strong interference effect on the wizard’s mental power. Paredes felt that he could no longer see Connor’s situation. Such a discovery immediately made Paredes a little surprised. Extremely hesitating, the old Victor gave the task to watch Connor, but now no matter how the white smoke appeared, he obviously lost track of Connor.

After gritting his teeth, Paredes made a decision. He jumped from the tree where he was hiding, and then ran away immediately. The task that the old Victor gave him is now a failure. Now, he has to consider his own safety. He has heard Martina talk about the strength of Connor, but he is not confident that he can compete with Connor.

Paredes' movements are not slow, but Connor's movements are obviously faster than him. As soon as Paredes ran away, Connor's mental shock had already hit him.