Count of Wizards

Chapter 790: Boateng family (1)

Connor, who had no worries, began to crack the Pastre prohibition in the Danilo Sea according to his own ideas. It took a full half an hour for Connor to barely crack a small part of the prohibition. Reluctantly entered Danilo's divine sea.


Three minutes later, Connor had just recovered his mental power from Danilo’s divine sea. In the next second, Danilo’s head, which had been slightly decomposed, suddenly exploded without any signs and turned into a mixture of red and white. Although restricted by the three silver needles, the limited power did not hurt Connor, but the three silver needles inserted into Danilo's head were blown into several knots.

Although these three silver needles carefully refined by himself were exploded and scrapped, Connor was very distressed, but when he thought of the information he had obtained from Danilo, Connor became increasingly excited.

Because only a small part of Pastre’s prohibition was broken, Connor’s acquisition of Danilo’s memory was also incomplete, all scattered and fragmented, but even so, for Connor, it was Let him gain a lot.

First of all, Connor obtained this part of Danilo’s memory. Although there is no record, how Danilo joined the secret society and became Reyes’s subordinate. Reyes placed a ban and entered the Ferguson family. What, but it records who Danilo's upline in Frosinone is!

Because the secret agency attaches great importance to the principle of confidentiality, under normal circumstances, it is rare to meet online and offline. Therefore, Danilo has lurked in the Ferguson family for ten years, and the number of meetings with him online is only a mere two. However, even so, during these two meetings, Danilo’s upper line was wearing a robe, Danilo could only vaguely see that his upper line was a middle-aged white man with one eye injured. In addition, Danilo still doesn’t know what his online name is, he only knows that his code name is "Zero".

Although Danilo didn't know who this "zero" was, but when Connor saw this robe-wearing "zero" through his memory, he could tell at a glance, this code-named "zero" one. The middle-aged white man with only one eye injured is the first-class wizard Bisping, the confidant of Reyes, who had been with him in Ruen, the underground secret society safe house of the port warehouse of Sassuolo, and had a fate!

According to Danilo’s memory, the last time he saw "Zero" or Bisping was three years ago, and a year ago, Bisping told Danilo through their contact channel, He wants to leave Frosinone to do business and will not return in a short time. Tell Danilo to be safe, and if he has any information, he will put him in his old position.

This message once again confirmed the one Connor got, that Reyes and his official wizards went to the capital of Bernabeu to do an important thing and would not leave the Bernabeu within a short time.

Knowing that Danilo’s launch is Bisping, and Bisping was unable to get out of Bernabeu within a short time. This is definitely a very important news for Connor, but the only regret is that Connor got this Part of Danilo’s memory did not record Danilo’s contact information with Bisping, and where the information was stored in the “old place”.

Second, this piece of Connor’s message from Danilo’s Divine Sea does not have anything to do with him or the Ferguson family, but has something to do with Wang Jue’s faction!

Although it has something to do with the Wang Jue faction, the content of this information that Connor received is pitiful, with only a few words-Boateng family!

Although Connor had lived in Ruen all the year round and returned to Frosinone, he had not heard much about the Odin Empire for just over a month, but because Frosinone was far away from the Odin Empire. It’s not far, the straight-line distance is even only five hundred miles, so under the influence of more than a month of ear rendering, Connor also knows the basic situation of the Odin Empire, and the name of the Boateng family in West Ham The number has also been passed to his ears many times!

If the social development of the Kaman Empire completed the first industrial revolution and reached the initial stage of the Z original society of the constitutional monarchy, then the Odin Empire, located in the northern frontiers of the Kaman Empire, is still in the feudal stage, even In some remote areas of the Odin Empire, the social system was still an ancient tribal system, without any industrialization, and it relied on traditional hunting and logging.

Because of the backwardness of the social system and the fact that the Odin people are generally unsuitable for production, although the Odin Empire has abundant resources, it still leads a relatively poor life. Every year when the natural conditions are bad, the Odin Empire still leads a relatively poor life. It's going to invade the Kaman Empire south and try to plunder a wave to get through the difficult time.

Although the overall situation of the Odin Empire is like this, there is one exception, that is, the city of West Ham in the southern part of the Odin Empire, on the Byzantine continent, the Persis Empire, the Fast Empire, and the Kaman Empire, the three main countries, although They fought openly and secretly and did not give in to each other, but on the bright side, the three countries have signed the extradition agreement for fugitives. This means that if you commit a crime in these three countries and are wanted and hunted down, no matter if you fled to it. None of these three countries will be safe, and it is very likely that they will be arrested.

Therefore, if these wanted fugitives want not to be caught, they have only two options. The first is to fly to the to escape to Hoy New World, but in Hoy New World, there are three major empires, especially control The Kaman Empire of the East Hoy Company is very influential. If you are a little thief, the three empires are too lazy to catch you, but if you are a big man, you will be remembered by others, even if you escape. In Hoy New World, it is also possible to be captured back.

As for the second option, it is the Odin Empire that has not signed an extradition agreement!

Due to its poor development, the overall national strength of the Odin Empire is much worse than that of the three empires, but because all the people are soldiers, the nation is sturdy and good at war, and the military strength is not at all disappointed by the three empires, especially on the border friction with the Kaman Empire. His performance has been very tough and uncompromising.

And for the three empires, the ZZ struggle losers, and the wealthy businessmen who are wanted for various reasons, the Odin Empire, who is not afraid of the threats of the three empires, is undoubtedly an excellent one for them. Hiding place.

As for the people who can bring real benefits to the Odin Empire, they fled to the Odin Empire. The Odin Empire has always condemned and rejected the surface righteously, but in fact the body is still very honest. More is better.

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