Country Weapon

Chapter 188: Day...

"Ahhh....ahh...Xiaolong, Xiaolong, I'm about to arrive, I'm here, ah..." Chen Keri seemed to be in a daze, scratching his scalp, shaking it wildly, biting his lips broken.

   So cool, so cool!

  Yes, this is the beauty of being a woman! Women, only when they meet such a strong man can they be called "sexually blessed women!" What kind of BMW mansion is a fart? Is it as good as a beautiful day with a big stick, and a lingering night? No, not as good! "This stick should only exist in the sky, how can there be a boa constrictor in the world!"

  The moment the big stick pierced it hard, there was a buzzing sound in the head, and it was chaotic, and I only felt numb all over! Not only was the hole below stuffed to the brim, but even my heart was satisfied, and I didn't want anything but a big stick for a moment. That kind of full and strong sense of security makes people reluctant to give up!

   "Ah... Xiaolong, Xiaolong, ummmm..." Wrapped around her jade arms, she tightly hooked Longgen's neck and stuck it on, as if reluctant to part with it!


  There was a roar from the throat, Long Gen's eyes were red, and he held his thighs, and the two round white butts were facing the sky, and a huge black pillar was inserted into the hole, which separated the buttocks alive.

   "Bang bang bang"

   After fast and deep stabbing, hitting the white **** balls, scalding hot stream splashed out from the mouth of the well!

   "Ah!" Chen Ke's eyes widened and he exclaimed. As the hot juice drained, his body suddenly went limp and he collapsed. He gasped for breath, as if his whole body had been sucked out, and he had no more strength left. His head drooped, recovering his strength from the banging of the dragon root. His forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his fair skin seemed to have been smeared with a layer of lubricating oil.

   Too tired, but also so cool! Only now did Chen Ke realize that those men in the past were not even as good as a fart. A true pure man!

   "Zi Zi Zi"

  Long Gen is still working hard to drill the oil, and the big stick is feeling comfortable. It is estimated that it will be delivered in a few minutes. The young woman feels refreshed when she wakes up, the tender, tender cave, even the juice from the **** seems to smell better. Unlike the mother-in-law, although the appearance is not bad, the gully has been around for some years after all.

  The matter of the Japanese woman is not about drinking, the longer it is stored in the cellar, the sweeter and more delicious it will smell. Women are different, old beauties, old beauties, they sing nicely, and they still have a little taste when they wake up, but they are old after all. I got used to poking tender points, drank too much fresh milk, and occasionally ate some grains and wild vegetables.

  But if you want Long Gen to go to the mother-in-law every day, I guess the big stick will refuse.

   Today, Sao's hoof is serving him comfortably, so naturally he has to work hard and give something back. The big stick trembled and shoved in, and the thighs "slapped" hit it, and a sticky sticky thing like paste slipped out, still emitting heat.

   "Papa Papa"


  Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and a tall and thick woman rushed in. Yin-Yang Strange Qi Way:

   "Okay, okay. Okay, you fool, you bastard, isn't your **** unusable? It seems that what Chen Tianyun said is not unreasonable. Say, are you cheating on Wu Guihua?"

  Long Gen was taken aback, the big stick softened by two points, and reluctantly pulled it out of Chen Ke's hole. With a sound of "Zi Liu", the hole suddenly shrank, and a stream of hot juice spewed out! At this moment, Chen Ke also came back to his senses, grabbed the blanket and covered his body, his face became even redder, he buried his head, and hid behind Long Gen!

   "Why is this woman here again? I'm in trouble!" Long Gen frowned, feeling a little annoyed.

  The identity of the visitor is a bit special. First of all, she is an old lady. She is not interested in it herself.

  Secondly, this old woman is Li Sanchou's woman, named Gu Yue, who is famously ugly in the village, with a big tall nose, blue eyes, and naturally curled hair. Tall, chubby like a bull, this body is fine for marrying home to do manual labor and digging, but it is unreliable to use it in the future!

  Just that pair of butts, sit down, can't you sit down with Li Sanchou? It is estimated that in the past few decades, the old man pushes the cart and the scalper crawls on the back. The old man's cart is probably enough, so can Li Sanchou push it with that tonnage?

   "Oh my god, that snake is so big and thick! My dear, the bed is collapsing every day, how powerful this thing is!" Gu Yue glanced at Longgen's crotch.

  Chen Ke's sao point was also clearly seen, the hole was rounded, and the two skins were red and swollen, with a lot of white saliva stained on it.

Last night when I was collecting the body of my man, I happened to meet Fangzheng tearing off Longgen's trousers. Gu Yue, who was squatting on the ground, could see clearly that the **** guy fell into the crotch for a long time, dangling softly. It looks like noodles, so I thought to myself at the time, "If this big stick can be hardened, and I **** myself once, it will be worth dying for."

   Unexpectedly, I really met today!

  As soon as I entered the yard, I heard loud noises and crackling in the house, and the hooves yelled louder, singing like singing, shouting and crying, making people flustered.

  Break the door and take a look, isn't it the dragon fool?

"Well, you are a dragon fool, you are cheating and crossing Chencang secretly. You have one thing on your face and another on your back. They say you are a fool, and you have mud in your crotch. Now my mother knows that you are full of bad water. What about my son." Swallowing secretly, Gu Yue said, "Tell me! Did you kill my man? How many women are there in the village? Be honest!" After speaking, she aimed at Longgen's crotch intentionally or unintentionally, The tightly closed thighs moved slightly closer, and the buttocks were pinched.

  The faucet seemed to be broken in that place. I went straight into the water and couldn't stop it. It was so long, and my underwear was soaked.

  Long Gen frowned and said nothing, feeling a little depressed.

  Gu Yue's sao mother-in-law's eyes can't escape Long Gen's eyes, it's green, like a hungry wolf, why don't you know what she's thinking? After going around such a big circle, don't you just want to eat a big stick?

  It doesn’t matter what the day is, but this woman is too mighty, she must be 1.75 meters tall, on the same level as herself. She is tall and burly, not like a woman, but like a Kham man, with two bulging lumps on her chest that look like muscle bumps. What day? The big stick is too embarrassing to get hard, and you don't have an electric boyfriend with you?

   "Hmph, is it okay if you don't talk?" Seeing that Long Gen didn't speak, the water in the crotch was flowing more and more, faster and faster, so anxious that he wanted to stuff a big cucumber into it. "Succeed! I'll tell everyone right now, Fool Long is a big liar. He has lied to everyone for several years, but secretly cheated on the women in the village!"

   "You killed my man, you killed Wei Wenwu. Just wait and see..." Gu Yue made a gesture to go out. But his eyes were still looking at Longgen's black crotch, a big stick was pushed up all the way up, as if he wanted to pierce the sky, and it kept growing like crazy!

  When he mentioned the man he died, there was no sadness on his face.

   "Xiaolong, hurry up, hug her quickly, and kiss her. If you **** her, she will be yours, and she won't say anything. Quick, hurry up and **** her! I'll help you!"

  Before there was any movement from Long Gen, Chen Ke was in a hurry. How would he behave if the news got out? What will Xiaolong do in the future? Isn't there a bunch of people rushing to make trouble?

  Chen is a mother-in-law, and she is a bit slutty, wandering around among the mother-in-law every day, where can't Gu Yue's sao be seen? You can smell that smell, as long as you poke her comfortably with a big stick, she will be fine!

   "Xiaolong, hurry up, **** her up!" Chen Ke urged again, gritted his silver teeth, and stepped forward to grab Gu Yue not to let go.

  Gu Yue saw Chen Ke pulling herself, but Long Fool was indifferent, so she couldn't help being a little angry, and yelled at the top of her voice.

   "Come on, come on, let's all come and see, Idiot Long wants to be an old lady, come on, help me..."

  Damn it, just let it be! If you're ugly, you're ugly, so I'll be a sow that day, isn't it okay? Whether it's a wife or a pretty daughter-in-law, I'll be happy with my eyes closed! Can't you think of Xiaofang in your mind?

   Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet, Long Gen also gave up. Jumping up, she rushed towards Gu Yue, hugged Gu Yue by the waist, and pressed her big hands on her chest!

   Oh, it's not small! I can't hold it with one hand, it's very soft, there's no cover in the undershirt, and the sagging is not so bad, it's much bigger than my mother-in-law's breasts.

", Idiot Long wants a Japanese person...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......' , Feeling extremely comfortable, limp, I really want to fall to the ground, spread my legs, and my heart swayed, well, you can do whatever you want. But for acting, you have to do everything.

   His face was red and he screamed, but his nasal cavity let out a heavy muffled sound!

"Hey, this milk is not bad!" Long Gen touched a few times, pulled off his sweater and took a look, heh, two fat big white rabbits, looking like volleyballs, hanging on his chest, round and round. It was bulging, and when I pressed it down with a finger, it rose again, and when I pressed it down, it rose again. Very soft!

  Long Gen immediately felt much more comfortable. Fortunately, this old sow is not useless, her milk is quite good, white and big, and she will be shaking after a while, so she must be very pretty.


  Strike while the iron is hot, what foreplay does the old sow need? Long Gen was straightforward, tearing off Gu Yue's trousers with one paw, revealing his big buttocks.

   "Oh my god, this **** is stunned!" Long Gen was stunned, and Chen Ke beside him was also frightened.

   I really didn’t realize before that the buttocks of the old lady are so good, and the three elements of round, straight, and big are fully possessed, and they are too white!


   With a slap, the buttocks trembled slightly, causing a layer of fleshy waves.

   "Damn, this woman is not bad. Please count on it!"

  Long Gen gave a rare compliment, held Gu Yue's head, took out a big stick and wiped the hole twice, "Slip!" Get in!

   "Hmm..." Gu Yue snorted heavily, indescribably cheerful.

  Long Gen poked it up......