Crazy Mobile Games

v1 Chapter 12: Back to the real world

Spirits of the spirit world are very common in the spirit world. They are various and strange. There are two types of "functional" and "supply".

A total of five steles appeared in the camp.

These things are easy to use.

As long as you place your hand on the stele, you can sense it.

[Goblin's Collecting Stone Tablets] There are more than a dozen and twenty items available, in addition to red berries and blue berries, two kinds of spiritual fruits, as well as several low-level herbs, and in addition, I do n’t know what Goblin is for. Seeds of berry trees, and foods like rabbit meat and frog meat.

[Goblin's Armed Stele] Equipped with shops, but with very little equipment, only "Broken Goblin Shortbow", "Bad Goblin Shortblade", "Old Goblin Stick", a few dark gray High-quality Goblin low-level equipment are all five gray crystals. In addition, there are "Aura Contract Scrolls" for teamwork, and consumables such as "Goblin Crossbow" and "Jungle Flying Sword".

[Goblin's production stele] The main function is production and processing. Gray crystals can be processed into white crystals, and white crystals can be decomposed into gray crystals. In addition, some simple production-related secrets or tools are also sold. Things like medicament tubes.

[Goblin's Decomposition Stele] This stele is a purely functional stele. It can decompose unwanted things into a small amount of materials or spar. It can be regarded as a waste recycling station.

[Goblin's storage stele], this stele is a warehouse, which can provide fifteen cubic meters of storage space. If you are worried that too many things will burst out, or your personal backpack is full, you can store items here .

Of course, the warehouse is not completely risk-free.

If, for some special reason, this stronghold is recaptured by a monster, the things stored in the stronghold warehouse will disappear together.

Eternal fixed security zone?

That is something that does not exist!

Human beings can occupy monsters or alien races, and vice versa.

唯一 The only place where human beings can be called a permanent town is a city in the real world!

只要 As long as this world has not fallen, human beings will not be homeless, but this world will be penetrated by the spiritual realm, and various changes will occur, even threatened by the spiritual realm at any time.

How many people are surprised.

I didn't expect such a setting.

Zhao Ming asked Hang Yu: "Is the supply of goods unlimited?"

"Of course not, there is a limit on quantity, and it will be gone when you buy it out, but it will be refreshed every other time. The refresh time for different materials will be different."

"You see, red fruit and blue fruit are not expensive. One gray spar can buy five." Zhao Ming advised everyone: "I think recovery consumables are very useful. After the camp population increases, this kind of Important supplies will become very tight. It is very convenient to change a little bit of fruit early and reserve it, whether it is left for your own use, brought to this world, or used as a second-hand dealer to earn spar. "

You see, entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs.

Their business acumen will not degenerate in any environment.

Even if it is the poorest Jiang Nan among the four, they still have two or three gray crystals.

As for the other three people who have a lot of property in hand, Hang Yu is a jealous dog family.

Wu Hangyu counted his property.

38 gray crystals and 10 white crystals!

At this stage, it can definitely be regarded as a huge sum!

Wu Hangyu spent 30 gray crystals directly, exchanged 50 red fruits and 100 blue fruits, and used 2 spar to buy two fruit tree seeds, which he thought should be used in the future.

Tong Hangyu didn't want to buy more.

On the one hand, the gray spar is insufficient, and on the other hand, the storage space is limited.

He always needs some space for other things? Not to mention the pitiful amount of fruit!

If all of Hang Hangyu bought it, it would be a little too kind to leave it to others.

The three men planned to turn the grey spar in them into fruits, but the fruits disappeared in the stele before they were all exchanged.

I really have limited!

It really is a strange commodity!

Zhao Ming estimates that less than 300 pieces of each kind of fruit are served at a time.

Wu Hangyu then walked to Goblin's armed stele, where he spent 5 gray crystals to exchange for the Reiki Contract Scroll.

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked, "Boss, what's the use of buying this scroll?"

"This is the aura contract used when forming the team." Hang Yu briefly introduced the function of the contract scroll. "When we hunt monsters normally, the aura obtained is completely distributed according to the damage output contribution, which means The higher the damage caused by the monster, the more aura you get at the end, which is too unfair for the support in the team. "

Zhao Ming sympathizes with this.

He rushed to the front in the battle.

Suffering and suffering, half-death of torture, but also particularly dangerous!

The reiki obtained is far from Zhang Xiaoqiang who occasionally lost a fireball in the back, because Zhang Xiaoqiang's output is too horrible.

Min Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, "Can this scroll change this situation?"

"Yes, after signing the Reiki contract, all the Reikis obtained within a certain period of time will be forcibly divided among each team member, which is conducive to teamwork and more balanced growth of the team members."

having said so much.

Isn't it the team function in the game?

小 Zhang Xiaoqiang is a bit dismissive. In the game, a team application can be done directly, but in this world, there are still some troublesome scrolls to sign, but it shows the rigor and truth of this world.

Qi Hangyu went to the production of steles again.

After glancing over the low-level production formula in the production stele, he finally stayed on a unique item.

[Production Skill Stone: Elementary Gathering], gray superior quality, exchange price 5 white crystals!

Yes, this place can actually buy skill stones!

This is a gray-quality, lowest-level productive skill that does nothing to fight.

However, Hang Yu still gritted his teeth and exchanged them down.

The most valuable thing in the Scooter Brin Camp is this skill stone, or any skill stone is extremely valuable, since you must not miss it when you see it.

Xi Hangyu exchanged for a skill stone.

There are only 5 white crystals and 1 gray crystal in the property.

Skillstone of primary collection skill disappeared in the stele.

只有 There is only one thing, and it will be refreshed about a few days later.

[Elementary Gathering], independent skills, current skill level 1, Reiki (0/300), proficiency (1000/1000), consumes 1 spirit, can collect materials for the target, the success rate and skill level of the collection, and the target level related.

It is quite difficult to improve production skills. Generally, skills need to be upgraded by level 3 or above to have proficiency requirements. Level 1 of collection technology is upgraded to level 2 and proficiency requirements are required, up to 1,000.

However, Hang Yu noticed that as soon as he learned his skills, he was full!

This is the effect of the innate skill "Memory of the Great Sage".

And it undoubtedly brings a very big advantage.

Wu Hangyu has saved a lot of time in skill training, and will have time to learn more skills in the future.

Uh ...

Night fell completely.

The sky is starry.

地方 The night sky in this place is not too dark.

The sky is full of colorful Xuancan stars.

Under such beautiful and magnificent pictures, people seem to be in the fairy tale world.

However, if you look carefully enough, you will find that the starlight shining above everyone's head is actually not a star, but a vortex similar to a galaxy. It seems that each vortex is connected to a whole new world.

Here is the spirit world.

He is no longer the original universe.

The resurrection stele in the middle of the Goblin Camp radiates light, it can illuminate a small area of ​​the camp, and the light is striking in the forest, it will not be long before it will attract people nearby.

太多 There are too many forest predators at night.

It is best not to take risks in this environment.

Because even an old driver like Hang Yu is in danger of overturning.

But when the four were bored sitting in the camp to pass the time, suddenly a majestic voice sounded in everyone's mind, "This trial test is coming to an end. Trialists please leave the spirit realm within ten minutes."

The twenty-four were shocked.

他们 When they closed their eyes and called out the selection interface, the grey “unreturnable” option, which was originally unselectable, has now become selectable, which means that they will be able to return to the real world.

Zhang Xiaoqiang said excitedly, "Can I finally go back and continue eating chicken ?!"

Hao Jiangnan almost burst into tears: "Oh my God, this experience is like dreaming!"

Zhao Ming is still the most stable and calm one, "We should leave a contact method for each other."

Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately said: "My mobile phone WeChat QQ number is XXXXXXXX, the boss must contact me, and I hope to follow the boss!"

"No need to bother. UU reading" Jiang Nan closed his eyes, "You can also use the mobile phone function here, I have just tried it, not only WeChat can be used, it seems to be able to call ... but use Consumption of auras and spar will occur. "

After she said, she opened her eyes and looked forward to looking at Hang Yu: "Big God, let's add each other friends!"

Everyone can see that the most embarrassing person is Hang Yu. Without him, let alone gain so much, I am afraid that he is still streaking in the forest now!

Tong Hangyu closed her eyes and focused on exhaling the interface.

打开 When you open the mobile phone of the spirit world, the familiar mobile phone desktop will appear in front of you.

It is amazing that communication software and some other software can be used, and it also has functions of taking pictures, even mobile banking can be used, I don't know what the principle is.

Remote communication will consume certain aura in the body.

Want to cross borders? That's fine too.

I ca n’t but consume the Spar of the Spirit World!

After four people add friends to each other, click each to return to this world option.

Wu Hangyu felt sucked in by a vortex, and then returned to the familiar small apartment. Clothes and everything came back.

It was completely bright.

It's about nine or ten in the morning.

Wu Hangyu entered the spirit world in the early morning. He spent about ten hours in the spirit world.

In other words, the velocity of the real time and the spirit time are basically the same.

Everything is like a dream.

It makes people feel unreal.

But Ke Hangyu knew very well that this was not a dream.

世界 The world has reached a singular point of upheaval. The once ordinary quiet life has completely gone, and the door of a new era has been opened.