Crazy Mobile Games

v1 Chapter 32: Single Brush Elite Monster

Xun Hangyu acted alone, faster.

Because of the smooth journey, I did not encounter any trouble, and it took me more than an hour to reach my destination.

"Very good."

"That's right here!"

"A little faster than expected!"

A signpost for Lingjie appeared in front of Wu Hangyu's eyes. When he focused on looking at the signpost, relevant information appeared in his mind—the tree precision forest!

I was the same as Goblin's burial ground.

Neem tree precision forest is also a place name.

Its range is not small, with a diameter of twenty to thirty miles, and more than six hundred square miles, which is quite the size of a small county.

The forest is very lush. From then on, weird squeaks like "squeak and scream" can be heard from far away, as if some kind of beast is declaring territory.

If you look closely, you will find it.

A spirit monster resembling a monkey is active.

They are called green fur monkey monsters. They are about five feet tall, except that they are taller. They are almost the same as monkeys, but they have only one eye, and their mouths are very big. They look very funny.

The marmoset's hair is brownish-yellow, but the top of the head is green, and it grows like weeds. It has a haircut like Elvis, a fashionable airplane head, but more like a green hat.

When you see these one-eyed, big-mouthed, green-hat headed monster monkeys.

Wu Hangyu's vomiting properties could not help but erupt.

When dominated the creation of the world, most of them were not members. Because the skin is not enough, they will create such low creatures.

Although the green-haired monkey monsters are relatively strange, they are definitely not to be underestimated. The weakest among them are level 3 monsters, which are not only extremely fast, have the ability to attack far, but also live in groups.

If you accidentally provoked a green woolly monkey.

Then wait to be slapped by a group of green hairy monkeys!

The creatures with green on the **** are generally more obscure.

Wu Hangyu didn't want to provoke him, so he wanted to avoid and go deep into the dense forest.

This is not an easy task. The green fur monkey has only one eye that is not fake, but this eye is large and round. It is not only very high in pixels, but also like a telescope, it can easily capture far targets.

Want to quietly pass through the site of these green hair brothers?

That's absolutely impossible, because there are too many green hair brothers!

However, although Brother Green Hair has extremely sharp eyesight, his hearing and smell are weak, so if he uses stealth, he can theoretically pass through them.

Why did they take them to Goblin?

Because there are few Goblin's buried bones, they can drop sneak stones.

Wu Hangyu sneered into the dense forest, carefully avoiding the green hairy monkey monsters everywhere on the tree, and went a little deeper into the forest.

When the sneak time is over.

Wu Hangyu hid in a hidden place to rest.

怪物 The monsters in this area are too dense!

He often sees twenty or thirty or more monkeys infested. This kind of place is very difficult for ordinary teams to cope with. This is why Hang Yu did not bring Lao Zhao over.

Even with stealth.

Wu Hangyu didn't dare to carelessly.

This is not only because of the limited duration of stealth itself. Moreover, due to the occasional presence of an elite leader in the monkey group, the elite monkey monster is only stronger and greener than ordinary monkey monsters. In addition, the difference is small and almost unrecognizable.

The green fur monkey leader is a level 3 bronze elite!

Elite monsters have higher attributes than ordinary monsters!

One of them is called "spiritual awareness", if it is high enough, you can see the hidden target.

Therefore, Hang Yu must pay special attention to the leader of Lumaohou and maintain a certain safety distance. Otherwise, if the distance is too close, he may be found even if he is sneaking.

I have a good rest.

Xu Hangyu sneaked again and continued to move forward.

He just walked and stopped, mastered the rhythm cleverly, and went forward for about four or five kilometers, and finally came to the core area of ​​the forest smoothly.

The green hairy monkey's density began to decrease.

But Ke has a different kind of monster.

The new monster is very unique. If you don't observe it carefully, it will be difficult to find its existence, which is quite dangerous!

From the appearance, it is a big tree, which is not much different from other trees. It is nothing more sturdy and lush, but if you look closely, you can see that there are contours of a human face on the trunk where this tree is ditched. Weird.

Tong Hangyu pulled out relevant information from memory.

Level 3 Bronze Elite Monster-Tree Spirit Guard!

Yes, this monster is an elite monster!

Tong Hangyu is currently only level 2 and challenging elite monsters is very dangerous!

Even in the case of teaming with Jiang Nan, Zhao Ming, and Zhang Xiaoqiang, they want to deal with a level 3 bronze elite gangster captain, which is quite risky, not to mention being alone. What's the difference between finding death!

However, there is no absolute thing in the world, there is law in everything.

Wu Hangyu really has a way to deal with this guy!

He first checked the surroundings to make sure there was no Green Hat, and then visually stood to determine the location.

Xu Hangyu took Jiang Nan for his Goblin shortbow, equipped with arrows, and shot an arrow.


I muffled!

The dart arrow was nailed to the Treant Guard, inflicting only 1 damage.

The sassafras guard was stimulated and immediately reacted. The closed eyes opened at once, revealing the oil-green light, and the bark face on the bark that was originally peaceful seemed to be awkward at this moment.

Su Hangyu suddenly felt a toothache.

This product is so special.

The linden tree guard has 100 points of vitality. UU reading book also has a weak recovery ability, which can restore 1 point of life every few seconds. It is not easy to kill him.

it's OK.

Now I have time!

Wu Hangyu picked up Goblin's crossbow and fired continuously.

箭 An arrow shot quickly, and was constantly nailed to the tree spirit guard, causing "-1, -1, -1 ..." damage.

The linden tree guard is very angry, the branches are shaking, but there is no way to take Hang Yu.

Wu Hangyu learned from the knowledge in his head that the tree spirit guard was actually quite strong.

There are three 光 skills.

There are two range attacks.

One is "root mustache twining" and the other is "wood thorn assault".

Its damage ability is terrifying, and it is a level 3 combatant who can wear white armor in seconds.

The linden tree guards are not afraid of clerics.

Because its spell defense ability is very high.

I also have a passive ability called "Elf Breath".

技能 This ability can increase spell defense and resistance. When under any form of spell attack, it can offset and absorb some of the spells, and gain a small amount of recovery and attribute improvement.

This means that spell attacks are difficult to deal with this monster.

Although it is very powerful, it has fatal flaws.

The linden tree spirit race does not have the ability to move, and the tree spirit guard in the tree spirit race is a relatively low level tree spirit. There is no ultra-long-range attack ability, you can easily deal with it by just grasping two tricks.

The first is purely physical attack.

The second is to maintain a safe distance of about 15 meters.

再 No matter how powerful your tree spirit guard is, I ca n’t even touch Lao Tzu, what can I do?