Crazy Mobile Games

v2 Chapter 262: Blast Courier Heritage

Minotaur military camp.

Reeled under the blast.

With the stone curse bow effect.

Qi Hangyu eliminated more than one hundred minotaurs, and the number of elite monsters was about twenty. The speed and efficiency were much higher than expected.

"did not expect."

"It's 2,000 points so fast!"

Qi Hangyu has at least five hours left.

He also has a few bottles of troll aura potions bought from mystery merchants.


very good!

I thought that to obtain the second-order inheritance and the contract to be promoted to the eighth level, there must be a choice between the two things. Now it seems completely unnecessary. Hang Yu's trip to the spirit world a few days before and after is enough to achieve one step.

The next time you enter the spirit world.

应该 He should be able to bring Xiaobai in.

Wu Hangyu didn't expect it at first, it was a surprise.

This can only be said that the wind attack and the stone curse bow are too easy to use. In addition, Hang Yu can find a place with only minotaurs and no other elite monsters. Utilizing the characteristics of minotaurs' extremely low spiritual attributes, they can die hard pressing.

Wu Hangyu counted the booty a little.

There are two hundred pieces of white crystals, and about thirty white items.

His luck is better, he actually made two skill stones in a row.

A "Swing" skill stone and a "Soldier Charge" skill stone.

Both skills are the skills of Captain Tau.

Maneuvering is to throw out aggression or blunt weapons, hit the target, and quickly fly back to the combatant's mid-range attack skills.

This skill is average.

Tong Hangyu has no interest.

As for the charge of soldiers is a charge skill.

Wu Hangyu has a second-order ability to attack madly. There is little demand for such a first-order charge, and there is no intention of using it for the time being.

Both of these are relatively common first-order inheritance techniques.

If you put it on a real-world auction, you can get a good price.

In this wave of loot, the biggest gain is not that two skill stones are produced at the same time, but that Hang Yu just gathered the pieces of the battle flag and finally successfully combined to form a complete minotaur battle flag.

的 The attributes of this item are as follows.

Minotaur Battle Flag: Recovery of Mental Power]: Level 10 item, white superior quality. After activating the battle flag, it consumes 1 white crystal every three minutes, allowing all targets within a radius of 50 meters to recover 1 mental power every second.

Do not increase attacks.

Do not increase defense.

Do not add attributes.

No special additional effects.

的 The function of this battle flag is simple: Recovery!

乍 At first glance, the scope of this thing is not large, and the scope of action is also fixed. It has little help in combat and the consumption is not low. It seems to be a very costly item.

But it is actually of great value.

Wu Hangyu immediately thought of its help to production.

Just imagine.

旗 The flag was inserted into Qinglong Courtyard.

Hundreds of hundreds of production professionals shrouded in.

Each person recovers 1 point of mental power per second, which is equivalent to creating dozens of hundreds of mental power for Qinglong every second for production. Each minute is a scale of several thousand points of mental power.

For producers.

Spiritual power can be realized.

Most of the production drugs can be left.

In this way, the drugstore can provide more medicines, and the efficiency and cost of various production will be further reduced. In contrast, the battle flag comes with consumption, which is nothing.

For production staff.

It is also very painful to drink a lot of medicine.

I have to run a dozen or twenty lying toilets a day.

The kidneys are stressed and the bladder is constantly facing an explosion.

战 This battle flag reduced kidney pressure, reduced bladder pain, improved employee happiness index, increased output value, and reduced costs, so even if it was given a few hundred green crystals, Hang Yu was determined not to sell.

刷 Brush the Tau Tau Barracks today.

This item is the biggest gain.

Although it is white in quality, it is better than any green equipment.


报告 "Report to the boss!"

"The nearby minotaur has been wiped out."

"Are we going to deal with the Minotaur boss next?"

The yak head monster boss exists as a lord, and the goods are still tricky to fight, so Hang Yu carefully and patiently cleans up the nearby ox heads in order to prepare for it.

In order to be more secure, Wu Hangyu decided to upgrade his skills first.

The dying wind blasted from level 2 to level 3.

The gale rushed from level 1 to level 3.

The dysentery step increases from level 1 to level 3.

A total of three skills cost up to 1,400 auras, but just as soon as the three skills reached the full level, a brand new power came to the body, making Hang Yu clearly feel the rapid increase in strength.

"Obtained a second-order line-up of the" Blast Courier "!"

[Blast Courier], second-order inheritance, permanent agility +5, permanent strength +3, permanent health +1, permanent vitality +6, permanent mental power +6, physical attack +2, permanent movement speed +4.

I deserve to be a second-order lineage.

This increase is so great!

The intensity of the increase is about three or four times the first-order heritage!

The cost of second-order inheritance is high, but it is definitely worth it. After all, this increase is a permanent increase, unlike the temporary increase brought by equipment.

Qi Hangyu's current basic attributes have become:

7th-level combat staff, basic attributes: vitality 72, mental power 47, strength +12, agility +10.5, physical +7, spirit +3, spiritual knowledge +3, physical attack +6, physical defense +4, movement speed + 5.5, Life Recovery +0.1, Spirit Recovery +1, Bow and Arrow weapon range + 10%, Reiki 622/3000.

Streaking case.

Qi Hangyu also has up to 12 strength and 10.5 agility.

This is higher than the overall increase in equipment brought by many people from head to toe.

This is also the reason why Hang Yu's strength is far superior to his peers. If you change to another person, even if you know the weakness of the Minotaur, even if you build a stone curse bow, you can't brush the Minotaur like this brazenly.


The effect of three skills has also become stronger.

The rapid attack speed of the blast of wind blast is faster, but the cooling time is shortened by one third. The instant attack can be used every few seconds. The actual improvement is huge, it is very powerful to use, and it is almost no friends.

The duration of the blast attack has become 45 seconds, the physical attack increase has increased, and it will be sharper to use. It is a nightmare for minotaurs and any opponent with low spirituality.

The dysentery is a skill that Hang Yu has never wanted to upgrade ~ ~ Why don't you want to upgrade? It's not that this skill has a bad effect. On the contrary, this skill has a very good effect, but it is a consumable skill that will cause a heavy burden on Hang Yu's inadequate mental power.

I ca n’t do it now.

Level 3 Improved Hurricane Step: Movement speed +15, Dexterity +5, consumes 3 mental power per second!

Qi Hangyu's base movement speed bonus is 5.5. If you add 15 hurricane steps, and some of the bonuses on the equipment, plus your own speed level.

Hang Yu now.

Even if he doesn't apply the rapid assault type skills, his average speed per second can easily reach 40 meters.

A constant speed of about 40 meters per second.

什么 样 What kind of concept is this? It's simply exploding!

The blast gale step and instant gale and gale dark strike can be superimposed.

After winning the inheritance of the Storm Courier, Wu Hangyu felt that he did not use the stone curse bow. With his current skills and speed, he could easily overthrow the three tauren captains.

No pressure yet!

Qi Hangyu's only lack of strength now is that his mental strength is still obvious.

His basic mental strength is only 47 points, too few combat equipment can increase mental strength.

Now the battle must rely on medium-level potions with a large amount of recovery. With low-level potions such as Goblin's recovery potions, he can't even stand up for five seconds, which is really a big injury.

I must find a solution.

Qi Hangyu walked directly to the barracks center.

He now has enough confidence to go through the boss monsters inside.