Crazy Mobile Games

v2 Chapter 291: Battle of Arnopha

Everyone crossed the light gate and entered the tower.

Everyone has a feeling of traveling through time and space and entering a whole new world. The tower is not only dimly lit, it is more like a layer of mist, and a halo of halo, making people unable to see the surroundings.

Suddenly someone screamed, "The door is gone!"

Min Jiangnan turned back, his face changed, "It's really gone!"

After everyone walked in, it shrank a little, and finally disappeared completely.

明 Zhao Ming frowned and said, "We seem to be trapped."

Er Ergou shook his tail: "Oh, this neighborhood is very strange, Ben Wang can't smell the slightest breath."

Xu Tianhua immediately whispered when he saw some confusion, "What are you panicking? Stand still and watch the changes!"

I am stuck in this weird space with no exit.

Suddenly a low but calm business sounded in everyone's mind: "Adventor, welcome you!"

Chen Yu was surprised: "Who is talking? Is it the master!"

I cannot be the master.

The master of the spirit world has no emotion at all.

So it's impossible to say "Welcome to you".

The voice in the tower continued to echo: "I am the towering spirit of the world tower. I only wake up when the advent appears. I am responsible for guarding the exits of the advent forest and providing the final trial for the advent."

Wu Hangyu probably knew what was going on.

Every few hundred years or even thousands of years, the spiritual realm will absorb new populations. The exact time is uncertain. Each time a new advent arrives, the realm of the advent forest will wake up.

The Taling task is very simple.

It will close the advent forest within a certain period of time, and create a closed environment for the first descendants within a certain time, so that the adventists can adapt to the environment in the spiritual realm.

This is why.

Billions of humans have been in the spirit world for more than a month.

He can hardly meet the indigenous civilization in the spiritual realm.

This aspect is because the upper limit of the Advent Forest is set. No matter how powerful and advanced it is, as long as it enters the Advent Forest, the level will not exceed 10, and it is meaningless for the spirit people to come here.

On the other hand, because the channel of the boundary tower has been temporarily closed.

So the people above can't even do it.

This can be interpreted as a protection measure for Novice Village.

After more than a month of struggle, Wu Hangyu and others have initially qualified to leave Xinshou Village, but they must pass the trial of Ta Ling.

嗷 "Oh, boss, it seems wrong, the fog has changed!"

Suddenly, the mist of fog covering all directions suddenly began to flow at high speed.

He first gathered quickly to cover everyone, and then gradually faded away in more than ten seconds.

Everyone's vision has become broader again. More than a hundred people have found that the surrounding environment has changed. It is no longer a boundary tower or a fortress, and is replaced by a large steppe canyon.

Everyone flashed a message.

[The test of the world tower has started! 】

[Mystery Name: Battle of the Yanuofa Grassland]

[Basic introduction: The Earth Dragon World calendar in 1214, the affair of the Yanuofa steppe that once attached to the Dragon City, due to dissatisfaction with the brutal rule of the mad dragon Heska, was finally revealed under the leadership of the great lord 'Kedo-Noire Pole uprising. The angry mad dragon king decided to send Hurricane Dragon, one of his three dragon generals, to annihilate 'Barut'. 】

任务 [Mission: Trialists will appear on the battlefield of the Yanuofa Prairie. Please find an exit within six hours. If the mission is not completed within a limited time, or all die, it is considered a failure. 】

[Failure Penalty: You cannot challenge the Tower again within seven days. 】

[Success reward: Reiki reward]


Zhang Xiaoqiang said, "Isn't this just a copy of the game?"

Now this situation is really a bit like the next copy of the game.

Everyone usually brushes the monsters, which can only be regarded as the wild monster area. This is the first time to organize a group, and it seems to bring a little plot.

大 A war will soon break out in this place.

Both sides are native spirit forces.

The Tatar side is a rebel army headed by the Black Horn tribe. Its leader is a large lord called "Kedo-Black Horn". On the other side is the rebel troops sent by Heskar, whose leader seems to be called "Hurricane Dragon General Barut."

"Look at everyone!"

"It looks like a unit is coming!"

Because this place is a prairie environment, the field of vision is relatively broad. Everyone looks far away and immediately sees an army appearing in the field of vision.

Its scale is quite huge!

The total number of visual inspections of Tonghangyu reached more than 10,000!

The tadpoles are generally composed of tauren, boars, and wolves, and their structure looks very scattered, just like a group of black people.

Of course.

Although the number is very huge.

But there are only one hundred of them that are really wise. The others are subspecies who come to fight. Although they are small soldiers, they are also very elite. Looking at the level of eight or nine, the elite ratio is very high.

Min Jiang Nan shouted in shock: "So amazing!"

"This should be a rebel army. I didn't expect that there would be so many." Zhao Ming said with a sullen expression, "We have a hundred people in front of them, I'm afraid they are not enough to grit them."

玉 Chen Yu said anxiously: "It seems that a war will soon break out. We will stay in this place and have a dead end. Hurry up and find the exit from here!"

Xu Tianhua said with a serious face: "It's not that easy. Since we are arranged in this place, we definitely can't avoid this battle. Now we are sandwiched between two troops, even if we know where the exit is ~~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ is also impossible to pass through. "

"Lao Xu is right, our position is difficult to not be affected by the battlefield." Hang Yu looked to the other side of the river valley, "That hurricane dragon will soon be Barut."

The second dog had smelled a terrible breath.

He was trembling with fear.

These guys are too powerful!

Xu Tianhua said: "We seem to make a choice."

Min Jiang asked, "What choice?"

Zhao Ming said: "The strength of the two armies is not something we can compete with. We will be crushed easily against any one, let alone sandwiched between the two armies. But since it is a trial, it is impossible to There is an unsolved dead end, otherwise the trial will be meaningless. "

Xi Hangyu nodded and said, "Lao Xu and Lao Zhao are thinking very well. I think we must make a choice within a limited time and join one of their camps. Only then can we have the chance to carry it."

Chen Yu asked: "How to choose?"

Everyone can feel it.

选择 The choice is not simple.

If you choose the wrong one, you will die.

At this time, the sound of horns and drums of war came from the East.

Another black army is coming to the steppe valley. This army is relatively regular, because almost all of them are composed of dragons.

Although the number is slightly smaller.

But obviously more elite.

The light can be felt from the momentum and breath.

They were aggressive and aggressive, like a dark cloud, pressing over here.