Crazy Mobile Games

v2 Chapter 450: Lord meeting

Hang Yu observed several stronglands in the wilderness.

The Conqueror's Magic Rock is the Western hegemon of the Wasteland Province.

He is the most prominent of the lords present. He looks like a stone man among the magic four, but he is much larger than the stone man, his skin is solid black, and his height is more than four meters. The weapon is one. A huge mace.

The Rock people are elemental life, which means that there are no fatal weaknesses. Earth elemental life does not exempt physical attacks. However, the physical properties are very high, and the physical property increase is very high, so the defense and vitality are very thick.

The Eastern Overlord of the Wilderness is the ghost of the undead. He looks like a masked and floating ghost mage, and even the equipment he wears is spiritualized.

Phantom's occupation is a spiritual person. His race is an Ethereal tribe. Although he has no physical body and is not strong in physical attack, he can exempt a large amount of physical damage. However, these intelligent ghosts have very high spiritual and spiritual attributes. Born legal or spiritual.

Finally, the southern hegemon.

Demon master Dili, he is a flying dragon family.

The flying dragons belong to a branch of the dragon people. Compared with the earth dragons, the physical strength is weaker. They are suitable for the legal system and are also spiritual workers.

The earth dragon dragon is the first force, almost every province has some dragon people. Dillon, as one of the old masters of the wasteland province, is afraid of having some relationship with the mad dragon king, even the mad dragon king. It is installed in the wasteland province to monitor the situation in the wasteland province.

All three lords are strong.

Their current overall strength is better than the human race.

After learning that Hang Yu was the lord of Sand Spring City, every big lord showed a disdainful attitude, and his eyes were full of bad intentions.


Sand Spring City at the moment.

Because the relationship between the dynasties has just been changed, it must be in a historically low period. In other words, at this moment, you have the greatest chance of success when you start with Sand Spring City.

The three big lords did put some pressure on Hang Yu.

Hang Yu's heart was not empty.

Sand Spring City is not a paper tiger!

The wasteland governor Nazg felt the subtle atmosphere change at the scene. He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked around at the four lords, and finally stayed on the human lord.

Nazig's ability to take the position of Governor of the Spirit World shows that he is by no means a vain husband with no force. During this time, he sent people to gather a lot of information, not only to understand the process of the rise of the human race, but also to understand this human race lord recently Something went wrong in the territory.

He had to admit it.

I can't see through the human race.

This new race is growing too fast!

No one at the scene knew what Nazg was thinking. The orcs were known for their grumpy and unruly temperament, but the orc governor was a deep and forbearing alternative among the orcs.


So more dangerous!

Nazger said, "From the observation results of the Volcano City Outpost, about two or three days later, the Chisha Demon King will be fully resurrected. We must be prepared to remove him, and the disaster of Chisha has spread . "

The Chisha Demon King is so far.

One of the most powerful and terrifying monsters encountered by Hang Yu.

However, this level of monsters will have a short period of weakness after resurrection. Under the state of weakness, the power will not reach its peak. Killing it at this stage will relatively save a lot of energy.

Once the Chisha Demon is fully recovered.

He will ignite fires in the red mountains and red deserts, so that the range of the red deserts will be expanded and the volcanoes will continue to erupt.

The hot red sandstorms in the red desert and the volcanic poisonous gas will cover most of the wasteland province, eventually causing huge losses to the lords of the wasteland province, and even the destruction is not impossible.

This is the disaster of Chisha!

Every king or monster above the king level.

Their presence is enough to threaten an area.

Therefore, the recovery of such a monster in the territory must definitely be taken seriously, and it must be eliminated in advance to prevent the scene from getting out of hand.

"This is a map of the Red Mountains!"

Nazger showed an ancient map.

Hang Yu looked at the map. The map showed a three-dimensional pattern, and the entire red mountain range was clearly displayed with all the details at a glance.

The Red Mountain is a mountain composed of a large number of volcanic groups. The environment in it is extremely harsh. Once the Red Sand Demon is resurrected in it, it will resurrect a large number of Red Sand monsters, which will make it more dangerous.

Nazger said: "Ancient book records that the Red Sand Devil is sleeping in the lava maze below the Red Mountain, but the range of the Red Mountain is very large, and we have to split our heads to find the entrance to the lava maze."


It is the division of labor.

Hang Yu's heart moved: profitable!

The lord of the wasteland did not know the entrance of the lava maze, but he knew exactly where the entrances were. After all, the Chisha Demon King was a very old monster, which was recorded in the innate memory of Hang Yu.


Find the entrance first!

Will definitely get benefits!

Nazig divided the division of labor a bit. The three lords knew that this operation was an opportunity. Many precious overlords existed in the Chisha monsters. With the revival of these powerful monsters, there will be many treasures in the Red Mountain.

The more people who are assigned to the area, the more chance there is to find treasure chests and even overlord monsters!

The Governor's share must not dare to move.

All three looked after Shaquan City.

After a final contest, Nazg agrees to give half of the area originally responsible for Sand Spring City to the other three lords.

Hang Yu was annoyed by this.

However, the Governor's reason is that the strength of Sand Spring City and the troops are too weak to explore such a large area, and it is better to split the task among the other three lords.

Weakness means being bullied!

Hang Yu knew that it was not the time to lift the table, and there was no need to do this, and at the same time offended the Governor and the three lords, he had to write down Liang Zi, and then pinched his nose to recognize it.

Hang Yudao: "We can divide some areas, but we have to choose first!"

Nazger said: "Yes!"

Hang Yu chose several areas.

This includes an entrance.

Compared to several other places, this is the easiest.

The other lords didn't pay much attention. After all, the Chisha Demon would only be resurrected once in sixty years. The transmission of spiritual information was prone to faults. The whole Red Mountain is very strange to them ~ ~ The meeting is over.

Hang Yu returned to the human settlement.

Jiang Nan immediately cared and asked, "How is it? The gang of governors, haven't had trouble with our people!"

Hang Yu said, "Don't worry, they are all thinking about dealing with the Chisha Demon, and they won't be able to operate on us in a short time."

He called Zhao Ming, Xu Tianhua and others, and first explained the situation, so that everyone was ready to enter the Chise Mountain.

This time the lords met.

Let Hang Yu feel the need to become stronger again!

Sooner or later, the friction between Sand Spring City and other wastelands will erupt!

The Battle of the Red Mountain may be a rare and valuable opportunity.

This event can delay the time when friction occurs, and if you hold it well, you can also gain a lot of gains and rewards, so it is very important!