Crazy Mobile Games

v2 Chapter 527: Premium Mystery Store

After three days.

Hang Yushui has risen to 17th level.

Can be equipped with "Sword of Chaos Tyrant"!

The attributes of this two-handed weapon are amazing, and they have two weapon forms at the same time, one is a large sword form and the other is a long whip form.

The two form attributes will change slightly, and their usage methods are different. The big sword is more suitable for use in charge and the long whip state is suitable for use in battle.

The weapon comes with two skills, "Cruel Domination" and "Chaos Transformation".

The former is a range suppression skill.

Allows any target attribute close to you to plummet.

The latter is a rare special secret technique that can transform one's own vitality and spiritual force. For example, when the vitality is insufficient, the spiritual force can be converted into a vitality. When the spiritual force is not sufficient, the vitality can also be transformed into a spiritual force. .

The conversion is completely uncooled and unlimited!

But the conversion ratio is 2: 1.

If you take out 100 points of vitality for chaotic transformation, you will actually only get 50 points of mental power. Although you will lose half of it, this freely transformable skill can definitely bring great help during the battle!

Raised to level 17.

Equipped with this two-handed weapon.

Hang Yu's personal strength has improved tremendously!

The Terran's grasp of the Crazy Dragon King is a little bit bigger!

Zhao Ming reported to Hang Yu: "Nazig is back!"

It has been more than half a month since the Battle of Galewind, and Nazg's resurrection was not so fast, but it was aided by Sand Spring's resurrection spring water, which accelerated Nazg's resurrection efficiency and allowed him to resurrect in advance.

As the wasteland province is currently only the second battle of Hang Yu.

Nazger's personal strength is very strong.

Next is the important Snapdragon!

In addition, Nazig is the governor of the wasteland. The big and small lords of the wasteland have high prestige in his heart. No one can shake the situation of the wasteland more than him, so it is important for Nazg to return at this time.

Hang Yu found Nazg.

He returned the broken axe to the other party, "Welcome back!"

This mighty axe first cut Governor Lvyuan and killed Bounty Hunter Yinzi, which is a good use, and suddenly returned the broken empty axe, making him quite reluctant.

However, this weapon belongs to Nazger after all.

How can Hang Yu, as an ally, secretly consume each other's important equipment? The weapon that Hang Yu got from Yinzi was a good substitute.

Broken Axe's biggest advantage is range damage and ignore defense, but this can be done completely with Chaos Tyrant's Sword.

The Wind Sword Long Sword + Instant Shadow Demon Blade can form a good mutual reinforcement, and both will increase the attack speed. In a dual-hold state, the higher the attack speed and the stronger the combat power, the two are a good combination.

Nazg's mood was complicated.

When he was defeated by the Dragon King, he felt despair, weakness, and fear. He never expected that the gap between him and the Dragon King would be so large.

Nazg thought he was completely done!

The wasteland province is completely over!

Let him once again never imagine that he actually had a chance to resurrect, and the mad Dragon King, who was so strong that he could not be beaten, was repelled by the wasteland province, which was a miracle.

And those who make miracles.

It is this human being.

Nazger can feel keenly, just less than a month later, Hang Yu's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and at this moment has completely surpassed himself!

Human growth is terrible!

And Hang Yu is the most terrifying one among human beings!

Fortunately, he is an ally, he is a comrade, not an enemy!

Hang Yu asked, "How are you feeling? Have you been affected a lot?"

Nazger replied: "Loss of 100,000 auras, plus a large amount of aura essence, at least three or four years of accumulation, but fortunately, there is no drop, and the combat effectiveness is not significant."


Fortunate in misfortune.

Nazg's strength in the governors of the nine major provinces is very high.

If it was not for this defeat, you would be upgraded to level 17 in another year or two.

Fortunately, although the loss was heavy, it just happened to not be downgraded, and the exploded weapons were also returned, and Nazg's combat effectiveness was not significant.

Hang Yu told Nazig a few days later, "We have controlled the Green Plains and Xihai Provinces, but the provinces farther afield are beyond reach."

"The Crazy Dragon King is not only offering high rewards to instigate hunting and killing human races. At this moment, he is also negotiating with the major governors. With the heritage and financial resources of the Dragon City, it is enough to buy any governor who is erratic.

"The situation is not good for us now. I plan to be ready in the next few days, and then take the initiative to attack the Dragon City directly!"

Nazig nodded: "Yes, we must be fast. Our only chance of winning is to attack the Dragon City directly before the formation of the Dragon King Alliance. As long as the Dragon City is attacked, the Dragon King cannot fail to defend."

Not enough time.

No matter how armed it is, it doesn't make sense.

In this situation, the best defense is attack. As long as the first battle defeats the mad dragon king, other threats will not be regarded by Hang Yu, but this battle is not easy to fight, and you must prepare in advance.

Hang Yu and Nazig came to Sand Springs to find Kuvitan who was working in this place. Kuvitan also officially met Nazig, a junior of the Black Thorns Alliance.

"The melting of the mysterious copper whistle is complete."

Couvitan handed a new copper whistle to Hang Yu, which was renamed [Hang Yu's Mysterious Copper Whistle]. It is a level 15 purple special item, so it can open a more advanced mystery shop.

Only open once a month!

Consumption of 100,000 auras each time!

However, Hang Yu was very satisfied and began to raise big spar.

He did not have time to slowly acquire important war items in the human world.

On the one hand, the human world is too large and the acquisition efficiency is too low. On the other hand, there are many things that the human world cannot receive at all. It is better to open the mystery store directly and purchase from the shortcut of the mysterious merchant.

Everyone contributed a small part of Reiki.

Reiki quickly suffocated.

The purple-quality mysterious copper whistle was activated, and immediately issued a deep humming sound, as if the whistle was not heard by the ears, quickly spread into the void, establishing a connection with a certain existence in the underworld.

Time and space twisted into channels.

A short masked guy appeared.

This is a typical mysterious businessman.

The mysterious businessman boss has countless avatars. Although this looks similar to the summoned before, it is definitely a stronger and more powerful existence!

"Welcome to the Mystery Store. My name is Mystery Merchant No. 3803!"

Hang Yu asked, "What service do you have here?"

The mystery merchant replied: "Noble customers can choose two services: commodity trading and commodity exchange ~ ~ this is the case.

Former Mystery Store.

Buy only one feature.

Now the mysterious merchant can also recover valuable items that people do not need, and exchange rare unique items from the mysterious merchant, which is exactly what Hang Yu needs.

Do a big fight with the mad dragon king.

The current lineup and strength alone are not enough.

In addition, the mad dragon king has many tricks and many ways to save his life. If these measures cannot be restrained well, he will be run away every time he can kill him. Then the price paid will be meaningless.

These must be taken into account!

Therefore, it is very important to prepare before the war!