Crazy Mobile Games

v2 ~: First report the data, 5 am even more!

Report the situation.

About 23 hours.

This book contains more than 29,000.

The current first order is 2191, and the subscription ratio is about 13.3

Although it did not reach the subscription ratio of 12 and the optimal subscription ratio of 10, this number is already much higher than the minimum expected of Xiaoyu!

Sincere thanks to everyone for their support!

Every one of your subscriptions has given Xiaoyu tremendous motivation.


The rewards are very powerful!

So far, there are no fewer than 90 people!

According to the agreement, in the first week of listing, if the number of rewards exceeds 30 each day, one chapter will be added, so three chapters will be added directly today.

The little fish will fulfill its promise,

After a little while in the morning, I even changed five chapters in one breath.

In addition, the monthly ticket situation is also better than Xiaoyu expected. At present, it is the 13th in the new book monthly ticket list. When it is the highest, it will reach 11th place.

Now the gap has widened a bit.

I hope you continue to support.

Of course, the book collection is less than 30,000. The foundation is here, and you can't force it too much. Everyone can do their best. The little salted fish is very satisfied.

It's best to be on the list.

If you can't get on it, everyone will nourish the liver for the little fish.

Is the fish mentality good? Hahaha!

In the future, whether or not the conditions for adding more can be met, Xiaoyu will try to save the manuscript for modification, to thank everyone for their support.

After an hour, put five more.

Go and prepare the manuscript first.

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