Crazy Mobile Games

v2 ~: Testimonials

The crazy mobile game story ends here for the time being.

Huh, the original plan was to write four or five more chapters and go over them in more detail.

But I feel that the follow-up content does not make much sense. It is nothing more than Wen Qing's lyric, because there are not many plots in it, so it is better to compress it to finish it.

If you can see this.

I sincerely thank the little salted fish.

The main text is written to the end. Because the length of the full text is not as long as expected, leaving a more open ending can be considered a bar to end the book.

If there is time in the future.

I will write some postscript and fanwai.

Salty fish started collecting stories more than three months ago.

Everyone should be able to clearly feel that in the recent 300,000 to 400,000-character plots, the main line is the main line. There is no copy, no digging, no further ambush. I just hope to have a complete period as possible.

As for why so close early?

The reason everyone should be able to understand.

In general, this book has left a lot of regrets. Let me rate the settings and plot of the book on a ten-point basis. I can only give myself five points at most, not because the book is bad. It's because I can do better!

Sorry to return to regret.

The harvest is also great.

或许 This may not be such an excellent and perfect work, but it is a valuable attempt in the career of salted fish writers. Thanks for the companionship, support and tolerance of every book friend, I hope I can do better next time!