Crazy Psychologist

v1 Chapter 100: how to be healthy

Knowing that he had gallbladder disease, Hu Peng also began to pay attention to his diet, try to eat some food after waking up, and avoid going to school on an empty stomach. It is said that this can reduce the symptoms of chronic cholecystitis.

In fact, where are the symptoms?

Even the doctor attached to Jingyi said that there is no need to worry about the rough gallbladder. If there are no symptoms, just ignore it.

That Dr. Mu suggested that he check his liver function after one month, and it would be better to check his bilirubin again.

I don't know what those things are useful for. After all, he is a scholar. Hu Peng also read some medical books himself. On the way home from school, he made a detour to the bookstore and read many books on the health and medical bookshelves.

He had never thought of looking for this kind of book before. Hu Peng, who had always just read novels to pass his spare time, stood in front of the bookshelf and didn't know which book to start with. Many books were very similar in cover and title.

For example, there is a book called "How to Eat Healthy", another book is called "How to Eat Healthy", and another book is "This Way to Eat the Healthiest"; Years old", another similar book is "How to be 100 years old easily", and the third is called "It's better to live to 100 years old like this". ? ", "How to keep healthy without getting sick", "No health is equal to getting sick"; Hu Peng was even more surprised that the best-selling health books on the bookshelf turned out to be the books on the cancer and tumor bookshelf, which was really shocking , "Eat Cancer to Death", "Let Cancer Starve to Death", "Cancer Is Just a Passenger", "Cancer Won't Let You Die", "It's Not Cancer That Lets You Die", "Defeat Cancer and Stay Away from Death", "Cancer Death Is a Joke", "Surgery That Killed Cancer", "Cancer Surgery That Killed Patients".

Finally, I finally found a book about weight loss and diet that mentioned the relationship between gallbladder and diet. In short, pay attention early, eat lightly, and try not to skip breakfast.

Except for having a girlfriend six years ago, Hu Peng has always maintained an independent life. Because he is a teacher, more than forty children in the school have to rely on him to take care of him every day. Hu Peng tries to keep his body at He is in good condition, so he rarely does things like staying up late and playing games.

"I'm not a person who lives a laissez-faire life. Although the work is very ordinary, it is also very regular in life."

That's what Hu Peng told Mu Chun, and the facts are exactly what he said.

That morning, he was on the subway. The subway was as crowded as ever. After checking the shower the night before, Hu Peng became more and more worried that he would become the same as a week ago, falling into the black hole of thinking, and he couldn’t get out. .

After the subway left three stops, Hu Peng was worried again about the door being unlocked. He took out his mobile phone in the crowded train and turned on the video. Because the sound was too loud, he hurriedly pressed the volume button, but he pressed it nervously. Wrong, the sound of closing the door was super loud.

A cold sweat broke out. Originally, after checking the video, he naturally believed that he had locked the door, but this time the situation was different. Looking at the key turning in the video, Hu Peng always felt that he had missed half a turn of the lock.

No, if the lock is less than half a turn, the key should not be able to be removed.

At this time, a woman's voice appeared in the video. The woman looked very tired, as if she had spent the night outside and didn't return home until the morning.

Hu Peng has always been very curious about this girl, but this kind of curiosity is difficult to share with others. Hu Peng has always guessed that this new neighbor may be engaged in some kind of night work, and he does not know what this kind of night work is. I just know some bits and pieces from various sources, but the girl has a strong perfume smell, and she always goes out at night and stays at home during the day.

Several times, at night, Hu Peng heard movement at the door of the next room, and then there were murmurs from the next room separated by a wall.

It seemed that someone was talking in a low voice, and sometimes Hu Peng could hear the woman's laughter.

In the morning, the next door was as quiet as empty again.

In the video, the woman greeted him, "Good morning."

Hu Peng heard his own voice and said, "Morning."

That's right, at this time, the key was pulled out at this time. Should the lock be locked for two and a half turns, one and a half turns, or two turns?

I don’t remember, I never noticed it before, just lock the lock to the end and pull out the key, and I didn’t remember how many turns it was.

Thinking of this, the subway has reached the next stop immediately.

Oh my god, what's going on, Hu Peng gets more and more nervous when he thinks about it. If the key is not fully locked, this kind of lock can actually be opened from the crack of the door with a transportation You must have the above three locks and The three locks under the door are locked together to play the role of a safe anti-theft door.

How did Hu Peng know that the door can be opened with a traffic card?

Because half a year ago, Hu Peng changed a new bag, and put the key outside when packing the bag the night before, and forgot to put it in the new bag in time. As a result, he locked the key at home when he went out the next morning .

Hu Peng thought for a long time outside, and almost called 110 to ask a cooperative lock company to open the door.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that in the "Moral and Legal System" class, he told the students how to pay attention to the safety of the door at home, saying that some doors can actually be opened with a slightly harder writing pad.

Although it was introduced like this in the case, Hu Peng had never tried it. He took out the traffic card from his bag that morning with the intention of giving it a try, and slowly moved it along the crack of the door towards the door lock, and it clicked. With a sound, the door opened.

Indeed, the lock has another semi-curved slope, and the door can be easily opened by pushing this **** with a slightly harder thin plate.

This incident vividly replayed in Hu Peng's mind like a movie, so he seemed to see a burglar dressed like a delivery man wearing shoes and stepping on his newly bought Van Gogh star carpet.

This carpet was custom-made from an independent designer. He himself is reluctant to walk on it, so he always washes his feet and puts on new socks when he gets home.

Because it is so beautiful.

He imagined that the thief's shoes would not be very clean, perhaps covered with mud, dog poop, and spit from uncivilized people on the road.

He'll be lounging on the couch with his favorite Pikachu, Kodak and Bulbasaur.