Crazy Psychologist

v1 Chapter 170: Isn't this Ding Xiaoyun?

Liu Tiantian kicked Zhang Wenwen hard, and the two almost started fighting, but Mu Chun asked about Zhang Mei.

"Are you asking how my mother is doing now? You want to ask Ding Xiaoyun's mother, right?"

Not only the Chen family can testify to what Ding Xiaoyun's mother did in the Chen family's living room, but Liu Yiming even experienced this thrilling scene.

The school has explained to the Board of Education that the school does not know about this matter, but the matter of Ding Xiaoyun and the lawyer. The school does not know from the beginning to the end, and has not contacted the lawyer or the relevant personnel of the court.

The school tried its best to forget about Ding Xiaoyun, but Zhao Lei encountered even more headaches a week later.

Public rehearsal.

The public rehearsal is the touchstone. For each school, this public rehearsal is actually the first round of evaluation before the year-end performance.

Whether you can participate in the Spring Festival Gala that year, whether you can get extra points for special students, this public rehearsal is very important. For the school, it is a great honor to participate in the performance of the youth group of the Spring Festival Gala. The luck of the Far North Primary School this year has already Bad enough.

Now the entire social media is hyping up the suicide incident of Ding Xiaoyun, a small girl in the Far North Attachment. Even the incident of five third-year boys in Fengchuan Middle School jumping off a building can involve Ding Xiaoyun.

Some experts who do not know where they came from suggested that suicide is spreading in this society. If no attention is paid to it, human beings will enter the peak period of suicide sooner or later.

In fact, people die every day due to various reasons, but the death of a child always attracts great attention from all sides.

No matter how much Yuanbei Primary School tried to suppress this matter, Ding Xiaoyun’s suicide incident was still like a leaf falling in the air, on the eaves, on the window sill, on the sidewalk, and when driving in the morning, the rainwater was tightly attached to the roof. With the car, the sycamore leaves become part of the body pattern.

This matter should be talked about as it should be talked about.

Similarly, how should Liu Pei be turned away or how to be turned away.

Finally, she started to move the idea of ​​foreign lawyers.

After Zhang Mei rejected Liu Pei and Liu Pei spilled sulfuric acid in the living room of Zhang Mei's house, Liu Pei knew that the law firm of the Chen family would not accept her case. attention.

Not only did Liu Pei's whole mind not focus on Ding Xiaoyun's death, but even, because of various obstacles, she became stronger and more determined.

But she wised up and she cried at the police station, a mother who lost her daughter in such a cruel way, her tears and grief don't need to be faked and won't be considered faked.

Naturally, the police station just persuaded her a few words and let her go.

Chen Weiwei did not object to Zhang Mei's approach, nor did he express support. The two had their own attitudes towards this matter. Chen Weiwei believed that Liu Pei would not give up. Zhang Mei said that if something happened to her, , she will not give up.

But what can be done? What can be done?

Everyone has their own difficulties. If the law firm forcibly helps Liu Pei in this matter, it is not suitable for the law firm, and it seems a bit irresponsible for all the employees of the law firm.

Feelings belong to feelings, reality belongs to reality.

"The teacher should be more relaxed, right? Mom originally told you not to stop her from investigating the school harasser. Now you don't need the teacher to add obstacles, and this matter can't continue."

"Speaking of which, what is going on with this perverted harasser? Why hasn't he been caught for so long? There are obviously many clues."

Chu Sisi frowned, feeling that many things have been intertwined recently and become very complicated. Because after being frightened last time, Liu Yiming would come to the hospital to pick her up as soon as she got off work, and this matter also gave Chu Sisi a headache.

I always feel that the teacher will sort out some medical records after get off work. I heard that he often works overtime in the hospital until after 8 o'clock in the evening.

What is he up to these days? Teacher Mu Chun is really an increasingly unpredictable person.

On November 16th, the public rehearsal day of the Far North Affiliated Small Dance Troupe, the performance was "Aisha's Gift".

The judges of the High School Attached to Far North, the teachers of the Dance Troupe of Far North University, the teachers of the Municipal Dancers Association, the judges of the most important performance, and the director group of the Spring Festival Gala.

A group of eleven judges came to watch the public rehearsal. Feng Yixing, the head of the dance teaching and research team of the Yuanbei Primary School, received the judges teacher. During the conversation, he did not mention Ding Xiaoyun at all. Feng Yixing was a little worried at first, but everyone seemed to avoid this topic on purpose. There has never been a student Ding Xiaoyun in this school, and Ding Xiaoyun was not included in the list of the first performances of this dance.

Everyone is deliberately forgetting.

Like she never existed.

This is Liu Pei's unforgettable feeling. Everyone is trying to persuade her to forget it. Everyone is telling her that this is fate, and everyone has a fate. She should look forward, and there is still a long way to go.

Even Ding Xiaoyun's father didn't want Liu Pei to spend all day looking for children similar to Ding Xiaoyun on the computer all over the world. He didn't wash his face all day long, and he didn't want to go out.

Isn't it you? Isn't it because you have always demanded too much from her?

Ding Xiaoyun's father, Ding Peng, wanted to tell Liu Pei countless times that if you hadn't put so much pressure on her, how could she have jumped down by herself.

Ding Peng suffered no less than Liu Pei, but Liu Pei thought that Ding Peng never cared about Ding Xiaoyun, because what the Ding family wanted was a boy. In such an era, the Ding family still likes boys. She would treat Ding Xiaoyun like this It is to let Ding Xiaoyun understand that girls can be very good, and girls must be better than boys.

The couple fell into a cold Ding Peng wanted to regain his strength to face the future life, while Liu Pei was self-confident and didn't want to move forward even a step.

In the auditorium of the Far North Primary School, the fifth grade students sat in their own class area one after another, and the judges sat in the seats in the middle of the first row and the second row.

The lighting teacher is ready and the music is gradually playing.

The dark blue stage background is dotted with stars.

Under the starry sky, two girls spun towards the front of the stage.

The music gradually intensified, snowflakes fell on the stage, and a girl in a blue gauze dress appeared last.

This girl is Pan Haiyu, the heroine of the show "Aisha's Gift".

The most exciting part of the dance is that Elsa will find a mysterious gift in the snowflakes, and because of this gift, she will become a beautiful princess.

Just as Pan Haiyu was spinning with the snowflakes, a girl suddenly shouted from the audience below the stage, "Ding Xiaoyun, isn't that Ding Xiaoyun?"