Crazy Psychologist

v1 Chapter 434: If you didn't say it's not my fault

"Is this kind of thing? The muscles and the brain have developed some kind of motor reflex. Anyway, when they see flying over, they suddenly know what to do." Mu Chun explained. To be honest, he himself is not sure whether the principle is true. That's what happened.

"Okay, stop making trouble, this is a hospital." Mu Xiao coughed, then turned and sat back in her seat. "So, don't you think it's wrong? Mozart must have been a Tourette's patient, that's what I think, and Howard Hughes must be OCD. Needless to say, I have always advocated and insisted that psychosomatic treatment should not Limited to chemotherapy, surgical treatment, various behavioral treatments, psychoanalytic treatment or cognitive therapy, but should integrate the patient's internal and external, put the patient in his life, not from his living environment Putting it in a vacuum, and a big part of our treatment is getting the patient back to life, which may have always been ideal."

"There is nothing wrong with idealization, that's it. It's not just the efforts of physical and mental doctors and patients themselves. We also need to win more people who can win, such as the patient's family members, such as community residents' understanding of one thing, such as the whole people. Mental health awareness, such as strengthening the professional level of suicide crisis interventionists, these are all things we should consider, if we don’t think about it, how many people will think about it.” Mu Chun said seriously, as if these words Said the same countless times.

From Mu Chun's face, Mu Xiao saw the one she was familiar with, the innocent Mu Chun, the kind Mu Chun and the Mu Chun who believed in the path she was walking.

But she also knew that Mu Chun once doubted, once suspected that everything he expected and worked hard was wrong, futile and meaningless, he was sad, desperate and even lost.

The current Mu Chun is so precious, so resolute, shining with wisdom and calmness, this is the Mu Chun she loves deeply.

But Mu Xiao knows that Mu Chun's situation may not always be like this. At the beginning of last year, he fell ill again, a state like a brain restart, and he woke up with some memory loss.

Fortunately, he didn't lose all his experience and knowledge.

Thank God, he actually forgot all those hesitations, denials and fears, although he also seemed to have forgotten Mu Xiao.

Professor Chu has been researching for a long time but there is no good way. Of course, Mu Xiao can't wait for others to protect Mu Chun. Although the progress of some of the research that has been slightly promising will be slightly slower after returning to China, she can stay by Mu Chun's side to protect her. Mu Chun is here, whether as a colleague, as a colleague, or as an old classmate, at least she can always be by his side to accompany him to deal with many, many things.

"I seem to remember that when we went to Sweden, we also visited a patient with Tourette's syndrome. I have already remembered the situation at that time." Mu Chun quickly flipped through the notebook as he said.

Mu Xiao reminded Mu Chun that it was not in the notebook, but the case about the great Swedish obstetrician and gynecologist was in the portfolio.

The name of the surrounding doctor is Robert Dick, an obstetrician and gynecologist in a small town in Sweden. Professor Chu heard about this patient from a professor of neurology when he was communicating in Europe. At that time, Chu Xiaofeng asked this patient from time to time. Doctors who do a lot of small movements are very curious, so it is possible that a person who suddenly twitches his muscles, blinks his eyes, and even hops from time to time in the mouth of the professor of neurology, can become an obstetrician and gynecologist?

As we all know, what doctors need is precision, concentration and professional technical literacy, but how can such a person who can't even stand quietly complete obstetrics and gynecology surgery?

With such curiosity, Chu Xiaofeng told Mu Xiao about the patient after he returned to China. At that time, Mu Chun was troubled by Xiao Lanping's matter. How did you grow up as a doctor.

Later, the professor was unable to visit the patient because he was busy with the school's teaching work. Mu Xiao and Mu Chun got such an opportunity, accompanied by an internationally renowned professor of neurology, to the small town of Hacome, Sweden.

It was April, and the vehicle passed through a town as beautiful as a lyric poem, and came to the obstetrics and gynecology ward of the Jacome Central Hospital.

As soon as they walked into the corridor of the ward area, Mu Chun and Mu Xiao recognized Dr. Robert, because a doctor in a light green surgical gown kept touching his ears, and then lifted his feet back and forth by the wall. baseboard.

There's an oddly rhythmic aesthetic to his movements, as if every movement has to be symmetrical and double-numbered.

The professor jokingly said, "Isn't he a very energetic male doctor? He just wants a couple for everything."

"What about when you give birth? It's impossible for all mothers to have twins. Most of them are one." Mu Xiao said.

Before the professor had time to answer Mu Xiao, Robert jumped up and down in front of the three of them, "Hi, I heard that a beautiful medical student is here." Robert greeted humorously and enthusiastically.

"Hi, yes, we would like to discuss a job with you." Mu Xiao replied in fluent English.

"That was awesome, my girlfriend just left me because I couldn't stand my symmetry, and I'm happy to be able to work with beautiful peers at a time like this."

Robert joked in a measured way.

The first impression for Mu Chun and Mu Xiao was that not only was Robert not excluded by others in the hospital, but also that his daily work was a particularly pleasant thing for him.

Robert generously introduced his daily work to everyone. When talking, he would poke the wall next to him or the notebook in his hand from time to time. If he didn’t have these things, he would be a little irritable.

This kind of irritability appeared suddenly, that is to say, Robert looked normal in the first second, but he moved a lot and jumped around, but in the next second he suddenly started to be very irritable and bored. The whole world didn't feel right to him.

He began to try to find something that he could poke and tap again. If he couldn't find it, Robert would touch his ear repeatedly, 10 times on the left and 10 times on the right, and then he would alternately kick his feet every time there was an even number. .....

Mu Chun observed that Robert would repeat this set of movements until he felt that each beat was at the correct point. When the hand touches the ear for the second time, the foot must be kicked once. These two movements must be in perfect time. If Any advance or delay will have to start again.

If it is wrong several times, Robert will be very annoyed. Many people may give up confidence in a thing that has been repeated many times and still fail to do it!

But Robert is different. He is irritable, and he is busy with these things while being irritable and angry.

After he finished, he told everyone with satisfaction, "It's a little more relaxed. Really, it doesn't happen often anymore, maybe because of the girlfriend breaking up."

Robert's optimism is still fresh in people's memory, and he doesn't shy away from saying that because of such weird little problems, he made several girlfriends and broke up unhappy.

The professor said that his girlfriends were all beautiful, and they all liked his eccentric look at first, so some people would find it interesting.

"Yes, I look like a monkey who has always been in good spirits, but I am completely different during the operation. Would you like to see my operation process?" At Robert's invitation, Mu Chun and Mu Xiao had The opportunity to participate in an operation in charge of Dr. Robert on the second day.

Mu Chun and Mu Xiao looked forward to seeing that he didn't look like a cheerful monkey. The professor smiled and patted Mu Chun on the shoulder, "The first time I saw it, it was beyond all my imagination."

When the professor said this, Mu Chun looked forward to it even more.

In the evening, Dr. Robert invited everyone to drink beer at his home. The professor was very happy about it, saying that he had quit drinking for many years, and it was rare to have another drink.

When Dr. Robert heard that the professor had quit drinking for many years, he immediately shook his head. Then you should eat meatballs. Meatballs and Coke are also good choices.

"Before I get off work, you should go buy three cups, because I'm not used to others using my cup, is this request okay?"

After Robert asked, the three nodded, so there was this red snowflake-patterned cup.

Mu Chun remembered everything now.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Robert prepared meatballs, mashed potatoes and smoked salmon for everyone, a large plate of vegetables and some Mexican nachos.

Robert doesn't let anyone into the kitchen. He said he has some cleanliness freaks. If a stranger has entered the kitchen, he will feel that all the food outside is no longer clean.

Mu Xiao asked, so now that we strangers are sitting here, and the food is exposed to everyone, is this food unclean and inedible?

Robert shook his head, "No, I haven't reached that level, it's just that the kitchen is special."

Mu Chun understands that he has his own set of rules. Robert doesn't like to change these rules. Changes will make him flustered and nervous. This is one of the reasons why it may not be easy for him to find a suitable marriage partner. He still wants a wife very much, because he likes children.

As for the number of children, Robert smiled and gestured a 2.

The professor joked that 4 is also an even number, or 6. Robert shook his head in embarrassment, saying that 2 is still the most perfect, and if possible, 8 is of course also fine.

This is a joke, Robert laughed himself after he finished speaking.

Because the content of the chat was very pleasant, everyone didn't pay much attention to Robert's weird behavior before the dinner table. In fact, he was constantly distracting because of the convulsions that would happen every once in a while.

In addition, Robert couldn't help scratching the tablecloth, or raising his hand to touch the chandelier on the dining table. In short, if his fingers couldn't touch something, he would feel uncomfortable.

Mu Chun asked, "Is it necessary to make this kind of touch make a sound to be more comfortable?"

Robert shook his head, "It's nothing special. Now that you say it like this, I seem to be a little uncertain. Now that I think about it, I don't necessarily have to make a sound, but the touch needs a little feedback, the feedback of strength. Or as you said, the feedback on the sound."

Robert let everyone look at the refrigerator next to the dining table. The refrigerator was riddled with holes. Robert said that this was basically his battlefield since he was a child. After speaking, he took the lead and laughed again.

It can be seen that this refrigerator has been hit by a meteorite for at least 20 years in this family, leaving an indelible mark over time.

Mu Xiao found several larger pits and deeper dents than other places, and asked, "Is this also made by touching with fingers? It looks like a big wound."

Robert shyly said, "That's what I threw. When I was young, I was very angry. When I was angry, I would throw things. I would throw everything. I would throw cups, scissors, plates, a big bowl of spaghetti bolognese, everything. Okay, if I suddenly get angry, I can't control it, I will definitely throw things, I will throw whatever I find, once I almost lifted the table and threw it at the refrigerator, then my mother stopped me and gave me A carrot, I threw the carrot over there."

After speaking, Robert started drinking beer, gurgling, drinking almost two-thirds, and then he burped.

"The people in the church told my mother that the child might be possessed by the devil. There were children like this in the town decades ago. They would go to the hill behind at night and slash at the trees. , and was finally picked up by the devil.

My mother is afraid that I will also cross the road behind and climb up the mountain in the night in the middle of the night. In fact, I know that I have no interest in the mountain behind the road. I just can't control my temper, and I Always move around.

The teacher at the church school was kind to me, let me sit in the last row alone, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, I secretly read books, novels, "Blade Runner" and Asimov's "Foundation" series, when I'm sad—actually I'm always sad, as long as I'm awake I'm sad, sometimes it's better when I'm in a rage. How should I put it, that is, when I am awake, I have to bear two kinds of discomfort. One is that I always move around, and I always pay special attention to my own rules for many places and things. This aspect makes me very uncomfortable. In addition, when I do this, people around me will express their incomprehension or even fear of my affairs. This is something I have to bear, so as long as I am awake every day, I suffer from two kinds of discomfort, because I also know the shame, than when people talk about me, I also know the shame that it brings, and the shame that I can't control my body.

But it’s different when I’m angry. When I throw things, I’m angry, and I don’t know what I’m doing, it’s actually very fun. I don’t need to feel ashamed, and I don’t have time to feel it. It’s just that the feeling disappears in that aspect. It disappeared without a trace, and I couldn't find it even if I tried to find it. It just disappeared in those few minutes or ten minutes.

So it's actually very comfortable. You probably have never been so angry, haha, of course, it’s better for us not to be so angry under normal circumstances, because the people around us really can’t stand it, I only realized after I grew up that most people in the world are very similar, People like those in the church, like the teachers, like my mom and dad, they are all normal people, very similar normal people, and there are very few people like me, I know myself like this in our small town, we The town has a lot of people.

My mother doesn't care much about my moving around. Although some nosy people will tell my mother that I should be careful and pray more, but my mother doesn't care too much. What she fears is my anger.

When I was young, I would suddenly get angry, throwing things, throwing everything I picked up, and later developed into throwing things at him when I saw anyone. If I happened to be angry at that time, I once hurt my mother by throwing it. The corner of the eye is the part that football players are particularly prone to injury. The corner of the eye will bleed a lot when injured. It looks very scary. I was terrified. I ran out of the refrigerator to get ice cubes and iced milk, and then went to the bathroom to get a clean towel. I was busy for half an hour, and I didn't make any mistakes during that half hour. I was so concentrated that I couldn't understand it. I felt that my restless body suddenly quieted down, and all the cells in my body were operating step by step.

They have no worries, no impatience, and my brain is as clean as the morning sky.

Although I was ashamed and sad about hurting my mother, that night, as I lay on my single dark blue bed and looked out at the stars through the skylight, I suddenly realized that when I was giving When my mother was applying cold compresses and wrapping her up indiscriminately, my heart was as quiet as the sky.

That night I thought I'm going to be a doctor, and a surgeon at that.

But my mother's view on this matter is completely different from mine. My mother doesn't care if I move around or have bad behavior habits. She is afraid that I will hurt others and that I will fight with other students in the church school. It's not bad to be worried. Even if I have a teacher to take care of me, there will still be students in school who will gossip behind my back. I'm not afraid to fight with those chubby fat guys.

But I swear, I seldom find trouble, very rarely, and other boys are not as slow as their mother, and they run faster than rabbits when they sense that something is wrong.

The only one left who was so angry, I could only smash my fist at my locker until I didn't want to.

Sometimes I wonder if it will keep smashing forever, but never, it always stops after a certain stroke.

My mother called a few relatives in other cities, and then took me to see a doctor. Fortunately, I met a professor. I think it is the luckiest thing in my life. The first sentence he said to me The words are don't be afraid, it's not your fault, don't be afraid. "

The professor smiled slightly, and Robert put his arms around the professor's shoulders and said: "It's true, before I met the professor, I always thought it was my fault, everything was my fault."


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