Crazy Psychologist

v1 Chapter 74: girl and child

A young woman was sitting in the family planning clinic.

She was wearing a light yellow dress and a pair of white sneakers on her feet. Her hair was tied into a loose ponytail, and Mu Chun only saw her side profile, and she was talking to the doctor.

"I don't want this baby anymore, really, I don't want it."

The doctor looked exhausted. Judging from the usual outpatient visits, the number of patients in the family planning clinic is not too many. The reason is simple. The number of patients in community hospitals is relatively fixed, and the number of married women is even greater. Within an annual predictable range.

Moreover, community hospitals only perform routine prenatal examinations and registration work, and further treatment and examinations require going to larger hospitals, such as obstetrics and gynecology departments of secondary hospitals.

A nearly 50-year-old doctor named Jiang Hong is on duty in the family planning office today. Dr. Jiang Hong is a mature, stable and friendly doctor. He usually takes good care of the young nurses. He speaks calmly and never makes people feel uncomfortable. It can be said that he is a well-known good man in Huayuanqiao Community Hospital.

But Jiang Hong's complexion was really ugly, she almost drooped the corners of her eyes in frustration, the teacup on the table was already empty.

"How long has this girl been in there?"

Mu Chun asked quietly in Liu Tiantian's ear.

"I don't know, let me see."

Liu Tiantian raised his hand and glanced at his watch.

"About 20 minutes. It's been more than 20 minutes since I first went in to send medical records to Dr. Jiang."

"Who told you to come find me on the fifth floor?"

"It's Li Xiaomei. It seems that Dr. Jiang said to go out to see a patient halfway, and then told the nurse's desk to find a nurse to go to the fifth floor and ask Dr. Mu to come down."

"Is that what you said?"

"Well, the original words are the same. If you don't believe me, you can ask Li Xiaomei."

Liu Tiantian raised his hand as if to swear.

Mu Chun reached out and pulled her hand down. This action happened to be seen by Chu Sisi who rushed over.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

Chu Sisi stood against the wall, standing to the right of Mu Chun, and asked softly.

"I don't know, just watch it for a while, I'll go to the outpatient hall to get some candy."

"Wait, aren't you going in?"

Liu Tiantian grabbed Mu Chun's elbow and asked curiously.

"Ah, I'm going to get a candy to eat first. It's hard to come to the first floor once. The candy you give to the patients is really good. I heard that there are Italian imported wafer biscuits. I'm worried that I don't have snacks to go with my coffee. .”

As he said that, Mu Chun broke free from Liu Tiantian's hand, and walked towards the hall bouncingly. After five minutes, he came back slowly, with both pockets bulging, like a Santa Claus who was going to give gifts to children at Christmas .

"Today is really lucky. There are not only wafer biscuits but also fruits, and the oranges have an import label on them. I am really very happy, so happy, and I have made a fortune."

Chu Sisi felt that she couldn't hold back her face, so she thought about buying some fruits and biscuits for the physical and mental department in the afternoon and putting them in the refrigerator, so that Mu Chun would not come to the first floor again to embarrass herself.

"What's going on inside?"

"There was a quarrel, and that woman dared to pat Dr. Jiang's table. Dr. Mu, are you really not going in?"

"Arguing? Good."

"What's the matter? When did Dr. Jiang encounter such grievances? I'm afraid that he has never encountered such a thing as a patient hitting the table in his entire life as a doctor."

"She just doesn't want a child, that's all."

"I don't know what's going on. Maybe Dr. Jiang wants to persuade her to think again."

Liu Tiantian was busy going to the nurse's desk and told Chu Sisi that he would come to the fifth floor to listen to the story at noon.

This nurse really came to the hospital to watch a show.

Chu Sisi nodded and could only agree.

"Are we really not going in? Teacher."

"Go to the nurse's desk and call Dr. Jiang to ask her to come out."

Chu Sisi did as he did, and Dr. Jiang immediately understood Chu Sisi's intentions on the phone, so he poured a glass of water for the patient and slipped out in a hurry under the pretext of something urgent.

When he saw Mu Chun at the door, Doctor Jiang let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's not pregnant at all."

Mu Chun asked while tearing the wrapping paper of the wafer biscuit.

Although she works in the same hospital, Jiang Hong saw Mu Chun for the first time. She didn't expect Mu Chun to look so unreliable.

But it pointed out the crux of the problem.

"Yes, no pregnancy at all."

Not pregnant? A girl who is not pregnant asks the hospital for an abortion?

Chu Sisi suspected that she had heard it wrong, but judging by the expressions of Jiang Hong and Mu Chun, there was absolutely nothing wrong with this matter.

"That's right, I've had three checks and God, she's not pregnant at all."

"But she thinks she must be pregnant, doesn't she?"

Jiang Hong looked at Mu Chun, unable to speak for a while, his expression became more serious than in the outpatient room.

"How on earth do you know?"

Mu Chungang stuffed a piece of wafer biscuit into his mouth, and said while eating, the crumbs of the biscuit floated out of his mouth, Jiang Hong is a very clean female doctor, seeing Mu Chun so unkempt Not like what a doctor should be Unknowingly took a step back.

But the time is limited, she can't come out for too long, and the patient's emotions are hard to control, so Jiang Hong can only endure and say, "How did Dr. Mu know?"

"Well, you can tell from Dr. Jiang Hong's words. Hasn't Dr. Jiang Hong been explaining to the patient that he is not pregnant?"

"But she doesn't believe it."

"Well, yes, she won't believe it."

"Why is this?" Chu Sisi asked.

Mu Chun poked his head suddenly, and said a few words in Dr. Jiang Hong's ear, his voice was so soft that Chu Sisi didn't hear a word.

After Dr. Jiang finished listening, he frowned and looked at Mu Chun with suspicion in his eyes.

"Really? Isn't that a slap in the face?"

"Let's just say that, otherwise, I won't be able to take care of other patients all morning."

"Okay, that's all I can do, I'll go and try."

"You must be sincere, and you must believe what she says."

Mu Chun made a victory gesture to Jiang Hong, then staggered away.

"what happened?"

Liu Tiantian saw Mu Chun coming out, and hurried over to inquire. Li Xiaomei, who was at the nurse's desk in the distance, also looked at Mu Chun and Chu Sisi. Unfortunately, she was so far away that she couldn't hear anything, and she was entangled by the new patient just by looking at them. .

"Bonus, here comes the bonus."

After Mu Chun finished speaking, he strode up the stairs, looking in a very good mood.

"It's really sick."

Liu Tiantian pouted and returned to the nurse's desk bored.

In the family planning clinic, Jiang Hong dubiously used the method Mu Chun taught her to persuade the girl.

When the girl heard this, she smiled through her tears, and happily walked away with her medical records.