Crazy Psychologist

v2 Chapter 510: Between open and restrictive

Apart from having a set, really having a set, what else can Mu Chun feel emotional about?

"Is the reason for breaking up because you fell in love with other girls?" Mu Chun asked.

Yang Xing seemed a little hesitant, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said to Mu Chun: "It's not just that, one of the reasons is that I met a new girl, she is very good, the conditions are good in all aspects, and she fits my requirements." Progressive requirements."

The "progressive requirements" mentioned by Yang Xing have multiple considerations. The first is that the girlfriend's education must not be lower than a bachelor's degree; It can be advanced to 211, and then he is ready to challenge 985.

According to Yang Xing, at first he thought that education was a hurdle that was not easy to overcome, because he was only a graduate of a third-rate university. In order to transform this kind of inferiority complex, he made a rule that his girlfriend's education must be the same as his, not lower than a bachelor's degree.

But this one can also be changed, changing the conditions is sufficient economic strength.

From what Mu Chun heard, Yang Xing was really careful and careful in this regard.

1. Bachelor degree or below will not be considered.

2. The undergraduate degree ranges from general undergraduate to 211 and then to 985.

The special rules are as follows: If a girl earns more than 30,000 yuan per month, she does not need to meet condition 1.

It seems that Yang Xing's requirements for girls' education are prior to their looks, and Mu Chun asked curiously: "Well, isn't looks important? I don't see any requirements for appearance in your plan. Is it true that girls are beautiful or not for you? None of it matters."

Yang Xing replied: "I can't say that. Good looks are naturally an advantage for girls, but good looks are useless if you have a low education and no level. It doesn't meet my experimental conditions. Didn't the doctor see that my design is actually very clever?" ?”

Yang Xing looked at Mu Chun with some pride.

Mu Chun bit her lip, "I don't understand!"

Yang Xing was not impatient, on the contrary, he patiently explained to Mu Chun.

He believes that appearance is a combination of subjective evaluation and objective evaluation. There are many factors that determine whether a girl's appearance is beautiful or not.

Natural beauty is a very important point. Besides natural beauty, whether a girl can take care of her appearance is also very important. In fact, there are studies that can be used for reference.

It seems that Yang Xing has spent a lot of effort, and he has also used what he thinks is a "scientific" method for research.

Highly educated women are more concerned about their appearance, and know how to spend money and time on their appearance.

Mu Chun wanted to say, "Some girls in science schools are as slovenly as boys, and their grades are so good that they fly." But after thinking about it, she didn't say anything.

In Yang Xing's narration, Mu Chun also discovered that Yang Xing even prefers to know some girls whose appearance is not too high. He thinks that girls who are not very good-looking but have good economic conditions are easier to control.

"Girls with high education and high income are generally not ugly. They know how to adjust their lives to become more beautiful, such as reasonable fitness, such as controlling diet, such as buying beautiful clothes and expensive cosmetics. In short, they know how to make themselves look beautiful. Beautiful, and have the financial strength to make yourself beautiful."

After hearing this, Mu Chun nodded seriously, "That's not bad, is it also applicable to men? For example, do some men who work in Jingdao enterprises or the world's top 500 companies know how to keep their appearance in A more respectable level?"

Yang Xing wanted to say, "Generally speaking, this is the case, but you are a relatively advanced professional doctor, why can't you make yourself look better? The doctors in those movies and TV dramas are more handsome than each other."

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Yang Xing's mind, if he was sitting on Mu Chun's chair, Mu Chun was sitting on the patient's seat, and he was wearing a white coat, it must be a more harmonious picture.

Well, the clothes like white coats still look better when they are worn by more handsome people. Wearing ordinary people's clothes really lowers the standard of white coats.

Speaking of which, Yang Xing suddenly became interested in the work of a psychosomatic doctor. If he were a psychosomatic doctor, wouldn't girls be more willing to trust him? That must be the case, and it is said that psychosomatic doctors also know some strange techniques, such as hypnosis.

Yang Xing is interested in all these, but what he wants to know most now is, "How can I break up with my current girlfriend."

"Meeting a new girl is the first reason, and the second reason is that my current girlfriend is too much. Otherwise, I don't have to break up with her." Yang Xing said regretfully.

His eyes also suddenly dimmed a lot, and Mu Chun felt that the air in the outpatient room filled with black smoke was a little more oppressive now.

Yang Xing's lens was covered with gray color, Mu Chun didn't know if it was his illusion.

Could this Yang Xing be sad?

Afterwards, Yang Xing's words made Mu Chun deny his judgment just now, and he felt like exclaiming - Orz.

"She said she wanted me to go back to her hometown with her. Chinese New Year is coming soon, she wanted to go back to her hometown and asked me to go back with her, but I said I couldn't go back with her, and I immediately refused."

Yang Xing said slowly.

"Then she should be very sad, after all, she doesn't know that you are going to break up with her."

Yang Xing looked directly at Mu, did you not hear clearly? I said that after this happened, I wanted to break up with her even more. I was not so sure at first, because my experiment time was not yet clear. It hasn't arrived, it's only been three months. I originally planned to give this girl five months. "

"I didn't hear clearly again? Well, I understand now." Mu Chun rolled his eyes and said.

"Well, it's better to listen carefully. It may be a little complicated for you."

"It's okay, tell me." Mu Chun stood up and poured another cup of coffee, wondering if this was an emotional test? Is this person here to investigate whether the earthlings are qualified to fall in love?

"She asked me to accompany her home, I refused, and then she resisted."

Mu Chun heard it right. Yang Xing did use the word "resistance". Think and can't say the word is incorrect.

If Yang Xing had that kind of meaning in mind, then the word "resistance" was simply the best word to use.