Crazy Psychologist

v2 Chapter 608: Which stage is best to interrupt

Whether therapists should have their own moral attitudes or articulate their own positions has always been a controversial topic, and this kind of controversy is not a debate, nor is it a topic that everyone will discuss in public.

But Mu Chun knows that not only in China, but also many therapists and psychiatrists abroad often encounter such troubles. There was once a case in North America about such a troublesome incident.

A man who was diagnosed with intermittent insanity killed his two children. When the jury was dealing with this case, more than 100 psychiatrists, therapists, etc. were invited.

When they were asked whether such an act should be judged as murder and punished severely, these experts were all particularly "neutral".

They said something like this: If the defendant happened to be in a state of insanity when he saw the two children, we believe that the probability of such a state needs to be further checked, which requires a certain amount of time and methods.

They also said: Judging the circumstances of the case based on his usual relationship with the child is also worthy of reference.

Some of them also said: When reviewing such a case, the focus should be on the emotional situation of the defendant's original family, and even knowing whether the defendant was raised by his grandparents is also meaningful to the case.

Another expert said:! !

Some other experts also said:! ! ! !

A judge with a mild temper could not help but say in court, "You are the top experts in this field, you have studied professional theory for so many years, you have been working in this field for several years, ten years, several ten years.

Now, you can't even say the simplest sentence? "


Having no position, being neutral, not expressing one's own attitude, a transparent physical and mental doctor seems to be a wise choice. Being a doctor in North America is a very respected profession, but also a job that needs to be approached with great care. So a strange phenomenon gradually formed. They seemed to be saying something, using some obscure or even uncommon language and awkward grammar to explain something, but in fact they didn't seem to say anything important.

As angry as the judges are, they don't have any perspective or attitude.

Due to the high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases, this year's "Mental Health Annual Conference" was postponed to March.

Mu Chun was able to have time to treat two very important patients, one of whom was Hong Ling.

When Hong Ling came for a follow-up visit, her condition was still very poor, but Mu Chun told her that the most critical and important period of OCD treatment is when the patient can no longer stand it, and this is the beginning of improvement.

Most patients will have a moment when they suddenly want to ask for help, and this is the best time to start treatment.

He will do everything in his power to help her through this period together, and will be there for her to deal with this demon at any time in the future.

"I think it's my fault." Hong Ling always said that.

In her opinion, she used to think about the use of grandma's life, which would only make the family often quarrel because of her.

But grandma was very patient and kind to her.

After grandma died, Hong Ling became afraid. She didn't dare to mention the word grandma to anyone. She felt that anytime she mentioned this word, she would violate some kind of taboo.

After the first follow-up visit, Mu Chun gave Hong Ling some homework.

He told Hong Ling that these misconceptions caused by my grandma's death are important problems for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After this mechanism is split, it is:

A. Provoking event (situation or event that triggers anxiety)

For example: Mention the word grandma or milk.

B. Unrealistic evaluation (automatic irrational thoughts)

For example: because I was wondering why she didn't die

C. Misconceptions

For example: This is because of my thoughts.

D: excessive anxiety

At this time, patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder will be overly anxious.

E: neutralizing ritual behavior

Excessive cleaning, checking and repeating an action.

Mu Chun told Hong Ling that after writing out all the questions in this set, they can form a circle.

One way to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder is to take a pair of scissors and cut off the circle of A-E.

In fact, any place can be interrupted as long as it is interrupted.

According to Mu Chun's request, Hong Ling brought the homework to the outpatient room during the second follow-up visit.

Mu Chun discovered something that surprised him—Hong Ling cleaned his hair.

"Have you washed your hair?" Mu Chun said happily.

Hong Ling stroked his soft long hair and said with a smile: "Yes, I don't know why, but one day I felt really good, I didn't think about anything, I just thought that I need to wash my hair, I want to be clean , I want to be a new man.

My mother was so happy that day, and asked me if I could go to school? "

"go to school?"

Mu Chun didn't understand.

"Yes, I'm on leave from school." Hong Ling said apologetically, as if she had done something wrong.

"So according to these methods, where did you interrupt?"


Hong Ling clicked on position D on Mu Chun's blueprint, "I think I need to fight against this anxiety, and then I should delay the time to reach E."

Mu Chun looked at Hong Ling in surprise. He thought these words were very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard them.

Hong Ling added, "I didn't come up with this, it's very strange, in fact, the picture Dr. Mu Chun drew for me that day was also drawn by a teacher before, but I can't find that picture. "

"Is there a teacher?" Mu Chun felt a headache, which he rarely felt.

However, Hong Ling said with a very sure look: "I even suspect that Dr. Mu Chun is that teacher."

When Hong Ling said this, Mu Chun was even more troubled.

"Two years ago, I saw a forum on the Internet, and there were many, many people like me on it. Everyone talked about their own problems. Some people take twenty showers a day, and some people count every hour. .

At that time, a girl left me a message. She told me that you can try the email address on the forum. The teacher is very, very good and a very good person.

I tried to send an email to that teacher, and he replied very slowly, but I don’t know if he is a man or a woman, but the girl seems to know it very well. In my feeling, that girl seems to know this teacher very well. , I still remember the girl's screen name, her name is 'Xiaosi', she was at Xiadong University, majoring in law.

When Xiaosi mentioned that teacher, he used him alone. So I guess it was a male teacher who was emailing me back.

In fact, I was really touched at that time, and I felt that there were still people in this world who were helping me, and there were still people in this world who had experienced the same pain as me. With his analysis and help, I already felt that I could try to To fight this terrible thought, I can fight it slowly, and then slowly get better. "

"Even sometimes, some diseases will heal on their own." Mu Chun said gently.

After hearing this sentence, Hong Ling looked at Mu Chun in surprise and even horror, "That teacher also said that."

Mu Chun had another headache.

Caught off guard, he even felt like throwing up, something was about to come out of his body.

Fortunately, Hong Ling said to go home to review and prepare to go back to school. After she left, Mu Chuncai vomited by the pool for a long time without vomiting anything.


Around the sea in March, early spring, spring is bright and beautiful.

But Xie Xiaofei was left in Xie Chunping's hometown, and he didn't even go to school.

Under the pretext of a business trip, Xie Chunping secretly went back to his hometown to take Xie Xiaofei back to the sea. After staying in a hotel near the Huayuanqiao Community Health Center for one night, he came to the hospital early the next morning.

"Hello, is there any outpatient service in the Department of Psychology and Psychology today?" Xie Chunping asked at the nurse's desk.

Liu Tiantian looked at the little boy next to Xie Chunping, and thought it was very pretty, so he immediately felt good, and pointed to the direction of the stairs, "It's on the fifth floor, remember to register."

"Okay, if I take the child to see a doctor, can I use the child's medical insurance card or my own?"

Xie Chunping planned to ask more clearly, this time he really hoped to solve Xie Xiaofei's problems.

"Of course the child sees a doctor with the child's own medical insurance card. You can use your medical insurance card to see the doctor. If both of you are sick, then both of you should register."

Xie Chunping felt that what Liu Tiantian said was very clear. After thanking him, he took Xie Xiaofei to register and walked to the fifth floor.

The moment he saw Mu Chun, Xie Xiaofei let out a few strange screams, and Xie Chunping subconsciously covered his mouth.

"It's okay, let him relax." Mu Chun immediately jumped up from the chair, walked in front of Xie Xiaofei, squatted down, and took Xie Chunping's hand away from Xie Xiaofei's face.

"It's you?" Mu Chun said.

"Uncle?" Xie Xiaofei showed a very happy expression.

"Very good, very good, uncle will help you."

After Mu Chun finished speaking, he took Xie Xiaofei's hand and walked to the seat. After he sat down, Mu Chun took out milk and sandwiches from the refrigerator.

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?" Mu Chun asked.

"I'm not hungry, da."

Xie Chunping frowned, he felt that he might never get used to this kind of voice.

"I have seen this child, and you have also come to me to ask questions about concentration. In addition, I have also seen the child's mother in the Yuehai Music Center."

After Mu Chun finished speaking, Xie Chunping nodded slowly, "Well, I came to see the doctor, mainly because of the child's problem, which gave us a lot of headaches. I don't know if it's because of his shaking and screaming?"

"It's an interesting question." Mu Chun said with a smile.

Seeing the doctor's smile, Xie Chunping's mood improved for the most part. He has been depressed since the Chinese New Year until today, and at this moment he finally felt a little relieved.

"So it's easy to cure, don't worry, is it the same as catching a cold?" Xie Chunping asked tentatively.

At this moment, Xie Xiaofei's attention was attracted by the piano beside him, he turned around and looked at the piano.

"Want to play?" Mu Chun asked.

Xie Xiaofei looked at Xie Chunping, waiting for his father to agree.

Xie Chunping quickly said: "The doctor says it's fine, but you're not allowed to play blindly, the piano is very expensive."

"Yeah." Xie Xiaofei nodded obediently.

Mu Chun walked to the piano, opened the lid, and played a C major scale.

Then let Xie Xiaofei try to play it.

Xie Xiaofei squinted his eyes and tilted his head to look at Mu Chun and smiled.

"Does it sound good?" Mu Chun asked.

"It sounds good. The last time I went to a concert with my mother, I thought the sound of the piano was super nice. It was the best sound among all the sounds I've ever heard."

Mu Chun was also very surprised that Xie Xiaofei would say such a thing.

Afterwards, because of his joy, Xie Xiaofei quickly strummed on the piano, shaking his body with the feeling of hitting the keys with his hands up and down while playing.

Xie Chunping looked at it and was worried what would happen if Xie Xiaofei broke the piano like this, and the way he played the piano like this was really too uneducated.

So Xie Chunping walked to Xie Xiaofei's side at once, and pulled Xie Xiaofei away from the piano.

"You can't play like this, do you hear that?" Xie Chunping's voice was a little harsh, almost like reprimanding.

Xie Xiaofei suddenly became frightened, his shoulders began to shake uncontrollably, and his mouth also made a rattling sound.

Xie Chunping hurriedly called Mu Chun, "Doctor Mu, Doctor Mu, look, that's how it is, this child is like that."

"Okay, I know, don't worry."

Mu Chun walked up to Xie Xiaofei, squatted in front of him, put his hands lightly on Xie Xiaofei's shoulders, and said, "Do you remember what I taught you when I was in the concert hall? Relax, relax."

Just when Mu Chun was telling Xie Xiaofei how to ease his breathing to control this uncomfortable twitching, Xie Chunping's phone rang suddenly.

On the other side, Li Xiaoyun already knew that Xie Chunping brought Xie Xiaofei from his hometown back to the sea, so he called Xie Chunping angrily, and after a reprimand, he stared at Xie Chunping and asked, "Where is Xie Xiaofei?"

Fifteen minutes later, Li Xiaoyun rushed to the hospital and saw Xie Xiaofei strumming on the piano.

Li Xiaoyun was already very angry in his heart. Her husband secretly took the child back to the sea behind her back. Li Xiaoyun was furious about this matter. Now he is fine. Seeing Xie Xiaofei messing around in the hospital, he felt even more uncomfortable. The grumpy Li Xiaoyun and Xie Chunping in the outpatient room There was a quarrel.

This Xiaofei made a strange noise again.

Li Xiaoyun was really angry, rushed to the child, and slapped him.

Now, Xie Chunping couldn't help it anymore, "How long have I endured you, why are you acting like this, if the child is not good, you can blame me, what can I do.

If your child embarrasses you, you just throw the child back to your hometown, and you also lose your temper when you come to the hospital to see a doctor?

Is that what you do mom? "

Li Xiaoyun doesn't think so. She thinks that everything she does is good for the child. If the child loses face in the big city, it's better to go to the small village where his grandparents live. At least no one looks down on him there.

But Xie Chunping knew the situation in his hometown too well, and it would not be as good as Li Xiaoyun imagined, because the old people in his hometown began to discuss on the third day Xie Xiaofei lived there, saying that they wanted to find a master to exorcise Xie Xiaofei.

Xie Xiaofei was so frightened that he hid in the room and dared not go out.
