Crazy Psychologist

v2 Chapter 613: how can there be immortality

Everyone nodded.

The noise from outside the shop poured into the small shop in an instant.

As long as you observe the furnishings of the shop carefully, you can see many clues.

In the decorated shop, there is only a simple product display cabinet. The cabinet assembled with cheap plastic boards looks very easy to disassemble, but even if it is thrown away, it is worthless.

The profit earned from one therapeutic device that Uncle Chen wants to buy is enough to buy several of these suggested racks, perhaps a dozen or so.

The shop painted with light green paint is considered clean. There is no decoration on the wall, but there are several pictures of human meridians, the size of an old-fashioned wall calendar.

The dense meridians of the human body look as complicated as the star map in the sky.

Pile complex and incomprehensible things in front of the old man, and the old man will spontaneously generate a kind of anxiety and tension. In this mood, lead the old man to slowly understand some things, usually these things conform to very simple formulas, For example: "As long as the cells are fully exercised, the aging state can be changed." For example: "Crack all things into small molecules, so that nutrients can be better absorbed."

These seemingly simplified methods undoubtedly gave the old man a sudden confidence.

They find that they can not only understand many incomprehensible things in this world, but also grasp the essence of them.

So step by step into the rules designed by health experts.

"Don't call the police. I'll contact you. Now it's not uncommon for this kind of store to sell products to the elderly. There are such stores in almost many large communities." After the policeman finished speaking, he looked up at Chen Weiwei and asked , "You are a lawyer, right?"

"Yes, I'm a lawyer." Chen Weiwei nodded.

The policeman turned slightly to look at Mu Chun, and asked again, "Then who are you?"

Mu Chun replied: "I am a doctor."

The policeman looked at the man who claimed to be a doctor, and felt that he looked familiar, so he asked, "I know you, are you the physical and mental doctor who helped the police solve the nanny case before, Mu Chun?"

"Exactly, I am Mu Chun." Mu Chun replied calmly.

"How can you encounter such a thing like that?" The policeman smiled, frowning slightly, with an indescribable expression.

"I probably have...a lot of patients." Mu Chun scratched his head and forced out an explanation.

"That's right. Dr. Mu Chun didn't have many patients before, but now there are a lot of patients. Sometimes I have to queue at the door."

After Wu Fangmei finished speaking with the police, she winked at Mu Chun.

Mu Chun could only nod his head.

"Then you are a lawyer, right?" The policeman said a few words into the walkie-talkie, then turned to face Chen Weiwei.

"Yes, I told you just now, this is my business card."

Chen Weiwei handed the business card to the policeman, then walked up to the store manager Lu Feng, popularized legal knowledge to her, and advised her not to be a person who ignores the law.

Not only the words are harsh, but the whole aura is even more astonishing.

Worthy of being a well-known barrister.

Mu Chun felt emotional for a while, and then thought, "This guy can finally relieve his heart disease. Speaking of which, it's not easy for this guy to suppress his heart disease for decades. People with high IQs can indeed handle emotions better, and Or, although this kind of heart disease has been suppressed for decades, it is actually changing all the time, and it is not always the same as it was at the beginning.

This is the reason why psychosomatic treatment is particularly difficult. Simply put, we cannot be sure of the source, and just finding the source and unraveling the rope cannot solve the problem all at once, because the knots are entangled in time in different ways, sometimes everywhere, and sometimes Different shapes. "

After Chen Weiwei finished speaking, Mu Chun watched him walk out of the store, and sighed deeply again.

'Well, his illness should be gone. '

Pan Xiaoqing walked up to the policeman and said, "I'm in charge of reporting this matter—a reporter, I hope to follow up on the next development of this matter, can I?"

The policeman looked up at Pan Xiaoqing, showed complex and unpredictable eyes and said, "Reporter?"

Pan Xiaoqing nodded with a serious face.

"Yes, she is in charge of cracking down on counterfeiting and has written many articles that are very meaningful to ordinary citizens.

Those articles tell citizens what is real health and what is deceiving people with health. He is a very conscientious reporter.

I don’t think it’s enough to deal with this kind of thing alone. The media should also pay attention to it. More people know that there are many people around us who are swindling and cheating in the name of health, and there are many three-no products that are sold at super high prices. All of these take advantage of the old people's fear of death and their desire to live longer.

This kind of popular science education has a long way to go. If a reporter is willing to take the initiative to follow up on this matter, as a doctor and ordinary citizen, I think it is very necessary. "

After Mu Chun finished speaking, Pan Xiaoqing smiled at him quietly and blinked.

"Then follow up. I have notified my colleagues here. Why don't you ask the old uncle if there is anything you don't understand? Should I ask someone to explain it to him? , it is best to inform the children at home." After explaining the work, the policeman said a few words into the walkie-talkie.

At this time, Lu Feng was calm, not so much calm as if he had gotten used to it.

Looking at her, Mu Chun really couldn't understand how many old people's retirement wages this woman in her thirties had cheated in similar ways before this store.

The retirement salary of the elderly is a lifetime of hard work.

Pan Xiaoqing walked up to Mu Chun and patted Mu Chun on the back.

Mu Chun nodded, and walked out of the shop with him.

"I'll leave it to the lawyer, the police and the reporter, and I'll go back first." Mu Chun said as he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, planning to drive a shared bicycle to the reception.

Pan Xiaoqing stood aside and said with a smile: "No, I heard from Chu Sisi that Dr. Mu Chun really doesn't like events like receptions. When I invited you to participate last year, it took me a lot of effort to invite you. , how did it change this year?"

Mu Chun thought to herself, it seems to be the same, why did it change?

It should be due to time constraints. For some reason, he does have a sense of urgency recently. Perhaps this matter has something to do with Professor Chu's illness, or it may be because the annual meeting is approaching, and he suddenly feels a little rushed.

Back at the reception, Mu Chun was caught by Zhang Mei.

Zhang Mei didn't speak first, but walked around Mu Chun and looked behind him for a long time. After Mu Chun told her that he was the only one coming back, Zhang Mei showed a clear sense of disappointment.

"Are you back?" Zhang Mei asked elegantly while holding a wine glass.

Mu Chun nodded and took a breath before replying, "Yes, I'm back."

"What is it?" Zhang Mei rolled his eyes upwards, turned around and looked at Mu Chun's face again.

"What about the others? What about Pan Xiaoqing? And Lawyer Chen? Why didn't they come back together?"

Mu Chun could only roughly explain the cause and effect of the matter to Zhang Mei, and Zhang Mei frowned more and more.

Then she stared sharply and asked, "Health care equipment? How much is it? Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands?"

"Two thousand and eight." Mu Chun replied.

When she heard that it was only two thousand and eight, Zhang Mei's high heels seemed to be embedded in the carpet and could not be pulled out. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

I thought to myself, what is going on here, let alone a multi-million dollar case, and deal with a 2,800 yuan healing device.

Is it true that every man in this world will suddenly become a child?

Zhang Mei couldn't understand why Chen Weiwei suddenly had no interest in the big case, he pushed back and forth, as if he wanted to avoid it deliberately, but suddenly he took care of such a small case of several thousand yuan by himself.

The previous Chen Weike had never had such a time.

Mu Chunke was even more confused, but he thought of an important matter and wanted to bother Zhang Mei.

So, Mu Chun said: "Lawyer Zhang, the physical and mental department recently..."

Before Mu Chun finished speaking, Zhang Mei turned around and left. Mu Chun said softly behind her back, "Lawyer Zhang, the Department of Psychology and Psychology is really missing something very important recently."

"What's missing?" Chu Sisi walked over and handed Mu Chun a bottle of mineral water.

Mu Chun held it in his hand and looked, isn't this Evian Water?

He remembered that a patient mentioned this kind of water before Chinese New Year, and Chu Sisi interrupted him just as he was about to think of the patient's name.

"My dad he..."

Seeing Chu Sisi's worried face, Mu Chun comforted, "It's all right, don't worry, really, Lawyer Chen should have recovered by 8 or 9 points."

"Really?" Chu Sisi laughed immediately. For her, if Dr. Mu said that her father was fine, it might really be because she was overly worried.

So Chu Sisi confirmed to Mu Chun again, "Is Dad really okay?"

"It's okay. He just has a little bit of trouble. It should have been solved by now. You can find out by chatting with him after he comes back, or you can observe his attitude when he talks to Lawyer Zhang. If you find it, you have to observe it carefully, and treat it as the homework of an intern doctor."

After Mu Chun finished speaking, Gu Lulu drank half a bottle of water, thinking, this is ten yuan to drink.

"By the way, teacher, Li Nan is talking about a treatment system with the investors of Shengming Technology. I overheard a few conversations between the investors just now. I guess this matter is likely to be successful. When the time comes, I will It shouldn't be a big problem to ask mom or dad to push it again, but teacher, I'm not happy about one thing." Chu Sisi pouted, looking a little unhappy.

Mu Chun lamented in her heart, how could she be unhappy again, why is it so easy for girls nowadays to be unhappy.

Mu Xiao is much better at this point, Mu Xiao is rarely unhappy, Mu Chun doesn't seem to have a time when Mu Xiao is unhappy, but she will suddenly leave a city, suddenly leave Mu Chun's world.

This is simply more elusive than unhappy.

How often is the job of a psychosomatic doctor related to speculating on the human heart?

Mu Chun left the noisy meeting place alone, walked to a small garden, sat on the white fence, held Evian water in his hand, and stared at the blue sky in the distance.

The breath of spring is coming, accompanied by the fragrance of magnolia.

Mu Chun thought of the words that the ancients used to describe people's hearts, such as people's hearts are dangerous, people's hearts are unpredictable, and people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and people's hearts are separated from the belly.

In short, it doesn't look like there are any good words behind people's hearts.

What exactly does the job of a psychosomatic doctor deal with?

Will he end up traveling everywhere in search of a coherent and unified truth, like the hero in Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha?

Still like Don Quixote with the Windmill.

Mu Chun thought of Don Quixote's failure again. One morning he was crossing the plain accompanied by his squire Sancho. At this time, Don Quixote, who was obsessed with knights, found many windmills erected around him, and decided that these windmills were "illegitimate giants".

Although Sancho insisted that they were just windmills and not giants, Don Quixote didn't think so. He ignored Sancho's insistence, and rode forward with a spear in his hand.

A gust of wind blows, blowing the windmill flying. One of the windmills knocked the knight down with his horse.

Or he should keep chasing and practicing his dreams like "The Shepherd Boy's Fantastic Journey".

Even Coelho, the author of this book, insisted on studying alchemy for eleven years until his mentor told him that there are three kinds of alchemists:

The first kind of speech is empty because they do not know what they are saying;

The second kind of speech is empty because they know what they are saying, and also know that the language of alchemy is directed to the heart and not to the intellect;

The third kind of people, they have never heard of alchemy, but they finally discovered the philosopher's stone through their own lives.

It is said that this remark inspired Coelho a lot, and he finally realized that obtaining the essence of God is not a matter for a few people, but a common task for all.

So how many people work in the Department of Psychology?

A swallow flew by, and Mu Chun thought about the mission of one billion people. What does this mission mean to him?

Mu Chun shook his head, this matter is not important, just like there are thousands of tasks in thousands of networks.

And Mu Chun's life is not the Internet at all.

He asked himself if he had a golden finger?

I looked at my hands, no.

I also asked myself if I have a super system, just have one.

It seems that I can't say yes.

Maybe I read too little on the so I can't get the care of another world.

Mu Chun laughed, amused by the debate in his heart.

He also thought of a sentence in "Siddhartha", "For a person who is thirsty for knowledge, don't fall into the abyss of debate and conflict of words."

So maybe all these things that I'm thinking about hiding in this little garden are meaningless.

The work that awaits him each day is real and profound.

Of course, making every effort to let more people understand the Department of Psychology and the importance of mental health to human beings is also a part that he must pay more attention to in his future work.

On this point, it seems that he and Mu Xiao have been working hard since college days, and Mu Xiao is clearly ahead of him in the past few years.

Now that the professor is sick, everyone seems to have grown up all of a sudden, and even Zhang Wenwen has become much more reliable than before.

Thinking of this, Mu Chun felt full of strength and full of hope for the future.