Crazy Psychologist

v2 Chapter 621: Is it just for treatment?

At 10:30 in the morning, Zhang Mei returned to the law firm. It was a rare day without dealing with cases. Zhang Mei sat in the office and wanted to rest for a while, but suddenly she remembered that Mu Chun wanted to buy drums.

It's really a lingering feeling, it seems like something I said casually, why should I keep it in my heart.

After Zhang Mei complained in his heart for a minute, he turned on the employee system and called his assistant into the office.

"I remember you said during the interview that you had formed a band in college, didn't you?" Zhang Mei has always had a good memory. Assistant Zhang Ye has been in the law firm for two years, and Zhang Mei still remembers what he said during the interview.

Zhang Ye was also a little surprised, thinking that he rarely mentioned the band in the company, how could the boss know about it?

Surprised and afraid of saying something wrong, Zhang Ye nodded. In front of Zhang Mei, a 30-year-old was just like a boy who just graduated from college.

"Why are you nervous? Do I look fierce?" Zhang Mei asked.

When Zhang Ye heard it, he felt something was wrong, and quickly said: "No, I just didn't realize it suddenly. To be honest, after coming here to work, in order to adapt to the work rhythm as soon as possible, I can take over the case alone as soon as possible. Many hobbies are due to Time is limited and I gave up. So I was a little surprised when I heard you say that just now, but I didn’t expect Lawyer Zhang to remember it.”

"That's how it is." Zhang Mei nodded, thinking that although he was a little stricter with the employees on weekdays, it wouldn't make people feel vicious.

Closer to home, Zhang Mei asked again, "Do you know about drums? It's the kind of drums used by bands."

"You mean the drum set?" Zhang Ye said.

"Yes, the drum kit is the kind that looks like there are a lot of things and is troublesome to carry."

Zhang Ye smiled greenly. He didn't want to appear in front of Zhang Mei that he was proficient in drums. Although he was a guitarist rather than a drummer when he played in a band in college, he still knew drums very well.

In the band, the drummer seems to be the most inconspicuous one, except for the handsome one, but the drummer is the most important one.

If a band is compared to a person, then the drummer is equivalent to the human skeleton. When he is completely right, the audience will not feel that there is anything particularly amazing, because the audience may pay more attention to the more melodic aspects of the guitar and keyboard. It is an instrument that expresses the sense of flesh and blood, but once the drummer makes a mistake, the audience will immediately notice something is wrong, and most people can immediately notice the particularly dissonant feeling.

Guitar and bass may be able to mix a little bit, the chords are slightly wrong, and maybe they will pass the test in live performances, but the drummer makes a mistake, which is really the same as the skeleton of the whole person. Any misplacement and sudden Fractures are difficult to pass vaguely.

"I wonder what Lawyer Zhang wants to know?" Zhang Ye asked respectfully.

Zhang Mei originally wanted to let Zhang Ye match the style on Mu Chun's drawing and send it directly to the hospital, but now she suddenly changed her mind.

Zhang Mei wasn't too curious when Mu Chun wanted to buy something before.

Coffee machine, refrigerator, treadmill, Zhang Mei can understand these things. Mu Chunmay is probably greedy for a better office environment, but also wants to be able to drink good coffee during work, and also thinks about being able to exercise during work time.

These are not too big of a problem.

From Zhang Mei’s point of view, a better coffee machine in the Department of Psychology and Psychology can also allow Chu Sisi to drink decent coffee. A treadmill is more important to Chu Sisi. Most of the work of a doctor is sitting. If you don't pay attention to your body shape, your body shape will quickly lose shape, so what Mu Chun said is also true. Putting the treadmill in the physical and mental department will also encourage Dr. Chu to exercise more.

Zhang Mei, who was worried about her daughter's focus on learning and ignoring exercise, naturally would not refuse Mu Chun's request to buy a treadmill in order to save money.

But Mu Chun's request has never stopped, and there is a tendency to become more and more unconstrained, such as the piano.

I don't know what he wants to do with the piano. Zhang Mei originally wanted to ask Mu Chun about this matter, but talking to Mu Chun is always easy to be out of rhythm, and he forgets it in a flash.

It's all right now, what kind of drums are needed besides the piano, which makes Zhang Mei feel even more incredible.

Is this a hospital outpatient room or a music classroom?

Seeing that Zhang Ye was still a little nervous, Zhang Mei asked another secretary to make two cups of coffee and send them to the office, and then asked Zhang Ye to sit down and talk.

"Can adults still learn this kind of drum?" Zhang Mei asked.

"Of course you can, but just like many musical instruments, piano, violin, etc., it is better to start learning them earlier. It is naturally possible for adults to learn musical instruments, but it is difficult to achieve particularly good results in the field of music. Some."

"It should be much more difficult."

Zhang Mei smiled slightly, and the atmosphere in the office gradually relaxed.

"Have you ever seen grown-ups learn drums?"

"Of course I have." Zhang Ye replied confidently.

He thought of his college classmate, that guy is definitely a model of inspiration.

"What's the point of learning this kind of thing for adults? Is it just to form a band?" Zhang Mei took the coffee, held it in his hand, and asked a few more casually.

Zhang Ye's answer made Zhang Mei a little confused, and Zhang Ye happily said to Zhang Mei, "It's very meaningful. The drummer in their band started learning drums in the third year of high school. It's a very inspirational story. That drummer has a strange habit. "

"Habit?" Zhang Mei was a little curious.

"Well, you must have never seen such a person."

Hearing what the assistant said, Zhang Mei laughed again. She wanted to say, "This is really a joke. A lawyer is a profession that deals with all kinds of people. Maybe everyone only sees Zhang Mei now, who seems to be working for some rich and wealthy people. Since she provides legal services to big companies with money, she thinks that her world is just rich people.

In fact, Zhang Mei was also exposed to various cases when she was young, especially not long after she graduated from university. All kinds of cases that do not get legal fees and are time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Zhang Mei also grew up little by little, slowly growing up in the process of accumulating experience and making contributions to society.

It is really a joke to say that she has seen few people. "

Of course, Zhang Mei would not discuss this kind of matter with a young assistant.

So, she took a sip of coffee, and then followed the assistant's words: "What kind of person, can you describe?"

Zhang Ye recalled the appearance of his classmates in his mind, and then told Zhang Mei his inspirational story. There was no embellishment in the process. In Zhang Ye's view, this person's story really does not need extra embellishment.

"You mean he was sick?" Zhang Mei frowned after hearing this.

The assistant said: "Yes, I will be nervous from time to time. My classmate is tall and big, but he is actually quite handsome. But, he has a problem. I have only seen him like this when I grow up. .”

"Is it because you often shake your body?" Zhang Mei imagined in her mind the way she shakes her body when speaking. In her imagination, it's probably the same as shaking her legs when talking.

Fearing that Zhang Mei would not understand, the assistant imitated his classmates and shook his shoulders a few times, and even tilted his mouth a few times, looking like he was twitching.

"Isn't this convulsions? Or convulsions or something?"

In fact, Zhang Mei didn't understand what the symptoms corresponding to these words looked like. She just thought of these words, and she felt that they were more suitable for describing the assistant's actions just now.

"No, it's not convulsions or convulsions, but it's more like convulsions, but his consciousness is clear, and these weird movements have not affected his IQ. This guy's IQ is not low, especially the ability to pick up scores is very special. sharp."

The assistant was worried that Zhang Mei would not understand something and "picked up the score", and explained a little bit. When he heard a song, such as "Young and Promising", he could write down the score immediately, basically listening to it once or twice is enough up.

"This is a bit powerful. I know what it is to pick up scores, but pop music is easier, and classical music may not be so simple."

The assistant shook his head, and said frankly that he didn't understand classical music, and that he was a music lover who played pop music and folk guitar.

"Won't such a person have problems when performing? He twitches like this from time to time, isn't it ADHD or something?"

"ADHD?" Zhang Ye didn't quite understand the word.

Zhang Mei also heard about this disease from Chu Xiaofeng. She said that many children were criticized by teachers at school, saying that they had poor study habits, bad behavior habits, etc. In fact, the children cannot be blamed. It is not that they have poor study habits. If the behavioral habits are not well developed, there is nothing they can do about it, because ADHD is a symptom related to physiology, even if you tie your child to a chair, they still have to move around.

It looked like countless invisible bugs were crawling all over his body.

"But he is not sick. We have a very good relationship. I also asked him. He said that he went to the doctor when he was a child. He took an unknown amount of medicine and was laughed at by his classmates. After taking the medicine, it didn't help, so he simply refused. have eaten."

"Won't it affect the performance?" Zhang Mei was very concerned about this.

"Not at all." Zhang Ye resolutely denied, and then said: "This is what I think is particularly inspirational about him. He learns and practices drums, day and night, and is very diligent. He only started studying in the third year of high school. It's very powerful, and the most amazing thing is that he doesn't have such weird symptoms at all when he plays the drums."

"Not at all? As long as the drums won't-twitch?" Zhang Mei felt that this was a bit incredible.

Zhang Ye nodded with certainty, "If you don't believe me, I can show you the video."

"Do you still have the video?" Zhang Mei thought it would not be a waste of time to watch it. She really wanted to see how a person with ADHD can play the drums without any abnormalities at all.

Zhang Ye opened Station B, and soon found a video of a performance in college. He found a video that lasted more than two minutes. The progress bar was pulled to the close-up shot of the drummer. .

The boy on the screen is wearing a wide white short-sleeved sleeve, and his hair is slightly curly, which looks like a natural curly look. The drumsticks are waving alternately, and the drummer is engrossed in the performance, completely immersed in the performance, and there is no incongruity at all. .

"I really don't see any problem." Zhang Mei returned the phone to the assistant.

"Yes, he himself would say it was amazing, and then he said that God will always give you a special view by opening the wrong window."

"This is indeed a good statement, and it is very suitable for him to use." Zhang Mei said appreciatively.

"We guess it might be related to the rhythm. You know, some singers sing and dance, and they may have the same problem as my classmates. The body just likes to move uncontrollably."

"Sounds like this is still a talent?" Zhang Mei said to himself.

"Maybe. What is bad for most people may be a gift from God for some people. Anyway, I think my classmate is really inspirational."

After Zhang Ye finished speaking, he finished his coffee.

The spring light in March was dazzling outside the window behind Zhang Mei. Zhang Mei turned his chair and looked out the window, his shoulders trembling slightly.

She tried to experience this uncontrollable body movement, and found that it was not easy to imitate.

After entrusting Zhang Ye to choose a set of drum kits and deliver them to the Department of Psychology and Psychology of Huayuanqiao Community Health Center, Zhang Mei looked out the window at the camphor trees and the begonias blooming gracefully in indisputable spring.

At this time, she suddenly thought, could Mu Chun be treating patients?

Would he really think of buying a drum kit just to treat a patient?

Is there anyone in this world who sees a doctor like this?

Zhang Mei found it incredible, but the corners of her slightly raised mouth were vaguely reflected on the window.

If buying a drum kit is about treating patients, is the piano also for treating patients?

Just thinking about it, the phone in Zhang Mei's office suddenly rang.

She picked up the phone and put it to her ear. Before she could speak, there was a lot of crying on the other end of the phone.

Zhang Mei found that she couldn't speak at all for a The other party only knew how to cry, and didn't seem to want to listen to what she had to say.

So Zhang Mei used the employee system to ask, "Who transferred the call to my office just now?"

Calls transferred to Zhang Mei's office on weekdays are generally received and investigated by at least two assistants.

As long as Zhang Mei asks in the system, someone will send the previous communication records to Zhang Mei.

She patiently looked at the white ceramic alarm clock on the table. Fifteen seconds after the golden pointer passed by, Zhang Mei asked again. The two assistants sent a message at the same time saying that they did not know the content of the call and were investigating.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's me."

At this moment, the other end of the phone finally stopped crying and spoke clearly.

"You are?" Zhang Mei felt that the voice was familiar.

But this sense of familiarity seems very far away, like a sour plum in the past. Zhang Mei has a good memory, and along this sour taste, she quickly found a clue.