Crazy Psychologist

v2 Chapter 623: some kind of syndrome

Closer to home, one of the main purposes of Yang Xing's visit today is to drink a cup of coffee before continuing the last discussion.

But it seems that this doctor is not only unremarkable in appearance, but also seems to have a poor memory.

Shouldn't doctors have good memories?

Medical students have to memorize a lot of books and memorize a lot of things.

Yang Xing once dated a girl who studied Chinese medicine, and that girl said that learning Chinese medicine requires memorizing from the very beginning, and all "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" must be memorized.

Yang Xing admired this girl quite a lot at that time, but it's a pity that he was only thinking about his experiment, so naturally there was no good result.

Now when he looks at Mu Chun, he really thinks that there are many doctors. Maybe this kind of psychosomatic doctor is really the bottom of the doctor? Don't talk about being a top student, even if it is an ordinary top student, this doctor can't reach it.

If it weren't for this white coat, the apricot sweater he wore was the common style of Uniqlo, and this pair of trousers seemed to be the normal trousers of ordinary office workers, and the shoes were even less distinctive. It is the ordinary shoes of ordinary office workers.

After taking a closer look at Mu Chun, Yang Xing found that Mu Chun's appearance was not very ordinary. If he had a good appearance, he could score more than 90 points.

"Yan Zheng is right in three views!" Although this statement is a bit extreme, but in this era, whether it is in the entertainment circle, live broadcast platform or an author of online articles, if you have good looks, you will always give people a better impression.

Looking at the value of the face is not an inelegant thing.

If this doctor can study the courses in their community, maybe many girls will really like it.

Isn't the ideal boyfriend of many girls a doctor?

It's a pity, no matter how you look at it, this doctor is a bit self-defeating, slovenly, difficult to deal with, difficult to deal with!

When Yang Xing looked at Mu Chun, he couldn't stop thinking of what a teacher in the community said, "You can't make a person who doesn't want to be good become good."

Dr. Mu Chun is such a person.

"So, how about a cup of coffee?"

Mu Chun didn't interrupt Yang Xing's thinking. He stood by the window sill and looked at the scenery for a while. He felt that the time was almost up, so he asked, "Stimulant, coffee, do you want a cup?"

"That's right!" Thinking of this, Yang Xing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, he knew that he was very charming when he smiled like this.

Unfortunately, Dr. Mu Chun was behind him, so he couldn't see him.

Speaking of which, when I saw that Dr. Chu just now, I should have smiled. Not to mention that many girls want their partner to be a doctor, even boys would like to find a doctor or nurse as their girlfriend.

And I heard that many little nurses quite like young and beautiful boys, isn't that exactly his type!

"By the way, you don't look very well. Have you lost your relationship?" Mu Chun asked suddenly, and Yang Xing suddenly became a little dull.

"Eh? How did Doctor Mu Chun see that I was broken in love?" Yang Xing asked.

"People who are broken in love seem to be restless, absent-minded, irritable, and lack energy in doing things, as if they have no energy every day. Look, you look a little listless today."

"It's not about falling in love. I've never been in love. To be honest, I've never been in love. I don't know what it's like to be in love."

"It's so powerful, I'm not so lucky, my ex-girlfriend..."

Yang Xing coughed violently, and interrupted Mu Chun, "I know, I know, your girlfriend wants to buy a bag and you want to buy clothes for her, and you spent more than half of your money, right?"

"How do you know, it's too powerful." Mu Chun lowered his head aggrievedly and pinched his fingers.

Yang Xing originally wanted to say that the doctor told him about this unbearable past when he came to the clinic last time, but when he thought that the doctor obviously had a bad memory, even if he told him that he had talked about it when he came last time, I'm afraid this doctor Mu Chun may not be able to remember.

If I can’t make it right, I’ll say it again, who is treating whom, and who is comforting whom.

After all, Yang Xing registered and paid for it.

"So you haven't lost your relationship? Doesn't it look good in such a spirit?"

"It's difficult for me to break up." Yang Xing spread his hands and leaned on the back of the chair. In his imagination, this action should be enough to express the helplessness and melancholy in his heart.

"Difficult breakup syndrome." Mu Chun snapped his fingers.

"What did you say?" Yang Xing sat up straight and asked.

"Breakup syndrome refers to the entanglement between a man and a woman. They are inseparable, but they cannot be separated. I once met a patient who broke up for five years."

"Break up for five years?"

Yang Xing frowned, and felt as if his waist was suddenly hit by a baseball bat—it hurts!

This is the scariest joke he has ever heard since Chinese New Year this year!

"Well, it's hard to imagine that we broke up for five years."

Mu Chun laughed like a witch.

This laughter sounded like Yang Xing had goosebumps all over his body.

"Then may I ask the doctor, how many years has this patient been in love?" Yang Xing rubbed his nose and asked cautiously.

"I fell in love with you for three months, but we broke up for five years." Mu Chun replied bluntly.

"Wait a minute." Yang Xing was a little overwhelmed.

He is definitely not a love rookie. If the child is born, he will already be a man who will be a father, but this is the first time he has heard a love script that is completely unimaginable to him.

This doctor is not a writer of dark fairy tales, how can there be such a relationship between a man and a woman? There may be more than a dozen five years in a person's life, but how many five years are there in youth?

A person's youth is only one to two five years. When you are twenty years old, you still feel that you are too young, a tender grass, but you will soon be thirty years old. The countdown begins.

How many five years can be used to break up with a person?


Such an incredible thing is really unbelievable, but Yang Xing is full of curiosity.

People are such a thing, if it reaches the level of being too bizarre, it will arouse people's strong curiosity.

"Is the patient male or female?"

"Male." Mu Chun replied.

"Male?" Yang Xing shook his head, "Scum, the scum among men!"

"He is affectionate, but it's a sadomasochism!"

"How cruel?" Yang Xing asked, a gust of gossip blew up in the outpatient room, mixed with the aroma of coffee, there was an inexplicable ambiguity.

Mu Chun sniffled, looking a little disgusted.

But Yang Xing put up the airs of a patient, took out the patient's privileges, and said: "Doctor, you need to tell me what's going on, in case this lovelorn syndrome is related to me."

Mu Chun looked left and right at Yang Xing's face helplessly, then went under the table and looked at him from beginning to end, finally nodded and said meaningfully: "Breakup syndrome can happen to anyone. body, you may not be able to escape, it’s just that the form is different.”

"Why did we break up for five years?" Yang Xing sweated at the thought of the word five years, and the appearance of his girlfriend kept appearing in front of his eyes.

God! Will it take five years for me to separate from this woman, and now this woman doesn't mention seeing her parents, and doesn't mention breaking up, she treats him very well. It was better before.

It's like taking the wrong medicine.

Could it be that she also learned something about controlling men?

Yang Xing shook his head and found that Mu Chun was looking at him, "Are you easily distracted recently?"

"Distracted? No." Yang Xing refused to admit it.

"Did you sleep well? Have you ever felt that you are not interested in being around someone, but when you really want to sleep, you can't sleep well?"

"What!" Yang Xing almost stood up.

It's not because Mu Chun's words are inexplicable, but because he has completely told Yang Xing's recent situation.

Far more thorough than Yang Xing's own understanding.

How could he understand so well?

Is it also the person who came here?

"Men are most afraid of the feeling of powerlessness, right, but in fact this kind of situation is very easy to happen, for example, it often happens when you are around a woman you don't like very much, everything is not from the original desire, It becomes a kind of work to please the other party, and at this time, the bad symptoms of the syndrome will definitely appear."

After Mu Chun finished speaking, he took a sip of coffee, and then looked at the time, as if he was in a hurry to go somewhere and do something next.

But Yang Xing was already interested in this meeting. The feeling Mu Chun gave him today was completely different from the feeling he had during the last outpatient clinic. He really looked like he had changed his whole life.

I don't know if the doctor was boring last time or today's doctor is more powerful. Anyway, Yang Xing thinks that today should be the right time. In just a few minutes, what Mu Chun said made him look forward to the following conversation.

"Probably I have this feeling recently, I just don't really want to... You know, I really don't want to."

"I understand! Of course I understand!" Mu Chun said loudly, knocking on the table a few times with both hands, a feeling that was not exactly gloating but didn't know what other words to describe it.

No one would gloat over things like this, Yang Xing frowned.

"It can't be that he has no idea about the paper man..." Yang Xing couldn't help complaining about Mu Chun.

"It's ridiculous, single dogs are not always single, single dogs don't only have to fall in love with paper people, and single dogs don't have to have no ideas."

"It's not that you can't be without ideas, of course! There's nothing wrong with being single, especially when you want to be single."

Yang Xing felt that the previous joke had gone too far, so he hurriedly lowered the temperature of the topic.

"Right, do you think I look like an otaku? No, I'm not an otaku from the beginning to the end, and I've been in love before!" After Mu Chun finished speaking, she took a bitter sip of the bitter drink. coffee.

"Yes, yes, the doctor said yes."

"The person who broke up for five years is an otaku. He said he couldn't let it go, he said he couldn't love him, he said he couldn't get married, and he said he couldn't live without it, so they broke up for five years."

"It's really not letting go of each other."

"I think that girl has problems too." Mu Chun said with a righteous face.

"Isn't that right? There must be something wrong with this kind of girl. If you don't like it, you should make it clear earlier. Also, that boy may not be good enough, so you have this kind of breakup syndrome because you are concerned about the outcome of the breakup."

"Yes, breakup syndrome, you don't want to let go of the relationship that is obviously not nutritious, and you privatize the relationship as a certain kind of property. Once you think of a complete separation, it is like giving up part of the property voluntarily.

But everyone will not think so, although this is the essence.

But people will say that after a breakup, the thought of that girl in the arms of another guy makes me want to die.

My God, it's so painful for this kind of thing that I obviously don't love it anymore. It's strange if I don't get sick. "

"I won't." Yang Xing laughed loudly, this case was really refreshing to him.

"You can't? A real man!" Mu Chun gave Yang Xing a thumbs up.

"But there's one thing the doctor's not right about."

Yang Xing smiled strangely, deliberately slowing down his speech, waiting for Mu Chun to be interested in what he said.

"Which point is not right?"

Mu Chun took the bait, just as Yang Xing hoped, what point Mu Chun really asked was wrong.

The rhythm of this conversation made Yang Xing very comfortable, with a feeling that everything was under control.

"It's just a small point, but it's essential.

From my point of view, feelings and property do not exist. Feeling itself is a part of property, and all I see is property. "

"Excellent, so excellent that people are speechless!" Mu Chun didn't know whether he was praising or mocking.

Naturally, Yang Xing couldn't tell the difference at once.

"So you're in the situation of being around a property that you don't want to sleep with or throw out of bed at night, don't you? These properties make you feel like—some kind of bone?"

Mu Chun scratched his suddenly got stuck.

"Bad!" Yang Xing shook his head, thinking, "This doctor probably doesn't study much, he really doesn't have any education."

"Yes, chicken ribs are tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to discard them." Mu Chun learned and sold them now.

"Yes, this is my trouble. More importantly, my problem is that I don't want to eat it anymore, but I can't throw it away. It's not that I feel sorry for throwing it away. Thinking and experimenting should be able to use scientific methods to find an optimal and elegant way of discarding, so that the property will not be reduced, and the property will not be reduced due to discarding, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, even if the girlfriend is gone, the money can't be reduced because of it. That's another problem of breakup syndrome."

"Another question, wait a minute, what was the first question?"

Now Yang Xing felt as if he had suddenly lost control of the conversation, why it seemed that Mu Chun had been leading the rhythm all the way.

But I feel that it seems a little refreshing!