Crazy Psychologist

v2 Chapter 649: This doctor can really talk

"Look for something hidden under the pillow or under the sheets?"

Mu Chun proposed.

"That's not good, we can't touch the old people's things unless they allow it."

Fang Hong doesn't want to be troublesome. Grandma Tong is definitely a rich old man. Some old people with good conditions pay more attention to personal belongings. If outsiders touch a peanut of them, they will count it clearly.

"For safety reasons, Nurse Fang can search for a little bit, maybe there will be a big discovery." Mu Chun put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

Fang Hong was dubious, walked to Grandma Tong's bed, lifted the quilt and put it on the bed again, turned around and glanced at Mu Chun, as if saying, "There is nothing."

The corner of Mu Chun's mouth lightly raised, signaling Fang Hong to continue searching.

Fang Hong picked up the pillow and shook it, turned his head in surprise, and whispered to Mu Chun, "Come and see, isn't it?"

Mu Chun took two steps forward, and a crushed painkiller box suddenly appeared under the pillow.

Fang Hong grabbed the medicine box, opened it and saw that there were only empty holes, and all the pills inside were gone.

"How did you know?"

Mu Chun: ...

"Go and see Grandma Tong's bedside table."

Following Mu Chun's suggestion, Fang Hong opened the drawer, where 8 boxes of painkillers were neatly placed.

"This is?" Fang Hong was puzzled.

"It was only when I saw these medicines in the drawer that I guessed that Grandma Tong probably took painkillers and caused confusion."

"How? Why do you speculate like this? Why did Grandma Tong do this?"

Fang Hong has worked in this nursing home for more than three years. When she first came to work here, she heard the old nurses here say that Grandma Tong is very difficult to serve, and she is simply a bully in the nursing home.

Of course, Fang Hong understood the word Yiba immediately.

Sure enough, no one could live in the same room as Grandma Tong, and within a month they would be so angry that they had to move out.

The design of the two-person room in the nursing home is also to allow the elderly to take care of each other. Although there is a modern intelligent rescue system, there are handrails and rescue buttons on the toilet and wall, which can be regarded as comprehensive protection.

The corridor outside the room is also monitored and protected, taking care of privacy while also taking into account the safety of the elderly.

But no matter how comprehensive these aspects are, there is always a contingency in everything.

For example, the elderly are the most likely to fall, and if they fall and cannot ask for help, another elderly person in the room can help to press the help bell, and the fallen elderly can get help immediately.

The mutual care between people is still more important than the care of machine systems.

But Grandma Tong doesn't need it, she can think of various ways to drive other people away, and the nursing home is helpless with Grandma Tong.

Why does such an old man who always makes others feel bad take so many painkillers?

Will such an old man be overwhelmed with suicide?

"What the **** is going on? Fortunately, Dr. Mu is here today, otherwise..."

Fang Hong refused to go to a good hospital and worked as a nurse in a nursing home because he was afraid of taking responsibility. If the relationship between doctors and patients is not good, it is possible to be injured by patients. She heard that nurses in nursing homes are relatively free, so she found a relationship and came here. I didn't expect such an emergency to happen in the nursing home. If she was really asked to do first aid or something, Fang Hong was afraid that he would not be able to do it well.

Fortunately, Dr. Mu came here on time every week after the year, and Grandma Tong picked a good time.

If there is no doctor here today, she really doesn't know what to do, she won't be able to find out at all.

"But how did Dr. Mu Chun know that the old man took the medicine?"

"Hoarding medicine." Mu Chun said.

"Hoarding of...drugs."

"Has Grandma Tong always suffered from back pain?" Mu Chun asked.

"Yes, she kept talking about her back pain. Dr. Shen Zifeng came to help her with her back pain every week, but she always scolded Dr. Shen away, saying that it would be good to just prescribe some painkillers, don't say too much Move around, don't lie down with such useless suggestions, Dr. Shen has a good temper, if I say it, I really can't listen to these words.

But speaking of it, your doctors are still very patient, and Dr. Mu Chun is the same...just..."

Mu Chun:? ? ?

Fang Hong usually looks pretty good, why is he acting weird at work? Or is it that nurses in nursing homes are different from nurses in hospitals after all, so her responsiveness and professional ability are still inferior to nurses in hospitals?

Grandma Tong's bedside table is full of painkillers prescribed by the hospital. With the dose of 8 boxes plus the two boxes eaten today, a box of 12 pills, Grandma Tong should have taken 24 pills today.

It takes at least half a year to stock up on 10 boxes of painkillers.

When Mu Chun saw the 8 boxes of medicines, she was able to confirm that Grandma Tong didn't take painkillers at all on weekdays, and she put all these medicines away.

As for why he did this, Mu Chun still didn't know.

There still seems to be some inconsistency in this matter.

Fang Hong also saw the weirdness in it, and asked Mu Chun in a low voice, "Is this also considered suicide?"

"This can be regarded as a purposeful overdose of drugs. If it is considered suicide, you have to ask Grandma Tong herself to find out."

"Huh? Doesn't that count?"

Fang Hong didn't quite understand.

"It depends on whether the old lady thinks that taking two boxes of painkillers will definitely kill her."

Fang Hong clapped his hands and suddenly realized: "That's right, I don't know if taking painkillers will kill me, but I know that any overdose of drugs can cause death."

Mu Chun: It makes sense.

"Although we can't confirm whether Grandma Tong wants to commit suicide, one thing is clear. Grandma Tong planned to hoard painkillers very early on. This plan lasted for half a year. She must have some purpose in doing so. of."

"Could it be that he deliberately prescribed the medicine and refused to take it?" Fang Hong also had his own opinion.

Some elderly people listen to the doctor's words very much when they see a doctor, but after the doctor prescribes the medicine, the elderly just put it aside and don't take it at all.

Granny Liu on the second floor is like this. She has severe diabetes and her right foot is ulcerated, but she still doesn't take medicine well. Every time the doctor prescribes medicine, she finds that the old lady hasn't finished taking the medicine for the previous week.

But she has a good temper, and she has never contradicted the doctor. She has always been kind, but she doesn't take medicine.

It's fine if she doesn't take medicine, and she secretly asks the children at home to bring her food from outside, such as pig's feet, braised pork, hoof soup, and some white wine to drink when she is in a good mood.

It's okay for the old people to know, and those who don't know think that the nursing home has specially opened a small stove for her.

A nursing home is a small place, with many people and a small place, and there are a lot of miscellaneous things.

The old man is still like a child, today this one is better than this one, the same goes out, the same enters and loves the same sisters, and the next day, one of them gets better with the other.

Isn't this like a child!

In Fang Hong's view, it is normal for children to forget to take medicine or not to take medicine on purpose.

But Mu Chun said that Grandma Tong planned not to take the medicine and hid all the painkillers the doctor gave her.

If it is to take dozens of pills at a time, there is no need to hoard so much. What is the reason?

Why did the plan, which can be implemented with only two boxes, be prepared more than half a year ago and wait until now to implement it?

Not only that, but there is another question, maybe Grandma Tong's back pain is not as serious as she said.

Mu Chun hadn't agreed to prescribe painkillers for Grandma Tong for a month, and she was already worried that the old man would hide the medicine on purpose.

But generally speaking, elderly people who have suicidal thoughts will hoard sleep aids, and few people hoard painkillers.

Mu Chun was not clear about these things.

"How many children does Grandma Tong have?" Mu Chun asked.

"Four children, Li Xiumei is the eldest daughter, and there are second and third daughters, but they never come to the nursing home. It is said that when the house was demolished, the old lady didn't understand how to divide the money. The second and third daughters each took 20. Wan, it was agreed at the time that if you take 200,000, you will not care about anything in the future."

Mu Chun: ...This kind of thing is not uncommon. Since 20 years ago, the demolition compensation fee has risen along with the land price in the area around the sea, and many harmonious families have become torn apart.

When it comes to money issues, family affection is sometimes really as thin as a piece of white paper.

It doesn’t matter what Fang Hong said, most of the time refers to who gets the most money and who is responsible for taking care of the elderly. This kind of care should mean that the person who gets the most money is responsible for all the time from the time the money is distributed to the day the old man dies. Take care of the elderly.

Children who do not take care of the elderly can choose to visit the elderly or choose not to communicate with each other.

There was no deep hatred before, just because someone got more money and someone got less money, and the person who got less could choose not to visit the elderly again.

So in the sea, there is a saying of demolishing and tearing up a family.

"Where's the younger son?" Mu Chun asked again.

"It's this little son. I heard that Grandma Tong's favorite is the youngest son, named Maodou. This little son is not young anymore. He rarely comes to the nursing home to see Grandma Tong. I still heard about it from the old Shen next door. The old lady is happy when her son comes, but if the son doesn't come for a long time, the old lady will lose her temper in the nursing home, and she always thinks of ways to lose her temper."

"Why doesn't the younger son come? Do you know any special reason?"

"According to Dr. Mu Chun, is it possible that the old lady's matter today has something to do with Maodou?"

The two chatted as they walked towards the second floor.

"Well, I found out before. Didn't you find that Grandma Tong has a special crush on that intern doctor?"

"Eh? I didn't pay attention to this, oh, I remembered, just now Dr. Yang called Tong Apo-Mom!

Oh my god. "

"Well, the old man may miss his youngest son. Do you know how long he hasn't visited the old man in the nursing home?"

Fang Hong thought for a while, and said: "You will see a doctor on the second floor first, and I will go down and check the visitor records, and I will find out."

After finishing speaking, Fang Hong rushed ahead of Mu Chun, helped Mu Chun turn on all the lights in the room, and moved the chair for Mu Chun.

Today's matter, the dean is not here, if it is not for the help of Dr. Mu Chun, Fang Hong will not know how to explain it when the dean returns.

Fang Hong's attitude towards Mu Chun is also more attentive than usual.

Mu Chun was a little embarrassed.

Why is he so polite all of a sudden? Fang Hong, who usually sits on the first floor, is busy back and forth today...

"Doctor Mu, the old people will be here in a while, I'll go downstairs and double the records!"

Mu Chun nodded, and began to wait for the old man to see a doctor.

There are not so many people coming to the doctor on weekdays, but today there are twice as many people as usual.

Some old people do come to see a doctor, and some old people just come to listen to gossip.

What's more, they directly asked Mu Chunjia on WeChat.

They are really the old people of the new era.

"Grandma, your blood pressure is fine, don't worry, you still haven't been able to sleep well recently?"

"I can't sleep well. If I have such an excellent child as Mu Chun, I can sleep well. You don't even know that I just don't worry."

"What are you worrying about? Dr. Mu Chun, at what age, will be your son. I think you will think about it."

The two old ladies fought one after the other, really like children.

Mu Chun explained: "Grandma, your waist protector is newly bought. I didn't see you wearing it last time I came here. This waist protector is not cheap."

Grandma giggled a few times and became shy.

Another old man behind him pushed her shoulder and said, "Didn't your wife buy it for you? Oh, Dr. Mu Chun, don't listen to Grandma Liu's complaints. She can't sleep well because she has too much on her mind. What son treats her badly? Her son visits him three times a week. The unfilial one in my family only comes once a week. Every time he can’t say a few words to me, he just looks at his phone. This phone is his real mother. .”

"Ah, the child is busy with work, and the work pressure is relatively high now." Mu Chun said with a smile.

"Look, Dr. Mu Chun is very good at talking."

When the old lady said this, the old people all laughed, "Isn't it? If Dr. Mu hadn't been here today, I don't know if Grandma Tong would have survived, or she would have died on the bed like this."

"That's right, Dr. Mu, you must come every week, you see we are happy chatting with you."

Mu Chun: ...

"Doctor Mu, old man, you are more or less in poor health, right?"

"Her statement is wrong. I see it on TV now. In the future most people will live to be 80 years old. It is said that men don't retire until 70 years old. We should be healthy and healthy at this age Yes, it shouldn't be more or less sick."

Old people, you talk to me, and there is no theme.

It's just that in the past, when the elderly came to the doctor on Thursday afternoon, they would prescribe some routine medicines, or ask the doctor to measure their blood pressure.

But now the old man seems to have a lot to say.

"Doctor Mu, I can't sleep, should I take some sleeping pills? Is there any other way if I don't want to take medicine?"

"Doctor Mu, I have a bad appetite, what should I do if I don't like eating anything? I went to the hospital for an examination last week and there is nothing wrong with it. Everything in my stomach is fine, but why do I just eat and have no appetite?"

"Grandma, you really want to go to a restaurant!" When Mu Chun said this, the old people laughed.

"Doctor Mu is right. This grandma is just greedy. She dislikes the bad food in the nursing home. What you said is not bad at all. You really understand our old people's thoughts."

"Doctor Mu, come more."

"This orange is for Dr. Mu to eat."

Mu Chun: ...

"No, no, no, grandma really doesn't need it."

"If you want, you come to talk with us, it's more useful than seeing a doctor."

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