Criminal Psychology

Chapter 301: Wufu 138

"It is reported that at 12.15 noon yesterday, 21 flights from 18 countries and regions will be transported to the remains of 113 medical personnel who died in Dana during the fight against the Bonal virus ..."

On the shabby small TV, live news was intermittent.

The second half of the sound is very blurred due to the signal, but the picture is still clear.

For example, under the blue sky is an old runway, like a scarlet scar, with the smell of smoke that is unique to Dana.

The anchor voice continues: "Hua Guo's special plane has set off from Angodo Airport to return to China, and it is expected to land at Yongchuan Airport at 15:00 this afternoon ..."

On the concrete runway of the transpiration heat wave, the plane quickly skimmed and rushed into the air.

On the other side of the earth.

Lin Chen and Xun Conglian stood outside the apron of Yongchuan International Airport, waiting for a special plane to return home.

Different from the weather of Dana Clear Sky, there was a light rain in Yongchuan today.

It was another year before Qingming, and the spring rain was like a crisp. They held a black umbrella together and did not stand with the team welcoming the ashes to return to the country.

This year has not been peaceful.

Many things happen without personal will.

The Bonal virus is still spreading in Dana area, where many people have died, and many medical staff have been brutally attacked and killed by mad people. Most of them have died this way.

Fortunately, vaccine research and development has entered the pre-clinical research stage. After the acquisition, Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical adjusted its organizational structure and made great efforts in the vaccine development process, much like sacrifice in power.

His teacher, as well as many victims of adverse reactions to brain Corning, are gradually recovering, but some brain injuries are irreversible, including Lin Chen himself.

Fortunately, the development of antidote was very timely, and everything was not serious.

The counter-offensive operation soon began.

There was a large amount of user information in the servers seized in Mailin. After decoding and a series of fishing operations, many participants were arrested and brought to justice.

A mysterious hacker made the list of all persons involved in watching the death broadcast live, which caused a great uproar in the whole society, but the dynasty insisted that this was by no means his job. In order to get out of each other, young people are still working overtime.

It is regrettable that the people behind Shen Lian have not been arrested and brought to justice.

Sometimes Lin Chen suspects that it is difficult for them to make this kind of malice specific to a specific person.

That's far more people than imagined and evils that are more difficult to dispel. It has been ingrained since ancient times.

When Lin Chen thought of it, the people around him shook his hand.

Xing Conglian raised the black umbrella, and Lin Chen looked up along his eyes.

The plane penetrated the clouds and landed from the air. The landing gear landed and landed.

After slowly taxiing for a while, the plane stopped and the hatch opened, and the ashes covering the national flag and the Red Cross flag were held in turn.

The drizzle gently sprinkled the red-and-white transfer cloth surface, some infiltrated the texture, and some tiny water droplets still sparkled on the surface.

On the iron cyan runway, family members stepped forward to complete the final ashes transfer ceremony.

The gray-haired old man touched the grandson's image, and the young child who was waiting to be fed looked at his father's picture.

The brief ritual in the rain was silent and solemn.

Numerous people greeted in silence inside and outside the TV.

This ended the live broadcast. Someone raised the remote control panel, turned off the TV, and said to the female prisoner sitting in front of the TV, "Time is up."

Shen Lian stood up in front of the LCD TV she was no longer familiar with, undressed her clothes, followed the predecessors, and walked out into a dark, long, and never bright light.

Yongchuan Airport.

The black car escorted the ashes of family members and doctors away slowly.

Xun Lian even trembled with his mobile phone. He nominated a text message and nodded at Lin Chen.

Dana Rainforest.

With the live broadcast coming to an end, the doctor at the medical station left the small TV and got busy again.

Duanyang cleared his holiday today. He was carrying a bag and started to climb the Xiazi Mountains.

The jungle was dense, and when it reached the top of the mountain, a gust of wind rose, and green ripples like the sea flooded.

When the sun penetrates the dense forest leaves, there is a tombstone under a towering giant tree.

In the wind, Duanyang stared at the tomb for a long time, he knelt down and kissed the monument deeply.

The drizzle in Yongchuan has stopped.

Lin took away the umbrella from side to side and Lin Chen walked side by side with him.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Xing Conglian asked him.

Lin Chen took his hand: "I don't know why, but I always think we may not be able to eat tonight."

Xing Conglian's umbrella gently tapped off the ground, and Lin Chen's cell phone rang.

The excited voice of the dynasty rushed out of the receiver: "Brother Achen, we have located his latest hiding place!"

Lin Chen Xing Lian looked at each other and quickly opened the door.

The dusty jeep ran on the highway again.

Scientists have calculated.

There are more than 100 billion neurons in adult brain tissue, and there are about 1,000 to 10,000 junctions between each neuron and other neurons. Therefore, the total number of brain activity combinations exceeds the number of basic particles in the universe.

Every time human beings think about it, neural nodes that are vast like a star sea are activated. If you can imagine, it is a wonderful nebula like a nebula. It is lightened in a breath.

No one knows where humans will eventually go.

But this magical organ of the brain allows us to go from Ru Mao drinking blood to start exploring the universe, and finally try to explore the mysteries of the human mind.

And throughout our lives, we all want to be better people.

Seek truth, be kind, long for beauty, and fight against humanity's innate animal nature to the end. This is human nature.