Crimson Comes

Chapter 149: Hanged Cursed Demon

"Nothing happened?"

In an uneasy mood, Captain Ouyang and others waited until dawn, but did not wait for the terrifying scene they imagined.

It seems that before dawn, the twisted figures walking around the city are just hallucinations, and they seem to be just hooligans fighting. Open.... What is this for?

It completely mobilized people's tension, but it suddenly disappeared in the end?

"Why is there no movement?"

Also surprised are the people inside and outside of Jinshan City and Scrap Iron City. Those who have already received orders to curse the demons and are ready to make a scene are not stupid. They really dare not disobey the orders of the cursed demon Tong Ya. But apart from a very few stunned youths, they will not be the first to make a move.

But after midnight, nothing happened.

Jinshan City, wait for the dawn, wait for the dawn.

Based on their understanding of the cursed demon captain, they were somewhat unable to react. How could such a situation be formed?

Even Jinshan City's Security Office and Administrative Office were deeply puzzled. Yesterday, they received a call from the Jinshan City security team. They withdrew the police force, but they were not worried. They waited all night for someone to notify them. , Said that the matter was over, and was also worried that the situation would expand. Those mysterious guys, the aftermath of the fight, may spread to other parts of Jinshan City.


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They checked a series of information and monitoring, and found that except for several tragic car accidents on a late-night street, nothing happened, and even in those few car accidents, no one was actually found dead. ..."Oh no....."

Just when all of them felt deep surprise, news suddenly came out.

A figure who was hanged on the building was finally discovered, reported, and attracted the attention of all parties.

Who is this guy?

At first, it was discovered by people from the Security Office and went to investigate, and then saw various arrangements in the room, which gradually became serious.

Phone, cursed dense array, materials, extraordinary items... Someone guessed his identity, and his scalp was numb, and he almost fell from the upstairs.

"No way?"


When this news, which could only be considered a guess and was not confirmed in the end, had already reached everyone's ears through their own secret channels. Captain Ouyang, who had been waiting for half the night with anxiety, jumped out of the sofa in a moment of shock. He bounced up, his pupils flashed violently, he suddenly realized something, and quickly rushed towards the third floor of Ye Zhai.

When he pushed open Ye Feifei's bedroom door, he was really worried that Wei Wei would not be in it." But when he suddenly pushed the door in, his face changed greatly, and he covered his eyes and backed out:

"sorry Sorry·....."

After hearing the news, Uncle Gun and others looked at him in surprise. Captain Ouyang waved his hands helplessly:

"It's not a big problem, it's just a chemical reaction..."

"It's not Xiao Wei, then who would it be?"

Captain Ouyang returned to the living room, still shocked by the news, unable to sit still.

That was the security captain of the dignified Jinshan City. Yesterday, the Scrap Iron City team dispatched almost collectively, and there was no way to keep him.

On the bright side, Jinshan City is the largest city in the surrounding area. Then, as the captain of the security team in Jinshan City, the cursed demon Tong Ya is the number one powerhouse in this entire area, but this powerhouse was suddenly arrested. Hanged in a building?

How big of a deal is this?

Especially, in the face of such a mysterious and terrifying cursed demon, who has the ability to hang him directly?

"Although we are also confused, but..."

Sister Lucky whispered: "From the analysis of the situation, the biggest suspect seems to be us" How can we have this time? "

Captain Ouyang sweated profusely: "We were all at Ye's house yesterday." Huh? its not right! "

Suddenly, Uncle Gun next to him said, "We were all at Ye's house yesterday, but Captain, you went out alone for nearly two hours..."


Captain Ouyang was stunned.

Brother Xiaolin also reacted, and squinted his eyes and looked at Captain Ouyang: "You said to go to the Jinshan City base to find clues, but it takes an hour to come and go, why did you leave so early, when you came back, But it's been two hours?"

"What did you do?"

Captain Ouyang's eyes widened, he hesitated and refused to speak. The treasury of the Jinshan City security team is hard to find. Does it take time to hide things after finding them?

But that can't be said.

If you say something, it will be confiscated directly...

Even Father Ye, who had just followed up, just happened to hear these words, and also saw Captain Ouyang being questioned all of a sudden, but he was speechless. Glancing at Captain Ouyang. He tapped his chest lightly, and pointed to Ouyang again.

Then quickly went downstairs to tell Mother Ye the good news...

" are so cruel?"

After learning the news, the members of the Jinshan City security team were suddenly stunned.

This night, they have been very cooperative, asking what to say, anyway, they really don't know the key.

Moreover, it was determined that the Scrap Iron City security team could not really kill him, and there was no fear in the cooperation.

However, when he heard that the captain was hanged from the building, his face turned pale. "If you miss a kill in a confrontation, it's a good thing..."

"However, our captain has already escaped, and you guys are still chasing after him, killing him to silence..."

These members of the security team suddenly had real fear, looking at these people in the scrap iron city as if they were looking at a demon.

"You guys are hotter than I thought..."

After hearing the news, the girl in the black dress who was interrogated separately, rarely put away her narcissistic appearance, and said firmly: "Actually, our lives are in the hands of the captain, he can curse us at any time, but we don't even think about him. It's hard to see him, so you can only stay loyal to him, if you really kill him, then you are equivalent to unlocking the curse on us..."

Brother Xiaolin frowned and said, "During the interrogation, you didn't seem to be very loyal to him."

The girl in the black dress said, "I told you that yesterday with the determination to be killed."

Brother Xiaolin was surprised: "Why?"

The girl in the black dress said seriously: "Life is precious, and love is more expensive."

Brother Xiaolin was a little annoyed all of a sudden.

Things are getting really big now...

The news that the Scrap Iron City security team suddenly attacked Jinshan City had spread all over the place as early as last night, and this morning, with the news that the Jinshan City security team had been hanged, it fermented with a bang. , Like an information bomb, it was transmitted to all directions, from the inside out, completely shocking the hearts of all members of the extraordinary circle...

Is this still the legendary group of cowards who only know how to collect junk?

How arrogant does this have to be to destroy the opponent's team overnight, and hang the captain on the building?

The White Ghost Knights, after the death knell incident of the gods is over, are they finally going to leave the Foundation?

I won 2,000 yuan from Ouyang in the last poker game, and I laughed at him as a poor guy. He won't come over to kill me tonight, will he?

What the Scrap Iron City security team did was like a cowardly coward who suddenly raised a knife and slashed someone.

Everyone's usual ridicule and contempt for them all turned into awe and fear at this moment. Not only were they originally provoked with ambitions, those who were ready to make trouble or came to support the Jinshan City team, immediately died down, for fear of being stared at. , even some organizations in the wilderness outside the city immediately fled hundreds of kilometers away, for fear that the people in the scrap iron city would know that they had been here...

But at the same time, a new question arose in my heart:

The strength of the scrap iron city is indeed so powerful that it is shocking, but why do they dare to do such a thing?

Are you really not afraid of the investigators coming down from the Foundation?

The matter is completely out of control, and the Foundation will probably send someone down to investigate immediately. If Tong Ya, the leader of the Jinshan City team, initially thought of making things bigger, and no one could end it.

So now, he used his own death to achieve his goal.

"The third city defense line should have been rectified a long time ago!"

When the panic and suspicion in Jinshan City and its surroundings reached their peak, a vehicle with a Foundation Premium Pass quickly drove out from the second city defense line. It had already received the news of the Jinshan City incident and was furious. Incessantly, the second-level defense line organization in the second city, who was thinking about what to do, also received a phone call at the same time.

They prepared the materials at the fastest speed and sent them somewhere.

The person who got the materials showed them a document, and the secondary organization immediately handed over all the materials, and selected the best elites to form a terrifying Followed at After the car, it went straight to Jinshan City.

"The above actually pays so much attention to it, do you want to take this opportunity to eliminate the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods of the third city's defense line?"

Until the team set off, the insiders couldn't help thinking in horror, and the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became.

"The White Ghost Knights lurking in Scrap Iron City..."

"The destroyed Jinshan City security team and the cursed demon who was hanged..." "The Ye Family, a third-level consortium with ambitions to build a bigger business territory in the third city defense line..."

The woman wearing black gloves and black glasses turned over the information in her hand page by page, her expression gradually serious:

"The problem, in fact, is only with this person..."

She stopped flipping her hands and looked at the last page of information, which was an intern from the Scrap Iron City Security Squad.

Wei Wei, who has an A-level rating and a bright smile!