Crimson Comes

Chapter 291: Calamity and Crimson

Sometimes the development of the plan is so unexpected.

Either the situation is so smooth that he can hardly imagine, and the opponent who should resist is as weak as a lamb, allowing himself to pour out the devil, full of expectations.

Just like Wei Wei who stepped into the city at the beginning, the weakness he showed makes people feel ridiculous.

Or, the situation suddenly reversed, and all kinds of obstacles they couldn't imagine appeared, and all kinds of bad things that they couldn't imagine, were realized one after another like some kind of fatal joke.

Just like Wei Wei who started to fight back.

This is how the current consortium perceives this assassination incident.

According to their original plan, Wei Wei's body should have been destroyed at this time, leaving the scarlet power on the spiritual level, and this is their greatest confidence. They all know that this scarlet is different from before. He was born in a small The boy's body is dominated by the other's humanity, so destroying a person's body is actually not a difficult task given the resources they have.

After that, it drew the sword of the spirit and slashed towards Scarlet.

That little boy's humanity mixed in scarlet will also be cut off by this sword, leaving the purest power.

Scarlet of this nature will reach the most powerful level, but it is also the most valuable level. It will be used as a sacrifice to the twelve gods represented by calamity.

At this point, the ultimate dream has come true.

The Immortal Contract will allow the consortia to become the people most protected by the gods and become holy people.

This was a sweet dream they had had for many years, but it was only at this moment that they realized that a sweet dream can only be a sweet dream.

Ever since Wei Wei started to fight back against the black knight, this dream started to turn into a nightmare. They saw that Wei Wei, the young man who should be easy to kill in theory, actually killed him in an easy but cruel way. After recruiting the three major agents, and with a smile on their faces, they slaughtered the city they created overnight, and there were rivers of blood flowing on the streets everywhere.

Then, they saw him smiling politely even when facing the Spirit Sword.

And, a nightmare-like sickle was drawn.

At this moment, as long as you want to see, whether it is a spiritual barrier or a wilderness, everyone can look up and see the confrontation between the sickle and the sword.

In the gloomy night sky, the sword of the spirit came from the barrier of the spirit, which had accumulated an unknown number of twisted demons, while the **** sickle flew out from the city that had turned into a kingdom of the dead.

The two collided in the night sky, instantly ejecting layers of vortex-like ripples.

buzz buzz...

Circles of trembling spread outward, and every circle of spread was a harvest of the surrounding spiritual world, harvesting all the existences with will and spirit.

No one can guarantee whether Wei Wei killed cleanly in this city built against him before, but after the ripples spread in circles, he can already guarantee it.

If there is still a fish that slipped through the net, then under these ripples, all will has been wiped out in an instant.

Become an idiot, or an empty shell.

Even the head pendant on Wei Wei's waist, or the ghost lady in the jar, can only shrink back desperately at this moment, protecting himself with the power of scarlet.

But obviously, the consequences of this collision are not just that.

The next moment, on the scarlet sickle, there were streaks of squirming blood, following the ripples generated by this collision, they swam to all directions at the end of logic.

The spiritual sword cut out of the spiritual barrier originated from an arrangement by the financial groups inside the spiritual barrier.

Under their instruction, I don't know how many media, or opinion leaders, or some people who have access to channels and resources, are discussing scarlet, discussing this one that was once defined as a demon by the twelve gods, and it is in various places. According to this legend, he committed countless sins, and even his only believer once committed unforgivable crimes in the scrap iron city.

This sparked endless discussions.

Perhaps, those who make these comments may not really understand what they are talking about.

They just completed their tasks because there was an order from above, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so.

I am just discussing and leading opinions. I only need to make some such comments to get generous rewards from the consortium, and no matter what the result is, it has nothing to do with me.

Because I didn't even break the law, or even if there was something wrong, it was easy to digest the consequences.

Of course, what they don't know is that just expressing their opinions in this way can already cause great damage to Scarlet on the spiritual level.

You can deeply deny the child who came down from the garbage mountain, and deny everything he insists on.

But what they didn't expect was that what they could hurt on the spiritual level could also hurt them on the spiritual level.

Thus, inside the spiritual barrier, a nightmare-like scene suddenly appeared. On TV, in the editorial office, behind the Internet, there were countless people who talked and talked, and participated in this matter with a condescending and detached attitude. , felt a burst of dizziness for no reason, and then they saw thick blood seeping out quickly on the wall, under the floor, and in the display screen around them.

They panic, scream, and try to escape, only to find themselves trapped in a blood-soaked world.

They yelled with all their might, but they could only see strands of blood wriggling away from the blood and drilling towards their own pores, eyes, and mouth.

"what happened?"

Strange events like nightmares appeared in various places of the spiritual barrier in an instant, and immediately triggered endless alarms.

Some live streamers died suddenly with blood oozing from their eyes under the harmony of the crowd, and a large number of people who were not discovered suddenly died in a place where there was no communication with the outside world, and some even did not know why. , suddenly went berserk, rushed out from nowhere, yelled like a drunk and rushed into the crowd, and after attracting the attention of countless people, he abruptly cut off his tongue with scissors.

Investigators from all over the Foundation have all monitored such a terrifying scene, and have sent information back to the Foundation.

And the defense lines of the first, second and third cities, the administrative offices, security offices, and secret intelligence personnel of the major super cities also monitored this scene and warned in panic.

In the foundation, not everyone knew about the consortium's plan, or in other words, only a small part knew about it.

They just looked at the news in shock, and according to the standards of the foundation, they immediately made a judgment, and gave a decision after the information was aggregated

"Warning! Warning!"

"Unidentified surreal deaths suddenly appeared in major cities with spiritual barriers, and the death toll is rising geometrically."

"The nature is unknown, the source is unknown."

"Dangerous level..."

After a long silence, they almost mustered up their courage before finally giving a judgment: "SSS-level incident."

This is the only event that surpassed the single S since the illegal sacrifice by the major consortiums more than ten years ago, and it has been upgraded to a higher level than that time.

Even if a totem appeared in the spiritual barrier and attacked with all its strength, it was only an S-level incident.

SSS-level events have basically started to be replaced by another name.

The third type of danger.

Uncontrollable large-scale events led and triggered by demons themselves are the third type of danger in the definition of the Foundation.

According to common sense, whenever such an incident occurs, it is the time when the foundation needs to mobilize all qualifications immediately and stop it at all costs.

But this time, the middle and lower levels of the fund panicked, but the upper level was unusually silent.

"What is the Foundation thinking? "

When this **** strange event,

It is impossible for the leaders of the consortium not to know when they appeared everywhere in the spiritual barrier.

They were still immersed in a dream just now, and they were awakened immediately. They watched those people who should not have had accidents in the spiritual barrier die one by one, as if they saw a fuse, which was quickly flying towards themselves. Burning, finally woke up from the dream, the previous confidence and confidence were instantly shattered by the scene of tragic death, and he just shouted at the top of his voice:


"Notify the Foundation, let them protect us..."


They are not stupid, but have a deep understanding of the nature of demon power and spiritual barriers.

Knowing that the scarlet power can counterattack into the mental barrier, it is because the power of the spiritual barrier is being invalidated.

And this is also one of the preparations they made in advance. Only when the spiritual power of the spiritual barrier is invalidated can they smoothly distort the spiritual power and cut out that sword.

But now, the opponent is attacking back, and the only way to stop it is to mobilize the power of the mental barrier.

However, now it was their turn. Unexpectedly, countless phone calls were broadcast, but the Foundation always showed that they could not connect, or it was just a business-like operator's tone.

So, being forced to do nothing, they dialed the highest line that would not be used easily.

This time, the other party connected, and the head of the consortium, or Ye Feifei's patriarch, shouted hoarsely: "Stop him, stop him...Only you..."

"Didn't you tell the Foundation not to meddle in its own business?"

The voice on the phone seemed very calm, even indifferent: "We reminded you from the beginning, just wait for a while..."

"Let's talk about this now..."

Ye's old man was anxious and angry, "If we don't stop them, we will..."

"You have an immortal contract in your hands, and our foundation also has its own principles."

The voice on the phone said coldly, "The foundation made a promise, so it didn't stop you when you did something."

"But after the consequences, the Foundation will not intervene again."

"Either get involved, or completely withdraw, this is the principle of the Foundation when facing you."


The voice on the phone was silent for a while, then suddenly sneered: "Good luck!"

The phone hung up, and there was a beeping busy tone.

The heads of the financial groups were completely stunned. They looked at each other in blank dismay. They never expected that the foundation would make such a decision at this moment.


It took a long time before someone shouted angrily, "Has the Foundation betrayed us?"

"They can operate normally, all thanks to our funds, they once made a promise to us, but now..."


"Now they're determined to see our jokes."

The other person, an old man from Xu's consortium, interrupted in a cold voice, suppressed his anger, and said in a low voice: "But this is not the point now, the point is that we have been targeted by demons..."

"Then now, there is only one way..."


As his voice sounded, everyone swallowed unconsciously and looked at a person in the hall.

It's Ye Feifei.

In other words, disaster.

She was sitting on the sofa in the hall, surrounded by desserts. Since the assassination, she seemed to have been out of the way, completely ignoring the various processes in the middle, just enjoying the desserts around her, or in other words, the newly built building The red disasters that occurred in the city, the third type of danger that occurred in the spiritual barriers, and the appearance of these consortiums as if they were facing a big enemy were all her favorite desserts.

"Calamity, it's your turn..."

The consortium representative said with a trembling voice, "Everything we do is guided by you."

"Our last

Guarantee, and you too..."


He should have said all this outrightly, but at this moment, he felt guilty: "You will definitely solve him, right?"

The surroundings became dead silent, and no one even dared to breathe before the sound of calamity's reply course. "

Calamity smiled and agreed, then slowly stood up.

The eyes of all the heads of consortiums shone slightly, and a little anticipation couldn't help rising in their hearts. She saw that Calamity had already walked out of the hall with bare feet. She looked towards the outer direction of the spiritual barrier and saw the thick In the night, there is a strong smell of blood, and if the eyes can penetrate the reality, they can see the deep spiritual world, and there is a piece of blood spreading from the horizon.

There is a figure holding a sickle, stepping on the blood, walking straight from the bottom world.

Calamity looked at him, suddenly showed a sweet smile, and then lightly stretched out her soft palm, as if to hold his hand.

"You're here?"


The figure walking amidst the blood color also stood still far away.

The endless blood threads around Wei Wei squirmed and entangled. The moment he saw Ye Feifei, he seemed relieved.

It's not easy.

I couldn't come here directly with the power of the seventh person, so I could only use a stupid method, using the endless knowledge of demons I harvested from my trip to the wilderness this time, to condense into this sickle.

Through this sickle, forcibly cut, came to the depths of the spiritual barrier.

Fortunately, when I came here after paying such a high price, I saw Ye Feifei's smiling face at first sight.

worth it.