Crimson Comes

Chapter 48: bring justice

hula la...

When the little girl was solving the problem, the brains and memories of the residents of the entire scrap iron city were being conquered and rummaged by a mysterious force. When the little girl finally broke down, it enveloped the entire block, causing The demon force field, which has created countless illusions, is like a huge building, starting from the most central point, forming an amazing collapse like a domino.

With the hospital building as the center, the dense and crazy spiritual power spreads out rapidly.

In the dark corridor, the light bulbs kept turning on and off.

The uninhabited sick stand seemed to be pushed around by an invisible ghost, making a clattering sound.

The picture of the nurse on duty on the wall is sometimes quiet, sometimes with a weird smile.

In such a large block, the members of the extraordinary sheriff team of the Scrap Iron City who were wandering also felt the changes in the surrounding force field.

Uncle Gun was standing on the vertical wall, enjoying the fun of hunting crazily, but suddenly he lost track of his prey.


He slowly withdrew the shotgun, raised his arm, and glanced at the precise electronic watch:

"The hunting time is two minutes and fifty-nine seconds..."



Sister Lucky pulled Ye Feifei. She just saw that her oil gauge had pointed to the lowest standard, but suddenly felt the disappearance of the invisible force field around her. She looked up slightly surprised, and determined that the crisis had been resolved, she couldn't help laughing. .

I guessed that the remaining oil was just enough to drive my car back to the base.

"Captain, it's very efficient to do things this time..."

In the communicator, everyone smiled and said to the captain, "It took less than three minutes to solve the core?"

"No, it's not me..."

Captain Ouyang seemed to be very busy, and said eagerly, "Xiao Wei went in."

When everyone heard the words, they were a little surprised and said, "Xiao Wei?"

"Yes, I didn't expect him to solve it so quickly..."

Everyone was surprised.

Captain Ouyang was even more surprised: "The key is, why can't I find him now?"

"Isn't there any danger?"



"tat-ta-ta" "ta-ta-ta"

Not long ago, on a hillside less than 100 kilometers away from the Scrap Iron City, in a huge tent with the church logo printed on it, an old printer was constantly spitting out pages and pages of paper. There were people in battle nun clothes next to them, who picked up the papers one by one, then just glanced at them, then threw them aside, and picked up the others again.

These papers are just densely packed, with crosses one after another.

Next to it, the paper has been piled up to a height of more than one meter, and from time to time someone will take out the excess paper and burn it.

Even the nun was already a little impatient. At this time, she suddenly found that on the new paper, it was not just a cross, but a lot of crooked lines, which made her suddenly very excited. Waiting for new paper.

But the printer seemed to suddenly malfunction, making a sound like an old man coughing.

There is no new paper.

The nun frowned tightly, took out the last piece of paper, and looked at the head of the seventh wandering sect who was standing outside the tent, looking at the direction of the Scrap Iron City from a distance, and whispered: "Master, search It was interrupted and less than a third of the search was done."

Wearing eyes, wearing a black priest's robe, the elegant seventh sect leader, his face did not change.

He just said softly, "Found it?"


The nun replied in a low voice, "But at the end, some lines of unknown meaning did appear."

"I don't know if she had a new idea at the last moment, or if she did find some relevant clues."


"It met expectations."

The head of the seventh sect took the page, glanced at it, and discarded it in the wind.

Facing the questioning eyes of the nun, he was in a good mood and said with a smile: "What a smart girl, these twisted lines show that she already has an idea, and it also shows that she has found the answer at the last moment, or Say, at least she found a clue that is very close to the answer, but she probably didn't have time to write down the final answer..."

The nun's eyes were even more puzzled: "You're still so happy without writing it down?"

"This at least confirms my judgment."

The head of the seventh sect said with a smile: "As long as I can confirm whether the death knell of the gods is really in the scrap iron city, there is enough reason to give an explanation to the elders of the church. After all, this is the only way in the world to prove that the gods were real. The only thing that ever existed..."

"For it, no matter what I do, the elders will forgive me..."


Saying that, the sleeves of his teaching robe were slightly waving, and he said, "Let Shia pick up the third battle group!"

"Presumably they have already started to retreat out of the city now."



The nun could not hide the worry in her eyes, but she was a little puzzled.

"Don't worry, I know the leader of the Knights who used to be known as the 'White Ghost' in the wilderness."

The head of the seventh sect smiled and said, "With the strength of the third battle group, even with the level of two mentors and sufficient firepower, they cannot really threaten Ouyang with an ambush. However, Ouyang will not attack Ouyang. They are killing people."

"He is a very strong but lazy person."

"Although he has now made the most daring decision in his life, he still knows where the balance is. He will not like our people to go in, and he will be very angry, but he will not really kill them. From what I know of him, he can only possibly teach them a hard lesson and leave a mark on them to convey his anger as a warning to me."

"In normal times, I would pay attention to this warning."

"But now, we're running out of time."


He turned around with a gentle and firm smile: "So I don't play games with him anymore."



At the same time, Wei Wei, who climbed out of the window and detoured back to the jeep, said nothing.

He opened the door and entered the car, and then handed the note to its mouth.


The head pendant opened its eyes and saw the dark muzzle, so it suddenly closed its mouth and swallowed the note.

"Happy to serve!"

While chewing, it answered friendly.

Wei Wei just started the car, turned around, and pulled onto the wide road.

"Well, is this looking for you?"

The head pendant suddenly opened his eyes in surprise after chewing on the note, or the demon's instructions on it.

"It's just a little girl doing a problem inside."

Wei Wei glanced at the head pendant with a smile on his face: "She also said at the last moment that the answer is me."

Saying that, she looked slightly expectant: "Could it be..."

"No, not you..."

Before Wei Wei could express his inner desire, the head pendant suddenly swayed from side to side and made a gesture of shaking his head:

"It's just that what this demon command is looking for is related to you, but it's not looking for you..."

"Is the outside world so wonderful?"

"Someone would actually think of finding clues from the entire city in such a rude and direct way. This is simply unimaginable in our first city defense line. Well, give me a little time, this demon command has a very powerful the power of……"

"I need to think about it, what is this thing related to you..."


"I don't want this answer."

Although Wei Wei was also curious, he lost some interest when he heard the head pendant saying that the real answer was not him.

Hearing that it would take time, he shook his head: "I want to know where the person who handed out this note is."

The head pendant was taken aback, opened one eye, and said, "This thing related to you is very important..."

Wei Wei glanced at it and suddenly showed a bright smile: "It's also very important to find the person who gave the demon formula."

"Then just find the person related to this note?"

The head pendant looked at Wei Wei strangely, with deep puzzlement.

"Of course Wei Wei smiled happily, and at the same time he picked up the gun and aimed it at it, saying: "I want both answers, but give me the target first. "

"No price, two requests..."

The head pendant immediately froze, muttered something in a low voice, chewed it twice, and opened his other eye:

"Just to the northwest, about three kilometers..."

"However, I can feel that she is leaving quickly..."


At the same time that it said the answer, Wei Wei had already pushed the gear lever hard and slammed the accelerator.

The head pendant suddenly said, "After finding them, what are you going to do?"

Wei Wei glanced at it expressionlessly, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, which seemed unusually gentle and friendly:

"It's not right for them to deceive a little girl like this..."

As he said, he inserted the tattered jack-o-lantern into the left rearview mirror of the car, admiring it with satisfaction:

"So of course I'm going to have a good chat with them and tell the story of this little jack-o-lantern."

"To persuade people to do good things, someone has to do it..."


In laughter, the modified jeep let out an amazing roar and roar, like a crazy beast passing through the city and rushing forward.

The head pendant's eyes flashed with excitement, and he muttered, "Mad..."

"You will bring a sea of ​​blood to the scrap iron city..."


The answer was Wei Wei's cheerful laughter: "Don't talk nonsense, I want to bring justice to the scrap iron city..."

As he spoke, he suddenly deliberately lowered his voice: "Big brother, big sister, have you heard of the little girl who carried the jack-o-lantern?"

"Ha ha……"