Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 1908: Liquid Deacon

In the Killing Star Territory of the Star Fighting Arena, small forces like the Galaxy Corps will be born almost every once in a while, but no new force will rise so fast like the Galaxy Corps. m

Near the nearest Recruit Continental Fragment, the most powerful force is the Panto Alliance, which ranks within 100,000 in the Slaughter Star Territory and holds a territory the size of 6,000 river systems, but it is scattered throughout the Slaughter Star Territory.

For the Pantuo Alliance, a small force like the Galaxy Corps is simply not enough to attract its attention.

However, if in just over a year, a force formed by the recruits would annex more than a dozen river systems and hundreds of small star clusters around it, such a new force could be regarded as a threat.

In the core star field of the Vilamba River System, which belongs to the Panto Alliance, in a glittering palace with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, the deacon of the ninth order of the galaxy, Rana Delyo, is sitting on the huge throne listening to the intelligence gathering. An eighth-tier strong man in the galaxy reported to him.

Ranader, the deacon of the ninth-tier galaxy, is constantly flowing around his body, and his body armor is also in liquid form. He is a liquid powerhouse from the Pado ethnic group. He is also a high-ranking powerhouse in the galaxy from the starry sky level, in the Star Fighting Field Reserve to the Killing Star Territory. He is a weak one million light-years from the Panto Alliance forces. He usually ignores the forces.

If it weren't for recruiting recruits from nearby recruits on the mainland, he wouldn't be stationed in the current river system.

In order to support the power of the alliance he is in, he must also pay enough attention to recruiting new corps. At the same time, he is also cultivating his own power.

The next leader of the alliance will be selected from the sixteen deacons after the leader is promoted, and his contribution to the alliance is extremely important.

Although he is only the sixth-ranked deacon, his accumulated merits over the past tens of millions of years are not only much higher than other deacons, and even the number of victories and territory occupied by leading the team is also in the forefront.

Except these. He is also slightly lacking in recruiting new forces, so he will be stationed in the Wilamba River System, focusing on recruiting a large number of people to increase the number and strength of the strong team under his control.

It can be said. This Deacon Ranader has an extremely prominent position in the Panto Alliance, and he is considered a high-powered generation among the 50 million galaxy-level powerhouses.

His goal is to win as much as possible in the competition for the new leader of the Pantou League, and to get a place that only the leader is qualified to get into the specific time vortex space exploration treasure hunt in the killing star domain.

That place is extremely precious, and only the leaders of the top 100,000 forces in the Slaughter Star Region are eligible to obtain it. He Ranadel must get this opportunity to try his luck before he advances to the star field level.

While listening to the report of his subordinates, Ranadre's condensed eyes flashed with surprise from time to time.

Because what he reported to him was really hard for him to believe. Just under the nose, there will be a new army, which will establish a huge force in about a year.

Although this emerging power. It is still extremely small in the face of the Pantuo Alliance's forces, but if it is allowed to develop, it is difficult to guarantee the scale of development.

The strong who reported to him. Bistro, a strong amino group, is born with four arms and two heads, and is nearly 100 kilometers tall. This person originally led a team of high-ranking hundreds of galaxies. Outside of the river systems and star clusters occupied by the Panto Alliance, he recruited suitable powerhouses and teams everywhere, or found out what special situations occurred in which star field in the killing star field. , In order to facilitate the deacon of the Pantou League to report to the top, or make a decision.

However, the recent rise of the New Galaxy Corps forced him to return to the Veramba River System early. Report to Deacon Ranader in person.

"... Lord Deacon, the Galactic Corps first established a foothold in the river system where the route is located, and then within a month, it incorporated the forces established by Darifatum and Wentuma. Next, In the past year, this Galactic Corps has been expanding continuously and has merged 17 river systems and hundreds of large and small star clusters around it. New forces with such a rapid expansion. This is still extremely rare in the Slaughter Star Territory and must not be allowed to continue. Grow. Therefore, the subordinates recommend that the alliance send enough strong troops to encircle and wipe out this new force, so as not to pose a threat to the alliance in the future!"

Bistello had bald heads, and his silver-white face was full of solemnity. His four thick arms are constantly waving in the air, and the four thick silver-white fingers on each hand are constantly shining golden light outwards.

"The Galaxy Corps? It has expanded to this scale in a year. Can you find out the background of the leader of this new force?" Ranader asked with a scorching light in his eyes, looking down at Bistello.

"My deacon, I have already probed. The leader of the Galaxy Corps is named Leng Feng. He is a strong man from the territories of the human race, but he is not ranked among the strong in the reserve and the killing star field. According to the affiliation. The news that I got next should be the head of a recruit who has just left from the New Army Continent.” Bistro replied solemnly, shaking a pair of heads and four arms.

"Leng Feng! What? You said he was a recruit captain?"

Hearing Bistro's answer, Ranader's liquid eyes protruded hundreds of kilometers forward, almost touching Bistro's body.

Bistello was almost startled, and jumped back quickly. Ranadre's liquid body is extremely powerful and corrosive, even if it is touched by a galaxy-level powerhouse, it will suffer a certain degree of damage.

"What are you hiding? I won't hurt you?" Ranader's eyes instantly retracted into his body from hundreds of kilometers away, and he glared at Bistro with extremely displeased.

"My lord, I'm afraid you might accidentally hurt me!" Bistello replied with a grieved expression.

Ranader did not want to say anything else, but stood up and looked down at Bistello and asked, "Are you sure that the Galactic Corps is really a recruit? A recruit can actually occupy more than ten river systems and numbers in a year. Hundreds of star clusters?"

No wonder Ranader refused to believe Bistro's words. Even the leader of any powerful force in the Slaughter Star Territory, after hearing Bistro's words, would think it was a fantasy.

A Recruit Corps, after getting out of the Recruit Continental Fragment, there are no more than a thousand first-tier galaxies. Even if the scale is a little larger, there are only two to three thousand people, how can they be able to occupy a river system and even expand to the current scale in about a year?

"Yes! According to the information received by his subordinates. That Leng Feng led tens of thousands of first-order galaxy powerhouses out of the clouds in the new recruit mainland fragment in our nearest place. He occupied the Futu River more than a million light-years away. The name of the organization is the New Galaxy Corps. This is absolutely true, there is absolutely nothing false!" Bistro's silver-white heads no longer shake. The expression was extremely sincere and said to Ranald.

"What? A recruit composed of tens of thousands of first-tier galaxies? How could he have such a powerful appeal to form a recruit of this size. Also, such a large recruit of ten thousand people, such a major event, The recruiting mainland is responsible for recruiting personnel. How can you not report it to me?” Ranald’s eyes shot out anger, and the liquid body under the armor was faster and faster, and layers of terror fluctuated from him. The body spreads outward. The space around his body was vaguely deformed.

The leader of a ten-thousand recruits group that can be organized into such a large recruit group is obviously not an ordinary first-order powerhouse of the galaxy. Whether it is the ability to control the subordinates, or the personal strength, they must reach an extremely astonishing level.

Ranald naturally knows how difficult it is for a ten-thousand-thousand recruits to form and even break through the clouds.

Such a large-scale Recruitment Corps broke through the clouds a year ago in the Recruitment Continental Fragment that is very close to the Wilamba River System. It is such an important matter. He Ranald has been kept in the dark, he was naturally very angry.

"My lord deacon, I don't know about this! I think you need to call Toccefa back for inquiries. You can learn more! Kuccefa is your confidant, but I don't belong to me!" Bistello has a pair of heads. Shao said solemnly.

He was responsible for inquiring about the news and randomly recruiting personnel, but the method was to lead the hundred-man team outside the Recruitment Continental Fragment, and was responsible for recruiting the hundred-man captain of the recruits. It really doesn't make sense to cut the law without responsibility.

Of course, Bistro also hopes that Kuche will be punished for this incident. In this way, Bistro may be able to replace Kuche to the recruit mainland, accept the beauty, and no longer have to experience the pain of running around. .

"No! Recruiting recruits is extremely important. The Recruitment Continental Fragment is the source of the newest blood, and the cutting method must not be easily transferred. Bistro, you go to the recruiting Mainland Fragment with me, I will face the cutting method. Inquiry. A recruit of tens of thousands of people, a team of this size, has never heard of a recruit of this size in the history of Slaughter Star. Before attacking this new force, we need to learn more about it." Ranald's eyes now showed anger and shock.

The anger is because a new force of this size has risen nearby in just one year. The shock was that it was possible to organize into a new army of tens of thousands of people, and to expand so rapidly, it was obvious that the leader of this new force must not be underestimated.

Ranald has basically grasped the situation reported by Bistro. But he still has considerable doubts about Leng Feng's true background.

To be able to become a deacon of one force among the geniuses of the billions of ethnic groups, Lanart does not only rely on personal force. Before he figured out the trump cards of Leng Feng, the leader of the Galaxy Corps, and his organization, he would never send troops to attack rashly.

"Follow the orders of the deacon!" Bistro said with a faint excitement in the eyes of a pair of silver-white heads.

Whether it is raising troops to the Galaxy Corps, or investigating the matter of concealing and unreporting the power of Kuchefa, it is of great benefit to Bistro.

Raising troops to the Galactic Corps, with the huge forces of the Pan-Trust Alliance, even if it is only the power of Lanald, you can mobilize millions of galaxy-level powerhouses to attack at any time, destroy and incorporate a Galactic Corps, it is naturally easy to imagine Very ordinary.

As for Kuchefa's concealment of the ten thousand recruits, Bistrocco knew that it was Kuchefa who let the Galactic recruits go and concealed it from the Alliance.

As long as Ranald confirms the crime of concealing and non-reporting by the Quoting Method, even if the Quoting Method is not killed, he will never let Quoting Method lead his team to continue recruiting new regiments on the Recruitment Continent, but invest it in The strong fight in formation.


Two hours later, the Quoting Method was over the recruits mainland, and Ranald, who was turned into a liquid sphere, wrapped his body and killed him. He couldn't even resist. Next, Bistro led a team of Hundreds into the air over the Recruitment Continental Fragment and was responsible for recruiting the Recruitment Corps.


When the huge crystal palace disappeared over the recruits continent, Ranald looked thinking, lowered his head and laughed and said, "Interesting! A recruits regiment can really develop this way in about a year. Scale! The leader of the Galaxy Corps is by no means an ordinary human strong. If I show enough sincerity, I can't invite him to join the Pantuo League. If Kuoqifa reported this new regiment at that time, it might be easier to recruit. A little captain of the centurion dare to deceive me! Humph! It's not a pity to die!"

"However, if the Galaxy Corps refuses to join my Pantou League, then it must send troops to destroy it. This matter must be hurry up. If it can be recruited, my chances of winning for the leader will naturally increase. I will definitely make a fuss about this, but it will not be conducive to my next plan! Well! Who should I send to see the leader of the Galactic Corps?


One year, for the strong, it's just a flick of a finger.

In the new galaxy, the cold front is quietly observing the evolution of life matter on the planet's surface over the aquamarine star.

Although it has been accelerated by thousands of times, the formation and evolution of life matter on the surface of stars, that is, polymeric molecular matter, is still extremely slow However, Leng Feng is happy to control the planet from time to time. Lightning struck.

"Well! The effect of chaos can isolate the domain of galaxy-level powerhouses, and it can also isolate a certain intensity of annihilation fire. Although it is an existence that only I can feel, it is like the emperor’s new clothes, but it is obviously more special It seems that I can only slowly discover other uses for it!"

Recalling the process of easily suppressing Dali Fatem's treasure palace not long ago, and easily receiving the weapons of three high-ranking galaxies, Leng Feng couldn't help but smile.

"Well! The life matter molecules on the planetary body have initially formed, and it will take some time to interfere. I can study this treasure palace. The acceleration field in this palace is by no means simple!"

Standing in the dark space, Leng Feng was about to release the treasure palace seized a year ago for research, but the communication crystal on his waist suddenly vibrated.

"Huh? This is because Pitu is contacting me. There is no important thing, he will never disturb me easily!" Leng Feng frowned slightly, then picked up the communication crystal. RS

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