Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 2175: Ancestor of giants

"My mother universe is the most powerful universe-level lifeform in the limit? Does it extend its life by swallowing other universes?"

Hearing the Snake Tail woman's affirmative tone, even though Leng Feng had guessed about the Mother Universe in the past, guessing that it was an extremely large living body, he still couldn't help but stared wide, and couldn't believe that all of this was true.

The mother universe is so vast, trillions of vast universes, hundreds of millions of life groups live in it, but the mother universe is nothing but the most powerful life form in the limit.

In the limit land, there are still countless large and small universes. Those universes are all cosmic life forms, and a large number of cosmic life forms are on the verge of collapse and dissipation.

Although the mother universe is powerful, it is also restricted by the extreme land. In the long-term future, it will eventually perish and fall. At present, it relies on engulfing other universes to extend its lifespan. This answer makes it difficult for Leng Feng to digest instantly. .

In the limit land, the sub-universe peak power can advance to the universe-level life form, transforming into a universe with a lifespan of several trillions, but if they enter the emptiness land, they have the opportunity to transform into the existence of a land system beyond the limit.

The snake-tailed woman was not surprised by Leng Feng’s shocked expression. The soft eyes of her vague face looked at Leng Feng and said, “Yes. You come from the most powerful mother universe, and therefore will become other universe life forms. Enemies, the sea of ​​imprints in each universe needs to be expanded and absorb a large number of excellent seeds of the strong, so that the life forms of different levels born within it can contribute to the internal balance of each universe."

"During the interval of devouring other universes, the conceived life forms contribute enough space to nourish the universe-level life forms. This is a process that every universe needs. Your mother universe needs to swallow one every once in a while. The large universe has long since become the most murderous universe-level lifeform in the limit."

"According to my estimation, the time for the mother universe to wake up again will not be too long. Once it wakes up, whether it is the life form that lives in it will be deprived of the subspace, return to the sea of ​​imprints, or the universe in the limit. Level life forms will be greatly threatened. Little guy, my life imprint has disappeared in the void, otherwise it will not fall to the current space that has shrunk consciousness to the realm of the gods, guarding Following some of my insights in the void, I am waiting for the right person to accept the inheritance!"

"Once the mother universe awakens, it will deprive a large number of subspaces of life forms? Will it also swallow other universe-level life forms? You are just a god-king-level consciousness bubble. Waiting for a suitable candidate to inherit? You... you are the chaotic spirit god-king Senior?" Leng Feng asked the girl with a snake tail solemnly at this moment.

The consciousness bubble of the **** king class, waiting for suitable candidates to accept the inheritance. From this point of view, Leng Feng has determined that this snake-tailed woman should be composed of a strand of consciousness of the Chaos Spirit God King.

"Little guy, I don't know if it is the Chaos Spirit God King you think. I have too much memory loss, only the remaining memory fragments after entering the void. If it is not for the fusion of the original pool, I am afraid that this ray of consciousness is also It won't survive, facing away from other fragments of consciousness in this space." The snake-tailed woman could not give Leng Feng an accurate answer.

But Leng Feng is even more aware of this snake-tailed woman. It was the chaotic spirit **** king back then. Of course, from what the snake-tailed woman said, Leng Feng could also imagine that the Chaos Spirit God King should be a cosmic powerhouse back then. When entering the Void Land and preparing to transcend the Limit Land System, the final failure led to the collapse of the brand of life, and even the Chaos Spirit Space collapsed to the current state of God King level.

How did the Chaos Spirit God King leave the land of nothingness and return to the limits of the land. Even as to why he appeared in front of him as a snake-tailed woman, Leng Feng believed that he would eventually get the exact answer.

In any case, after the brand of life collapsed. But he could still hold up the space of the Primordial Spirit Land in the Extreme Land, and he wanted to complete the inheritance of the **** emperor rank, which made Leng Feng respect the Primordial Spirit God King in his heart.

"Senior, you mean, in this dimension or other dimensions in the Chaos Spirit space, there are still a lot of your consciousnesses?" Leng Feng asked solemnly.

"Yes, although my life imprint was shattered at the beginning, I finally couldn't set foot on a higher realm. But when I was about to die, I also felt the way of transforming between nothingness and limit. Therefore, with the power of the entire space, I gathered A bubble consciousness body that is relatively only tens of millions of years old is used to maintain the collapsed space and find descendants suitable for passing on the sentiment before it finally dies."

"It's a pity that although my Chaos Spirit Space remained intact in a short period of time, when I finally formed the inheritance space and returned to the limit, three powerful cosmic life forms invaded. If so, In my peak state back then, the clones of the three universe-level beings would be killed instantly, but at the time I could only shatter their bodies and try to imprison their consciousness."

"During that battle, my consciousness bubble shattered into hundreds of millions of strands, scattered across the energy nodes in the entire inheritance space. This original pool can be regarded as a sea of ​​imprints that can be upgraded to a universe-level life form in the future. Treasure, I have been waiting here for countless years, waiting for someone who is suitable to accept the original pond and the insights to appear. Unfortunately, you little guy is still a little far away from that level!"

When the snake-tailed woman said this, she couldn't help sighing.

"Original pool, can it be upgraded to the brand sea of ​​cosmic life forms?" Hearing this, Leng Feng couldn't help but glance at the red mist spreading around him, and then he understood why the snake-tailed woman values ​​the original pool so much.

This original pool that produces red mist is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Although it was transformed by the body of the ancestor of the snake god, it is a treasure that can be used as a universe-level life body to imprint the sea. Although the original pool has not yet been upgraded to that state, the snake-tailed woman obviously has no need to deceive Leng Feng on this matter.

"Yes, as long as you meet the standard and have the original pool, you can absorb enough life imprint structure even at a low level and lock it in the original pond. The more life imprints, the faster the future imprint sea will grow. This snake man My ancestor met me in the void and forcibly invaded my space. He wanted to swallow my sea of ​​imprints by creating it. The body was made up of the original pond, but in the end it was absorbed and melted by me and became part of my body. Part of it." The snake-tailed woman nodded, her voice turning cold.

"It turns out that the ancestor of the Serpent God Clan is also a sub-universe powerhouse?" Leng Feng said slightly surprised.

"The ancestor of the Snake Human Race was originally one of the strongest in the Mother Universe. If he hadn't interfered with me many times in the void with other sub-universe strong men, maybe I wouldn't be branded and broken. He deserved it. , To be a part of me, it's cheaper for him." The snake-tailed woman said coldly.

"The ancestors of the snake gods and other sub-universe powerhouses interfered with you many times in the nihility?" Leng Feng asked solemnly.

The Land of Nothingness, that was already a world that Leng Feng could not imagine, and that was where even the powerful sub-universe might be annihilated. The ancestors of the Serpent God Clan and other sub-universe-class powerhouses were in that place, and the Chaos Spirit King, who had repeatedly interfered with the peak state of the Sub-Universe, broke through to a higher level, and even caused the final life imprint of the Chaos Spirit King to collapse. There must be many reasons and hidden emotions in it.

"Exactly, the ancestor of the snake-human race is one of the most powerful seeds bred in the imprinted sea of ​​the mother universe. He has united many life forms of the same realm as his, and his purpose is to prevent all self-limiting places from entering the void. All the life forms that are ready to break through the realm. After fusing those strong, I got this information, but it was too late. After that, I would encounter the three invading universe-level strong clones, which made me only I hope to pass on my sentiments sooner, and the bubbles will eventually die, and I can also enter a state of eternal rest. The infinitely long journey of life makes me feel extremely tired. I hope that the final liberation will come soon!"

When the snake-tailed woman said this, her cold voice turned into endless depression.

"Senior, I didn't expect your experience to be so bumpy!" Leng Feng also felt a sourness in the words of the snake-tailed woman, but then said: "Senior, I also come from the mother universe, you will not..."

The Chaos Spirit God King was supposed to be a **** emperor-level powerhouse, that is, a powerhouse in the peak state of the sub-universe. But after entering the land of nothingness, he encountered many disturbances and invasions, and finally his life brand collapsed. The first pupa was the ancestor of the serpent **** family who came from the mother universe. Naturally, Leng Feng was a little worried because he was also from the mother universe.

"Little guy, I also come from the Mother Universe. Although I don’t remember my name anymore, I still know who I was in the Mother The cold eyes of the snake-tailed girl once again turned to Gentle, said to Leng Feng.

"Senior, are you also from the mother universe?" Leng Feng asked a little surprised.

"Yes, I am the ancestor of the giant race, the ancestor of the second most powerful race in the mother universe!" The snake-tailed woman said softly.

"You are the ancestor of the Giant Clan and the ancestor of the Guangyu Clan?" Leng Feng's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

The reason for the entanglement between the Guangyu clan and the snake **** clan has always been the most mysterious thing in the mother universe. It seems that if you trace the roots, you may be able to trace back to the generation of the ancestors of the giants and the snake gods.

The ancestor of the giants is the Chaos Spirit God King, and the Chaos Spirit God King seeks a higher realm, the ancestor of the snake gods will inevitably stop it, and even fight for his life.

As long as he thinks of this, Leng Feng seems to have seen the tragic scene of hatred and killing between the two major races a long time ago.

"I am the ancestor of the Giant Clan, but I don't recognize that the branch of the Guangyu Clan is my offspring. Little guy, don't talk nonsense." The snake-tailed woman's eyes turned sharply. (To be continued...)