Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 584: Drag mommy's gift

Chapter 584 Drag Momi’s Gift

(Chapter Two)

On the border of the Doras Tedu River System, at the core of Chenas City, the second largest city of Bruce Dinat.

With the top-floor building tens of thousands of meters high, Tuo Moye was instructing the city lord Safya.

"Safoa, you prepare a gift tomorrow morning and go to the Heide hotel to meet Yu Feng Nade. Please invite him to me." Tuo Moye stared at Safoa and said.

"Master, understand," Safya said immediately, bowing and saluting.

"Remember, you must be courteous to Yu Fengnad. By the way, throw me the person who presided over the fighting field today to a desolate slave planet to manage reproduction. I ask him to breed within a hundred years. There are 200 million people, if you can't do it, don't go back," Tuo Mo Ye said with a wave.

"Yes, Master, I will make arrangements."

City lord Safya immediately saluted again respectfully before turning around and leaving.

"Hey City Lord Sapphire, are you here to see my brother?"

"Miss Momi"

When opening an account at the door, a beautiful girl in a pale yellow dress greeted Sapphoa, and Sapphoa hurriedly saluted.

It's just that Sapphoa couldn't help being a little dazed when she saw the girl's clothes.

Because of the small amount of material used in this dress, this girl is enough to make many parts that can make people think.

"Go ahead, I'll find something to my brother."

The girl ignored Samoa's shocked expression, jumped and ran into the huge room, and ran towards Tuo Mo Ye.

The girl walked nearly a hundred meters in every step, and reached Tuo Mo Ye in just two steps.

After the girl finished speaking, Sapphoa realized that she was rude, and even looked at some parts of her. If this caused Tuo Moye to appear, the trouble would be big, and he immediately retreated outside the gate. .

"Where did Miss Momi get such eye-catching clothes? Fortunately, I am facing the young master. If he sees me dare to look at Miss like this, I'm afraid he will kill me."

The alloy gate closed instantly, and the beautiful girl rushed to Tuo Mo Ye.

"Brother, I thought this border planet was not fun at all, but today I found a good thing. Do you think my clothes look good?" Drag Momi jumped onto the table with a smile and asked in a circle.

Drag Mo Ye couldn't help frowning, with a hint of blame in his eyes and said: "Sister, I have told you that this is my office. You can't mess around like at home. Why don't you listen? Come down."

"Also, what the clothes look like on your body is too revealing and totally inconsistent with your Viscount identity. You are like this. It's... it's... I still don't say you. It's true. I really regret that I promised my father. You come to me."

While talking, Drag Mo Ye shook his head helplessly.

For this youngest girl, he has nothing to do. He can only drag Momi to the elementary sss level, and does not reach the level of a family member to go abroad for experience. However, he was making trouble at home in the previous period, so his father Marquis drags Moray. Only then will she be dragged to Mo Ye here, in order to let her feel the outside environment.

However, this little girl is not at ease following Tuo Moye’s arrangements and is unwilling to participate in all the activities held at the top of this galaxy. She prefers to wander around the trade fairs and six asteroids on the planet every day. Since I came to this galaxy, I have never been at ease in the promotion and practice, and most of my time is wasted on having fun, which makes Tuo Mo Ye very distressed.

"Brother, this is a dress recently acquired by a group of merchants. It sells for more than two million las gold coins. It is very comfortable to wear. I also bought you a set of clothes. It looks good. Come and see."

Seeing what his brother said about him, Mo Mi showed disapproval on her face, suddenly jumped off the table, the ring on her right finger gleamed, and a casual outfit appeared in his hand.

"Clothes? What kind of clothes? My little sister actually learned how to buy her brother politely, so she has made progress."

Tuo Mo Ye smiled and took the casual clothes handed over by his sister. After taking the clothes and looking at it, Tuo Mo Ye couldn't help but smile.

"Well, this kind of clothes is much more casual than long robes, and the style is a little weird, little girl, is anyone wearing this kind of clothes outside?" Tuo Mo Ye asked with a smile.

"Brother, you are really such a piece of clothing, but it is a rare item shipped from the Qitianxing. Someone can afford to wear it anywhere. I heard that this clothing is made of a mixture of hairy animals and insects. Comfortable"

"This is a sample of a business group. I looked at it just fitting with my brother, so I bought it. It cost tens of millions of dollars, brother, please put it on and try it." Tuo Mo Mi smiled to Tu Mo Ye Said.

"You girl, it's really troublesome. I will try my little girl and know how to give me a gift, and I can give you a gift tomorrow if I fight for it" Tuo Moye said with a smile.

Seeing my brother withdraw the robe and put on the casual clothes he bought, Mo Mi asked curiously: "Brother, what good thing are you giving me? This ring is already a good thing. It’s better than this. If it’s not as good as this ring, I don’t want you to know that my vision is very high."

"Speaking of you girl, this matter may not be what it is today. Brother originally wanted to go to the fighting arena..."

Drag Mo Ye smiled and changed clothes while chatting with the little girl...

"Brother Yu Fengnad, the wine you brought me out is still this kind of sea...what kind of brew tastes the best" Sikoya said with a reddish face holding up the glass, Xiang Lengfeng smiled.

"Brother Sicoya, this wine is called Haizhou Aged Wine, which is distributed by a businessman of Qitianxing. It tastes very good. If you like it, I can give you two more bottles," Leng Feng said with a smile.

Using fine wine to make friends is also a strategy of Leng Feng.

Among the countless races in Doras, there is not no such products as alcohol, but there are not many that can produce alcohol crafts like the human federation.

The human federation originated from various liquors or fruit wines brewed by ancient methods. Both in terms of quality and taste, they are more distinctive than other races, especially the spirits, like the Haizhou aged wine, which has seven Fifteen degrees, but the mouth is very mellow, and the wine is full of strength.

Therefore, Sikeya was full of praise upon contact.

"Well, it would be nice to send me two bottles of wine. If I didn’t listen to you, if I melted the wine, I wouldn’t feel the slight changes in the body of this wine. It’s so wonderful. I’ll be on duty tomorrow morning. , I have to go back and deal with the matter at hand first. Over 900,000 coins, brother, you are so generous," Sicoya said with a smile.

"You're welcome. If it weren't for Brother Sicoya, you bet on the stands, how can I make so much? Of course our brothers are rich together"

Leng Feng said this with a smile, and took out two jars of Haizhou aging from the badge and handed it to Sikoya.

"Or you are rich and have space for storage. With so many coins, I will buy one tomorrow."

Slightly enviously speaking, a crack in the subspace beside Sicoa flashed, and two jars of aged wine instantly entered his subspace.

After the subspace crack closed, Sikoya floated from the bedside.

"Brother, you'd better sell that golden giant sword, otherwise it will bring disaster to you," Sikorya solemnly said to Leng Feng.

"Big Brother Sicoya, what do you mean?" Leng Feng couldn't help asking.

"Brother, you made the limelight in the fighting arena this afternoon. It won’t be long before the entire Doras Empire will know your name. You and that fierce sword are not just the third-level sss-level peak powers, but at least A star warrior who can be included in the fourth rank."

"Brother, anyone who looks at that sword will be greedy. Besides, you still have space attributes. Certain families will definitely take aim at this sword. If you keep it, it is tantamount to leaving a scourge. Of course, if You can use it smoothly, and you are not afraid of people secretly attacking you, then you can hold it. I won’t tell you more, I’m going back.”

Sikoya said goodbye to Leng Feng.

Leng Feng opened the guest room door, sent Sikoya away, and went back to the bed silently.

Jin Yu, with silver wings and golden beak, made a beautiful arc-shaped trajectory in mid-air and quietly landed on Leng Feng's shoulders.

"Sell the golden giant sword to avoid trouble? How can it be? This golden sword is the offensive space attribute weapon I have encountered this time. I will never sell it unless I study the secret patterns it contains."

"The true value of this sword is at least over 100 million crystal coins. I will never give it to anyone. As for someone secretly attacking me, it is only possible to intercept me in space or a remote galaxy. From this When the planet leaves, there is no need to stay on each planet."

"I will go directly to Luwanko, Doras Duxing, and use my clone to transform into other people. Spaceship Zero also has a stealth function. Those who want to attack me may not be able to reach me for the time being. As for Luwan Kexing, it’s not a place where someone can start with me at will."

Thinking of this, Leng Feng showed a firm look in his eyes.

The crack in the subspace opened, and the cold front immediately stepped into the subspace, and the clone arrived in the guest room at the same time, so as not to be unable to take care of it when an outsider came.

Standing on the subspace large 6, Leng Feng released the golden giant sword from the badge.

Observing those secret lines carefully, and the eyes showed joy from time to time.

"It's too hard to remember. It seems simple but it's too complicated to read them. These textures contain the special laws of the space system powerhouse when constructing this weapon, and can produce a small golden sword equivalent to the entity when it is used. In my opinion, if this sword can be penetrated, it will not only release thousands of small golden swords, but it is possible to release more and stronger golden swords. That fierce sword is of the same rank as me, and it is not a spatial attribute. What if I do it?"