Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 812: Give me 1,000 elite soldiers

Chapter 812 Give me a thousand elite soldiers

(The second chapter is here!)

After Leng Feng sat down, Yi Jingzi and Tang Jingxun both nodded slightly without expressing any opinions.

As the top two important scientists in the system network, they only attended the meeting as non-voting delegates. They didn't want to participate in the issue of military ownership like this.

As for Yu Bing, she recognized Leng Feng's words very much, and only the comforting gaze that appeared in her eyes showed that she fully agreed with Leng Feng's decision.

As for the system network army generals to enter the federal military, Yu Bing originally intended to enable the system network officers to control the military management and administration agency of the Federal Command.

Before listening to the reasons stated by Leng Feng, she also wanted the system network to gain greater authority, to directly control all the resources and institutions of the Federation, and to obtain better management capabilities for the development of the Human Federation.

However, after hearing Leng Feng's reasons, she already understood. Even if the system network military does not merge with the federal military, the system network will always hold the supreme power of the human confederation.

The system network will serve as an institution for training strong troops and officers, and will continue to maintain the function of providing technical support to the federal military for the replacement of technological weapons.

As for the highest force Leng Feng said, it is to merge the system network military force with the law enforcement regiment to form the most powerful army. Leng Feng's statement that the combined system network army will be allocated more powerful warships and weapons will never be just casual talk. Yu Bing, who has always been familiar with Leng Feng, knows that Leng Feng must have moderate preparations to say this with confidence. .

All the officers, including Rocky, beamed their eyes after hearing Leng Feng's words.

"When you enter the Federal Army, you can only serve in the regular army. Even if you are in command in the command, it is not interesting! Besides, the defense of our three major galaxies will be maintained. I will never enter the Federal Army. Yes, I don't want to be transferred from Sinbad after joining the Federal Army." Shu Zhentian said to Rocky in a deep voice beside Rocky.

"I also don’t want to enter the federal military, the federal military command and parliamentary government, and from time to time I want to send people into the command system of my Yamian galaxy. I will not allow those mediocre family children to enter my army as officers. !" The enthusiasm said slowly from his seat.

Li Tai has slowly sat down in the last position, his face is a bit ugly. But he still looked at Rocky with expectant eyes, hoping that the top military commander of the system network could say something biased towards him.

Rocky’s face was extremely serious at this time, looked at Leng Feng, then turned to look at Shu Zhentian and Na Xingyi, and then looked at Li Tai and said, “I originally wanted to enter the Federation as a commander of combat troops. This is also to better implement the general agent’s plan for the overall development of the human federation. However, the general agent is very reasonable. The army of our system network must exist in the form of the highest armed force. It will be an elite force. , Not a conventional force that can be commanded within the Federation."

Speaking of this, Rocky turned his gaze to Leng Feng and said: “General agent, I hope to continue to be the highest military commander of the system network and preside over the plan to merge the system network technology organization with the army. In addition, I recommend working in the system network Samsung Department Form a second line of defense to prevent the weak defense of the outer lord guards from being attacked by potential enemies into our star field and establish a rapid reaction force. Hope to get your approval!"

When he said these words, Rocky's eyes seemed to have passionate fighting spirit burning. He was completely hearing what Leng Feng said that it was necessary to establish a force in the Federation with a starry sky-level strong as the commander, replacing the conventional troops in the past. This prospect of the future allowed this soldier to raise a very high fighting spirit.

As a strong officer, Rocky was naturally unwilling to just become an ordinary military general. This was the main reason why he joined the system network in the first place.

After the federation split, the wise men disappeared, and then led all military personnel of the system network to evacuate the whole territory of the federation and stationed in the three major galaxies. For several years, Rocky managed the defense of the three major galaxies until the cold front reappeared.

When Leng Feng, the troublemaker of the year, appeared in Rocky’s vision, he could hardly believe that the Leng Feng, who was defended by him to avoid being shot, formed a powerful law enforcement regiment after missing years of absence. , And led the entire process of federal reunification.

Rocky’s tremendous changes surprised and gratified Rocky. Before his disappearance, his soldiers accidentally became the general agent of the system. A few years after disappearing, they became a legend in the Federation. This is what Rocky felt. The main reason is gratifyingly.

In the next year or so, all the plans proposed by Leng Feng were realized one by one, and an agreement was reached with An Kun, and the official title of Dulas Tedu was obtained. This kind of dual plan can temporarily save people from war and can Obtain a certain period of development buffer time.

These plans of Leng Feng made Rocky gratify, but also thought of supporting him in the rear, that is, the system network military will take over the federal military, replace the high level of the federal command, and become the actual controller of the federal.

Of course, this was actually a plan put forward by Li Tai and other officers to Luo Qi, who were all trusted officers pulled up by Luo Qi with one hand. Rocky knew in his heart that his officers wanted more power, but the plan they put forward was also beneficial to the system network, so Rocky would hold the meeting yesterday and also invited Yu Bing to the scene for comments.

This is the whole process, and of course Rocky is not unselfish. Being able to enter the Federal Headquarters to become the commander-in-chief, after the promotion of his status, may make Yu Bing pay attention to him, and transfer Yu Bing's inner love for Leng Feng, which is a kind of hope of Rocky.

Hearing what Rock said, Leng Feng nodded solemnly. Now it is not a time to talk about personal feelings, but a meeting about the future of the system network. He naturally wants to abandon his previous personal address.

"Commander Rock, I approve your request! The merger of the system network army and the relocation of core science and technology institutions must be carried out quietly, and Prince An Kun and any foreign races must not be known. As for the establishment of a second line of defense with the three major galaxies, this The plan is also determined by you and the military generals. As the military commander of the planets and units of the system network, I believe you can come up with the best defense plan! At that time, we will all decide the final defense plan together."

"In addition, before finding and confirming the existence of the sub-universe created by the wise men, the giant layered world will be the last barrier of the human federation. Its existence must not be spread out and must be kept strictly confidential. Any soldier who leaks the existence of the giant layered world Members of the system and network must be dealt with by military law! I hope you can strictly implement my orders!" Leng Feng sat in his seat and looked at the former chief of Rocky, and said in a heavy voice.

In the giant hierarchical world, even some people in the meeting did not know it, but in order to allow the scientific and technological institutions of the system network to enter the safest environment, and the system network army and law enforcement group are about to merge, it is naturally impossible to continue to hide it.

However, the more people who know the secret, the easier it is to reveal it. Therefore, on the basis of strict confidentiality, personnel of scientific and technological institutions and members of the army are also subject to military laws.

"General agent, Rocky will strictly enforce the confidentiality regulations! Complete the secret relocation and army integration plan." Rocky immediately stood up and solemnly gave a military salute.

After Leng Feng met, he immediately stood up and said with a serious face: "Commander Rocky, the officers and soldiers who can enter the giant world, must meet the standards of the previous law enforcement regiments and adopt the elite access system. I hope you can understand this standard. Of importance."

"In addition, I hope that within a week, you can select for me elite soldiers with more than three types of life energy attributes including three life energy attributes. The level is above the b-level peak. The number is about 1,000. I am staying. During this time within the Federation, they will personally try to use new methods to train them." Leng Feng solemnly said to Rocky.

"Yes, general agent!" Although there was a trace of doubt in Rocky's eyes, he immediately agreed.

"Okay, the system network military affairs will be handled by Commander Rocky! As for the transfer of the organization, Ms. Yu Bing must fully cooperate with Commander Rocky as the deputy general agent. If I am away, I hope you can use me The plan made is fully implemented." Leng Feng turned his face and said to Yu Bing.

"Accepted, general agent!" Yu Bing's face was also extremely serious, but there was still a trace of love in her eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Yeah! Commander Rocky, Ms. Yu Bing, the Lord Guard is backed by Leng Mang as the commander behind the scenes. Therefore, during the establishment process, your military and scientific and technological institutions have to cooperate with him at any time. This matter is left to you. "

Leng Feng's face finally seemed a lot more relaxed, his purpose was to solve the problem, and then he could let others do more specific things.

He has only one person, and it is good to be able to draw up a plan. Let him personally form ten large space fleets. He does not have that time.



Yu Bing and Luo Qi both agreed immediately.

Leng Feng motioned for the two to sit down, and looked at the officers including Shu Zhentian and Na Xingyu, and finally fixed his gaze on Li Tai.

"Colonel Li Tai, I order you to enter the Mirage Star for trial, until you reach the rank and then return to the army, then I will have a new military appointment to you." Leng Feng's eyes flashed when he said this. There was a smile.

When Li Tai was a lieutenant, he was an officer of great merit. It was Li Tai’s idea to persuade Rocky to control the Federal Command this time. This person's military literacy is still very strong, so Leng Feng didn't mean to blame him, but wanted the officer to go to the fantasy star for promotion.

As an A-level peak gold and water dual-attribute powerhouse, if Li Tai enters the Mirage Star, he can persist for a few years. After reaching the elementary level, both his mood and force will be greatly strengthened. At that time, Leng Feng will naturally have another use for this person.

"What? General agent, my current quartermaster is doing a good job. What did you send me to the Mirage Star?" There was a trace of regret and anger in Li Tai's eyes, but there was still a kind of helplessness.

Leng Feng is the supreme leader of the system network, and he is also a strong star. He has just said that it is an order. Even if Li Tai thinks that Leng Feng is removing him from the position of the officer in charge of the system network quarters department, he understands that he has no power to resist. Just asked two why in a row. "

"Colonel Li Tai, this is a micro memory that records the tantric heavy punches. After entering the fantasy star, practice hard and reach the elementary level. If you can perform the first heavy punches, you will have something comparable to the scavenger Yueqing Tianshen. Attack power."

Leng Feng didn't answer, and threw a fingernail-sized memory to Li Tai, which recorded Leng Feng's improved first two heavy punching skills.

"Compared to the strength of the deceased Yueqing Heavenly God from the Scavenger Clan, that is to say, can have the strength of the first rank of the starry sky? I only need to reach the first rank to have that kind of attack power?" Li Tai instantly became a little stupid. .

All the officers and members of the meeting, including Rocky, looked at Leng Feng with surprise.

Leng Feng smiled and said, "Do you have anything else to discuss?"

So the participants shook their heads subconsciously.

Leng Feng said with satisfaction: "If not, I will announce the end of the meeting as the general agent. I am going to Sinbad. You must be there on time for Prince An Kun’s wedding. In addition, try to avoid conflicts and conflicts with foreign lords during the wedding. Contradiction. I'm leaving now!"

While speaking, Leng Feng's figure teleported and disappeared from the meeting room.

The cold front disappeared in such a short distance, and the participants in the room did not react for a long time.

"This kid is really arrogant! He actually teleported out of the meeting room directly." Shu Zhentian smiled and stood up and said softly to that enthusiastic desire.

"Yes, the general agent's skills are very powerful. It would be nice if there were more powerful men like him in our troops." That said thoughtfully.

However, Rocky sent an invitation to Yu Bing and said, "Xiaobing, how about we go to dinner at noon? By the way, discuss the relocation of the core organization of the system network."

Yu Bing looked at Rocky, nodded reluctantly and said, "Okay! Then go to the military cafeteria."


The teleportation of anticipation in Luo Qi's eyes became a bit Jingzi started talking in a low voice with Tang Jingxun from his seat.

"President Tang, the space barrier reaction system has entered a critical test stage. I hope to lead a team to test on the edge of the black hole, and hope that your people can help me correct some parameters!" Yi Jingzi said to Tang Jingxun.

"No problem! I have two newly made trace energy response scanners, which also need to be tested. Then your team will also test it outside to see how sensitive they are." Tang Jingxun nodded and said.

As for Li Tai, he is connecting the micro-memory to the interface of the smart terminal and recalling the contents recorded in it.

"This...this is the skill that corresponds to my dual attributes? It turns out that the general agent hopes that I can have stronger personal strength,'s not to retaliate and leave me." After Li Tai watched for a while, this Aware of Leng Feng's intention.

Only when he raised his head, he found that he was the only one left in the huge conference room.