Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 969: Where is the hyperspace?

The ninth chapter where is the hyperspace?

(This chapter supplements the third chapter of yesterday! There are still 10,000 words to be updated today, please support me!)

The universe is mainly divided into three different rates of spatial structure formation: normal space, hyperspace, and subspace.

Of course, this concept is only relative. In the interlayer between the three major spaces, there are countless strange spatial faults. Some spatial faults may be only a few nanometers in size, and some may have hundreds or even several. Ten million light-years in size.

These spatial faults are hidden between the three main spatial frameworks. It is difficult for ordinary scientific and technological means and powerful means to suddenly enter these spatial faults through spatial barriers.

However, in some special environments in the universe, there are still some special existences that can connect these space faults and occasionally involve some living bodies and non-living matter traveling between the stars.

In the void, it was not easy to get out of the turbulent flow of space. When flying out of hyperspace in the mysterious golden spacecraft, Leng Feng's clone couldn't help but stayed for a while before regaining consciousness.

The three-dimensional image and the information displayed by the intelligent detection system made Leng Feng's eyes widened, an incredible expression.

"How could this be? The planet is three cubic light-years in size, and there is no powerful life form on it, and the location in space cannot be determined here. What is this place?"

Tens of billions of kilometers away, a special milky white planet the size of three cubic light-years is suspended in the void.

Through scanning, the planet's interior is divided into countless layers, and there are a large number of parent crystals in each layer, and there are countless life signals inside the planet, but the life signals of those lives are extremely weak, and their energy levels are almost Same as ordinary humans.

Of course, due to the longer distance, more detailed information may only be obtained by the cold front driving the spacecraft close.

"Although it is peculiar, this planet has nothing to do with me. I still find a way to locate the space coordinates, and then travel through hyperspace to return to the territory of the Doras Empire. I don't know how far I was sent by the turbulence of the energy in an instant through the cosmic shock."

Although he was a little curious about that planet, he was still very adventurous to escape from the hyperspace near the primordial star.

You must know that if you enter the energy turbulence, there is a chance that you will be randomly and quickly reached an unknown star field with the cosmic turbulence, or even directly enter an unknown rescue area, causing you to be unable to escape.

Some lucky ones may only be teleported out of a few river systems, while some unlucky ones are likely to be thrown hundreds of millions or even billions of light-years away, making it impossible to locate spatially and even returning to their own race. When I arrived, I could only find my way home in the interstellar space.

Of course, the Leng Feng clone piloted the Xuanjing Golden spacecraft, staying in the energy burst for only a few minutes, sailing fast for a period of time, using the space detector to detect that he had left the area with space, and then left in hyperspace. The turbulent flow of energy is removed, and the “normal space” is returned.

However, there is a huge planet the size of three cubic light-years in this space, and the surrounding space is pitch black, and there is nothing, which naturally surprised Leng Feng's clone.

The Leng Feng clone operated the intelligent system, inputting the general map of the galaxy cluster in the memory crystal taken out of the badge into it, and making a long-term comparison.

After half an hour passed, the plan to fix the coordinates of the eight river systems failed. One hour later, the plan to locate a large number of tiny clusters of stars failed.

Unable to determine the space coordinates, which means that this space is by no means any star region in the total galaxy cluster star map

"Damn? How could such a weird thing happen? Is it possible that in such a short time in the energy turbulence, you can get into the chaotic star field outside the total galaxy cluster? That would be trillions of light years, how could this be possible? ?"

Leng Feng's avatar stared with big eyes, unable to determine the coordinates, and could not find the way back.

Flying around, I’m afraid I’ll never find a route back home, and I’m lost in the boundless universe. That’s really terrifying.

The total galaxy cluster is extremely wide, and it was left over from the previous life. After the Leng Feng clone was unable to locate it using it, it suddenly became a little confused.

Even if he leaves the territories of human race billions of light years, he can still make a position, and find a suitable and relatively safe channel, slowly marching towards the territory of human race.

Even if it has sailed for thousands of years, the cold front clone still has a goal.

But he couldn't locate the coordinates now, which naturally made him panic.

"Um! Using the dialing system, investing a lot of mother crystals may be able to contact the corresponding dialing system of the system network, then through the dialing system, even if a dialing system is blown up, it is better than not going back."

Just do as he thinks of it, and Leng Feng's clone quickly flew out of the Xuanjing Golden Spaceship.

After turning around and putting away the Xuanjing golden spaceship, he quickly took out six alloy boxes, and opened the box to build the dial system in the void.

There are no other stars nearby, except for the huge planets tens of billions of kilometers away.

Even though they were so far apart, Leng Feng's clone could still feel the huge planet, almost right in front of his eyes.

Even so, the energy of the life bodies on that planet is very weak, and it is impossible for any strong person to fly out of the atmosphere. Therefore, the Leng Feng clone is naturally not worried about the existence of the dialing system, it will be discovered by the life on it, even if it is discovered, what about?

If the dial-up system is activated, the cold front avatar will naturally blow up the dial-up system and will not leave it for discovery and research.

For the dial system, the Lengfeng clone is still very confident, as long as there is enough mother crystal investment, it can form an ultra-long-distance spatial connection.

Even if the living body and physical matter cannot pass through, as long as the fixed-point real-time communication can be carried out, he can naturally locate accurately.

"Hope I just entered a space trap where gravity and energy fields are out of balance, instead of flying out of the total galaxy cluster. If it is a distance of tens of trillions of light years, I am afraid that I will have to fly for tens of millions of years before returning to the Human Federation. But that also requires accurate positioning."

In the eyes of the cold front avatars that kept emerging in gold and white colors, it took a few minutes to install the small dial system.

The dial system with a diameter of three meters was instantly activated under the guidance of the intelligent terminal, and the milky white light flickered from the translucent sphere.

"The distance must be very far, the mother crystal will be invested in units of 100 pieces until the communication link is activated."

Leng Feng's clone murmured at this point, continuously releasing mother crystals from the badge.

In the four-star badge, there are not only 10,000 non-attribute mother crystal coins left by Leng Feng's body, but also tens of thousands of mother crystals with various attributes obtained by Leng Feng from the Mayan asteroid.

There are a total of 50,000 mother crystals. If invested in, Leng Feng's clone is very confident that he can get in touch with the system network military to determine his current coordinates.

"...19,800 pieces, 19,900 pieces...23,800 pieces..."

With the investment of Guo Wanxuejing, Leng Feng's face became increasingly ugly.

The dial system sphere absorbed more than 20,000 mother crystals, but there was still no response, which is simply too ridiculous.

"...Forty-six thousand seven hundred! Damn, why there is still no response?"

After all the mother crystals were thrown into the sphere of the dial system, Leng Feng's clone couldn't help but swear madly.

This situation shows that the space he is in should be extremely far away from the territories of the human race. Even a super-gravity trap cannot block the powerful spatial penetration of the dial system.

Even a special space like God’s Domain cannot prevent the dialing system from connecting with the external space. The small dialing system in front of me directly consumes 46,700 mother crystals, and it is still unable to connect with the dialing system. This naturally makes Leng Feng clone was greatly annoyed.

"Huh! I don't believe it anymore. Ten thousand crystal coins are all invested in it. The energy they contain is much larger than the more than 40,000 mother crystals."

Although somewhat discouraged, Leng Feng's clone decided to put the 10,000 crystal coins in the badge into the dial system after gritting his teeth.

The dial-up system is his greatest hope. These coins may be of great value, but compared to not being able to go home, if they consume them, Leng Feng's avatar will not care much.

"Ten... a hundred... a thousand... 10,000... eh? Still no response?"

After putting the last ten crystal coins into the dialing system, the eyes of Leng Feng's clone appeared extremely frustrated.


At this time, the dial system suddenly burst out with a dazzling milky white light.

"Not good! The dial system should have too much energy load, equivalent to the energy of nearly 100,000 mother crystals, withdraw!"

Leng Feng's face changed at this moment, and he quickly teleported away from where he was, reaching a few light years away.

At this moment, Leng Feng felt that the entire space had become turbulent.

With more than 40,000 mother crystals and tens of thousands of crystal coins, the power of their explosions, even if they are separated by a few light years, the spatial shock is transmitted instantaneously, making Leng Feng clone feel the scalp numb.

"I only thought of contacting the system network, but I forgot that if I can't get in touch, excessive energy accumulation, the dialing system itself will forcibly consume the crystal energy, this kind of danger, if I can't bear it, if I'm exploding the core, I'm afraid Both the body and the soul body will be annihilated, and even the subspace may have to be penetrated by that powerful explosive core energy, leading to direct destruction."

After feeling the shock of the space, Leng Feng's clone quickly fled outwards.

During this process, Leng Feng's clone once again discovered the fact that no matter how fast he flies, he can only fly at a sub-light speed at most, and cannot reach the normal speed of light or even two or three times the speed of light.

"Strange! This space is very strange. The physical constants are very similar to the cosmic space in the previous life. Did I **** enter another cosmic space? Is this possible? The cosmic shock in the energy turbulence can still have this function. ?"

While Leng Feng's clone was flying rapidly towards the explosion range, he immediately took out the mysterious golden battleship and flew inside after realizing this strange incident.

Under the constant turbulence of the space, the Xuanjing golden spacecraft quickly opened the subspace crack under the constant tremor, and got in at one end.

Just as the cold front sub-peak wanted to enter the hyperspace and accelerate out of this star field, the unexpected happened again.

"Damn! What's going on? The hyperspace engine is intact, but the space channel cannot be opened."

Lengfeng Fenfeng immediately checked the engine system in surprise, and the result was just like what he finally observed. The engine and the intelligent system did not have any malfunction at all, but the hyperspace channel could not be opened.

"I obviously drove the spacecraft into this space from hyperspace through subspace, but why can't I enter hyperspace now?"

Upon checking this, Leng Feng clone inadvertently glanced at the top item of the three-dimensional image data, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Damn, how come this subspace is a closed system, my spacecraft actually circled in a two hundred light-year diameter subspace environment?"

The three-dimensional image data show that the spacecraft is in an elliptical closed subspace system with a diameter of 200 light-years. With the maximum flight speed of the mysterious crystal gold spacecraft, it can make a full circle in three days.

It’s weird, it’s really weird. If it’s a subspace of the strong, that’s fine, but here is a subspace. The diameter of two hundred light-years is not that big, but the closed subspace environment should not exist in theory at all. .

What kind of place is this? A strong person in normal space can only fly at sub-light speeds. After using the spacecraft to enter the subspace, it is enough to not enter the hyperspace. It is still in this kind of closed subspace. This is absolutely impossible in the perception of Leng Feng's clone. The environment of existence, but it is truly present before his eyes.

"Can't fly in such a closed environment!"

After observing the data, the cold front clone made a decision only a few seconds later.


The dazzling golden Xuanjing golden spacecraft instantly returned from the subspace to the extremely dark space.

In the whole space, only the huge milky white planet still stood quietly in the void.

In the three-dimensional image displayed by the spatial scanner, the location of the dialing system has formed a high-energy area. The results of data and image detection show that the location of the dialing system is in the shock of expansion and contraction.

"How can this be? It stands to reason that the dialing system must explode after it can't consume so much energy of the mother crystal, but after the explosion, it seems that the energy has condensed again. What is the situation?"

Leng Feng was cloned in the Xuanjing Golden Spaceship, after looking at the data, he didn't recover for a long time.

Since entering this special space, no matter the huge planet or the physical coefficients here, he felt incredible.

What's more, according to normal physical coefficients, the dial system that had already emitted strong spatial shocks should have exploded. The intensity of that explosion was enough to destroy everything in the vicinity for dozens of light years.

However, the strange planet near the core of the explosion is not only intact, but even the violent spatial shock has also stopped. This unreasonable situation naturally makes Leng Feng clone feel! The coordinates could not be located, there were no planets nearby within a hundred light-years, and the dialing system of the system network could not be contacted. The dialing system did not really explode due to energy overload, and the planet showed no signs of damage. It seems that this space is not an ordinary normal space. "

"Perhaps this is a cosmic wonderland, perhaps a constant subspace left by a strong man, or perhaps a space interlayer world. I hope it is not the latter. If the latter is the problem, it will be more troublesome. If it is the former, then I always There is still a way to leave. If it’s the latter, unless I advance to the star field level or have the help of a star field level strong, I will definitely not be able to break through.

Thinking of this, Leng Feng's clone once again sailed the spacecraft into the subspace, towards the corresponding coordinates of the huge planet.

That planet is the only planet, and maybe there will be clues to leave this space. This is the only reason Leng Feng clone can barely comfort him.