Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1201

Seeing Qing Jiangning flowing leisurely on the side, he also seemed a little helpless. He never expected that this guy came with the same task as himself, but if he said that, just leave him here, Jiang Ning’s. The task will not be able to proceed smoothly. After all, she will antagonize herself afterwards, so she must get rid of it.

Jiang Ning turned to look at Liu Qing, and saw that he was still looking at Jiang Ning contentedly, as if not worried about what would happen next. At this moment, Jiang Ning turned around and sneered and said, "Could it be you Do you really think you will have nothing to do next? Then you underestimate me too!"

As if he felt Jiang Ning’s unkind eyes, Liu Qing’s expression also changed immediately, and he said in a hesitant manner: “You have to think carefully. Although we are the opposite of each other now, you and I are both in the future. The pillars of the wolf tribe must be the ones who have the feelings of colleagues in the future. If we are together, we may be able to cooperate more, so that the combined strategy will be used more. Isn't that bad?"

It is naturally impossible for Jiang Ning to reveal his true identity, so he just sneered and said, "Do you think I need you as a mediocre? Even without you and me, the best results can be achieved. It is not inferior to you. What is the effect of leaving you here now that I may not succeed in the future, do you think I will do something like this that will do nothing to my own benefit?"

Hearing Jiang Ning's words, Liu Qing finally couldn't help it. She didn't want to say angrily: "Who is this fellow who is going to cross the river and tear down the bridge! I was very unkind to you before, so I brought you here After that, I didn’t make any hardships to you. Who would have thought that you would treat me like this, don’t you think it’s good for our colleagues?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ning laughed and said, "But who told you that we will be colleagues in the future? You underestimated me too much!"

Hearing this, Liu Qing's face suddenly changed, as if he wanted to say something, but obviously it was too late to cover her mouth for Jiang Ning's will, and he took out the Supreme Profound Sword in the other hand. Stabbed into Liu Qing's chest, blood spurted out immediately, but the strange thing was that the blood seemed to be covered by some kind of breath, it turned out to bypass Jiang Ning and sprayed on both sides, and Jiang Ning was naturally not contaminated. Any blood stains.

Looking at Liu Qing in front of him, his aura disappeared bit by bit, and his face became paler. Jiang Ning knew that he had lost all his vitality and became a person. For such a person, he sneered you naturally without any mercy. At once, he buried him on the spot.

Jiang Ning, who walked out of the prison, looked back at his back, did not say anything, and threw the match in his hand back, just walked away.

Then the entire prison was filled with thick smoke, and the prisoners who were originally in the prison cried out for help, but it was clear that the soldiers who were unable to protect themselves now naturally I won’t come to fight the fire in my spare time, all hiding in my military tent, waiting for the end of the matter, and soon in the cell, but it’s burned clean in this dry environment, even if it is Can't be extended, but that area was still burned completely.

And those who originally lived in the prisons didn’t get any chance of escape. They were buried in the past by the fire. I’m afraid it’s hard to see the sun in this life. In contrast, people It was to feel a lot easier, no one even asked whether the general was dead or alive. They were originally extremely disgusted with what she wanted, but now this fire gave them a complete answer.

After all, there have been many people who wanted to kill the general to vent their anger, but it was because they were afraid that someone would inform them and let themselves bear such a consequence, they have been slow to do it, but now that there has been such a fire. , Then naturally no one will be nosy anymore. It is also a very good thing to let him fend for himself, at least not to let himself bear the consequences and be able to kill the general.

After killing the general, Jiang Ning didn't have any fluctuations. On the contrary, he looked at the fire scene behind him and frowned slightly, then turned and left.

After the fire passed, many people came here. Of course, they didn’t come here to clean up the mess or fight the fire. After all, no one was so active before, and their purpose of coming back here was just Take a look at whether the general has died, this is what they are most concerned about now.

But it is very in line with everyone’s wishes. After seeing the situation here, everyone is greatly relieved, because here they did not see any information about the general that can be said. The general has been buried. Under the fire pit, even if it is a fluke survivor, no one's salvation will definitely not survive for a few days, and finally let go of the burden in their hearts, and the deadlock is finally resigned, and then they can justify their thinking. You don’t need to be controlled by these so-called generals anymore.

After receiving news of the general’s death, the entire military camp was extremely excited. Everyone was punished for shouting, and their hearts were very refreshing. At this time, some people with bad intentions jumped out and they were bold. He pointed out that this barracks needs a leader, otherwise it will become a mess.

Obviously, their purpose is to make themselves in this position, so as to manage the crowd and become the boss in the actual sense of the crowd. This incident naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people, but they did not think that this is the case. This must be done to gain respect. ,, ..