Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1253

In fact, in a blink of an eye, the grassland in summer is more lively than it was in spring. There are still many sheep and cattle on the grassland, making it more lively. If it weren't for the war, maybe Jiangning wouldn't see such a beautiful scenery...

In a blink of an eye, she was on her way back to the tribe. On the way, Yueqing seemed very silent. Jiangning saw Yueqing's physical discomfort and asked: "Guardian Yueqing, if you feel unwell, we can find a place to rest." "Thank you." Battalion commander, but we have already entered Yiya Peak. There seems to be no place to rest here. I'm fine. Let's go ahead. If it is delayed, it will be bad." "Yes, Battalion Commander, Yueqing The law protector is very powerful. How could anything hinder our Yueqing Law protector? We have to go back to the tribe for business!" Jiang Ning looked at the rampant teenager in front of him, and a volley slapped him from immediately. Fall to the ground. Although it is not the slap on the face, the impression is very deep. "If I hadn't seen you and the patriarch for many years, now you are not 2 under the horse, but in a different place. When is it your turn to interrupt? Don't rely on the patriarch to be lawless! I am the 1st battalion. The commander or you are the battalion commander!" Jiang Ning’s deterrence suddenly appeared, obviously a little frightened Yue Qing, but Liu Ziqing was a little more indifferent. He knew that Jiang Ning’s slap was not for the soldier, but for the dark place. It seems that Qiu Tian still doesn't trust them. So at this time Jiang Ning's behavior was to call Qiu Tian to see, to the person who should be seen!

"I know there is a cave not far away. Let's go take a break." After speaking, the soldier stood up aggrieved, and he saw Jiang Ning sitting on the horse. This man seemed not simple. The style of kingship is not something ordinary people can have. of. Being alone this time made him understand why the patriarch was so wary of this person. If this person really does not really consider the interests of the White Wolf Tribe, then the White Wolf Tribe will suffer heavy losses!

Everyone and a group of people followed Jiangning to the vicinity of the cave. This is undoubtedly a few places with caves, and there are rivers that have never appeared in grasslands, like water curtain caves. Yueqing's stomach hurts more and more, and Jiangning was stopped by Yueqing when she said she wanted to help. After resting inside for a long time, Jiang Ning decided to explore the environment here. Remember that it was a small time when I came last time. At that time, I was not sensible and hid cats here. At that time, Xixing was still with himself . When he walked into the cave, Jiang Ning became more and more weird. It seemed that when he was young, he didn't find the cave so big. How did it feel different this time from the impression of the cave when he was a child? Jiang Ning decided to find out, Liu Ziqing and The little soldier followed Jiang Ning, carefully protecting the battalion commander who was about to lead the war. On the way, Ziqing looked like a bird with a frightened bow many times. Hearing the wind and grass, there was a blue light in his hand. This blue flame is a child. The light accompanied by Qing Witchcraft is golden in Jiangning, and all tenth-level wizards are golden, but since Jiang Ning came to the hands of the White Wolf tribe, there hasn’t been such a light, because there is only He will glow with a golden light, but no one has seen the color of Qiu Tian, ​​the tribal patriarch, and even Jiang Ning does not know. He has never fought against Qiu Tian, ​​so Qiu Tian does not know the existence of this person. Everyone just heard that a wizard in the original middle school had reached level ten, but no one had seen him. However, Qiu Tiancha only has one point in Jiangning, that is, Jiangning is a condensing master. Although Qiu Tian’s level is higher than Jiangning’s, his equipment is not as good as Jiangning’s. So this time the legendary suit brought by Jiangning’s arm claws makes Qi Tian is very jealous. In fact, he has known that the Moon Clan has a knee pad equipped with a legendary suit, but the reason why Qiu Tian has not acted is because he is waiting for the appearance of the arm claw. The Moon Clan is a tribe that has already sunrise and sunset. It was easy for Qiu Tian to get the knee pads, but the claws of the arm guards never fell. If you have a legendary suit, winning the Central Plains with Qiu Tian's witchcraft level is a piece of cake.

When Jiang Ning walked near a wall, he discovered that all the walls had mechanisms, and he would move with time. Therefore, this cave is by no means easy to discover the mystery. Every hour, The wall will move. Looking at the traces under his feet, Jiang Ning guessed it, but this hole was not so simple. All this still needs to be explored slowly. Jiang Ning didn't know whether Liu Ziqing had discovered this mystery, but he couldn't tell it, and he must not let Qiu Tian's subordinates know about it, let alone let him notice it. So Jiang Ning immediately let them turn around and go back. "Guardian Yueqing is very unsafe at the entrance of the cave alone. Let's go back. This cave seems nothing special." "Campaign Jiang, didn't you say you want to take a closer look?" The soldier seemed to be wary. Worthy of having been with Qiu Tian for many years, he still has this experience. "Then you watch, Liu Ziqing, let's go." The soldier almost didn't get his head tilted after hearing this sentence. Jiang Ning, his words were so destructive.

When I walked out of the cave to find Yue Qing, Jiang Ning was a bit sleepy. It turned out that it was evening. The moonlight from the entrance of the cave was gentle and gentle, reflecting on everyone's face. Jiang Ning with distinct facial features was like carved out of a mold. In that way, Yueqing looked at the handsome man in front of him. He was indeed a shaman who had been worshipped for many years. This trip was worthwhile! "Battalion commander, we need to rest here." Jiang Ning understood what this little soldier said. He was also a wizard of lower level, and now he had to rest. Wizards who have reached level 9 or above do not need to sleep on time and absorb the essence of the moon night every night. Jiang Ning immediately agreed to him, and the four spent the night in the cave. Yueqing is a wizard with relatively low witchcraft, but this clever guardian is particularly good at other aspects, especially observing the terrain and paying attention to every move around him. His keen eyesight gives him super observation and analysis abilities, and he is decisive. The choice is always correct, and this protector is not simple at all. He knows the Qilin Recovery Method, which is a healing witchcraft that most people can't learn. No matter how difficult the injury and pain are, it can be cured. ,, ..