Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1411: Encounter the Spirit Race in the Grassla

After breakfast, Jiang Ning, Fengying and Yue'er are ready to set off again. The journey is so long, they don't know when they will find the complete map fragment. Chief, let’s take a step forward. I’ll disturb you for a long time. I hope you don’t take offense. "Jiang Ning said."

"The encounter between the three of you and me must be destined by God, so please don't say so. If we can meet again in the future, then I will treat you again with grandeur." The chief answered Jiang Ning calmly. . I saw a curved knife on Jiang Mingjiang passed to the leader's hand. In fact, this knife is not so ordinary, but Jiang Ning's father gave it to him before he died. Although the leader didn't know its importance, he could tell Jiang Ning that this knife was more important than his own life, because he always wore it around his waist.

A discerning person can tell at a glance.

After Yue'er talked with the leader's wife last night, the leader's wife gave Yuer some of his embroidered clothes. Today, Yue'er is leaving. She felt that she should need something in return to the leader’s wife, so he handed over a piece of jade from his body to the leader’s wife, and said: "The leader and you have treated us We will never forget the great kindness and virtue. I will give you this jade as a token of our reunion in the future. I admire you very much and thank you for the clothes and accessories you gave me. I think it is very beautiful." . Yue'er said affectionately to the leader's wife.

Feng Ying stood aside, but there was nothing extra to say to them, but she felt too much emotion in her heart. There are too many things to say, but I don’t know how to express it. In this way, they said goodbye for a while. The leader and the leader's wife sent them out of the tent. When the group of them came outside the tent. Jiang Ning stood on the side inexplicably, as if he wanted to speak but stopped, Yue, but a shrewd girl who knows how to observe, she saw it, but Jiang Lin's mood changed at this moment. Slowly paced to Jiang Ning's side.

"What's wrong with you? Jiang Ning?" Yue'er asked.

"It's okay, don't worry." Jiang Ning replied.

"Okay, can you tell me something we all help you solve together."

"sure no problem".

The leader's wife stood aside, seeming to hear their conversation. At the beginning, he seemed to have seen Jiang Ning's heart. But I don't know how to ask.

At this time, the leader standing on the other side began to speak first. "What if the road ahead for you is far away? Or I can help you prepare something, that would be great," the leader said.

Jiang Ning said: "Chief, you have helped us a lot. If we make any other request, then we don't really know the general situation." Hearing this sentence in his hand and the wife of the leader Then he nodded and smiled. Slowly, Jiang Ning, Yue'er and Fengying walked farther and farther, and slowly faded out of the sight of the leader and the leader’s wife. The leader’s desert walked out, and they fell in love with this beautiful grassland. . But this does not belong to them, because they have to continue to move forward. To find their own world, only to find the remaining map fragments and knee pads and armguards can their task be truly completed.

Their luggage has increased again, with the food and water prepared by the leader and the leader’s wife. Their psychology is also full of gratitude. For a good leader like the leader, they don’t know how to repay, and they don’t know when. There is a chance to see their savior again. The three of them smiled and walked forward! Yue'er's mood now doesn't seem to be as heavy as last night. She will feel inexplicably relaxed and at ease with Jiangning. Perhaps this is the real purpose of her choosing to move forward with Jiangning.

At this time, I saw Feng Yingfei rushing to Jiang Ning's side, and pulled Jiang Ning's shoulders vigorously. Although Jiang Ning was also a young and strong young man, his body trembled involuntarily when he was pulled so hard. For a while. And said: "Feng Ying, what are you doing? It's okay, right? If it's okay, I will give you all my luggage!"

Feng Ying heard Jiang Ning's words and quickly pulled her body away from Jiang Ning's. But Yue'er, who was walking by, let out a ha ha ha laugh. She was amused by Jiang Ning and Feng Ying's behavior. Seeing Yue'er smile so happily, Jiang Ning and Feng Ying found a little comfort in their minds. In this way they talked and laughed and walked. Suddenly, Yue'er stared straight ahead, not knowing what she seemed to see. When Jiang Ning and Feng Ying saw Yue'er staying here, they stopped and looked at the direction of Yue'er.

Looking around, a group of people suddenly appeared in the distance. Upon closer inspection, they were all walking in groups, pacing forward slowly. Jiang Ning, Yue'er, and Feng Ying didn't dare to act rashly when they saw them, because they didn't know the details and origins of these people. The three of them found a small hill and squatted down, but their eyes were always for a group of people who dared to leave the distance. They were all looking at that place carefully, all wanting to see which one was. ,, ..